Starting Out In Web Hosting: Alibaba Cloud For New Businesses

简介: The web is where the majority of purchases begin, as today's tech-savvy consumers search online for the products they want or need.


For anyone starting a new business, or attempting to modernize an existing business, having a presence on the internet is vital. The web is where the majority of purchases begin, as today's tech-savvy consumers search online for the products they want or need. It's changed the way we buy, and it's revolutionized the way we sell. The choice of name for a new company, service or brand now starts with searching for a domain name that no one else has registered.

In the last few years, the rapid move towards cloud computing has made it much easier and cheaper for even a small company to set up the technology it requires in order to operate, without the need to buy and install expensive hardware or hire consultants. A cloud-based server capable of running a busy website or e-commerce platform can be up and running with a provider such as Alibaba Cloud in 10 minutes for less than USD $5 per month. If site traffic outgrows the server, it can be upgraded in minutes for just a few dollars more.

If you're setting up a business, you don't need an IT manager to build your company's cloud computing environment. It's perfectly possible to do it yourself, in order to retain full control and keep costs down. You can create an account with a cloud provider such as Alibaba Cloud very quickly, with nothing more than a web browser and a credit card, and then you're ready to create virtual servers and install the features you need.

In this series of 3 ebooks we follow the story of two people who set up a business, and who choose Alibaba Cloud to host their e-commerce site. You'll learn how to register a domain name and create your first cloud server, how to upgrade to a more powerful server when the time is right, how to monitor all of your servers to ensure that they run smoothly and are safe from attack by hackers, and how to ensure that the business can recover quickly if something goes wrong.

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