Visual Studio代码重构插件Refactor! Pro

简介: 今天升级到VS 2008,在写代码时想做一些重构(refactor)的操作,却发现VS的重构没有提供提取常量(extract constant)的功能。查找了一下,找到了这个著名的第三方重构插件:Refactor!™ Pro   支持的重构 Add Assoc...

今天升级到VS 2008,在写代码时想做一些重构(refactor)的操作,却发现VS的重构没有提供提取常量(extract constant)的功能。查找了一下,找到了这个著名的第三方重构插件:Refactor!™ Pro




Add AssociatedControlID Attribute Add Block Delimiters Add End Tag
Add Parameter Add RunAt Attribute Add to Interface
Add Validator Boolean to Enum Break Apart Arguments
Break Apart Parameters Case to Conditional Change Tag
Collapse Accessors Combine Conditionals Compress to Lambda Expression
Compress to Null Coalescing Operation Compress to Ternary Expression Conditional to Case
Consolidate Using Statements Convert to Auto-implemented Property Convert to Auto-implemented Property (convert all)
Convert to Built-in Type Convert to Create & Set Convert to HEX
Convert to Initializer Convert to IsNothing Convert to Named Color
Convert to Pixels Convert to Points Convert to RGB
Convert to Skin Convert to System Type Create Backing Store
Create Method Contract Create Method Stub Create Multi-variable Declaration
Create Overload Create Setter Method Create With Statement
Decompose Parameter Encapsulate Downcast Encapsulate Field
Expand Accessors Expand Lambda Expression Expand Null Coalescing Operation
Expand Ternary Expression Extract ContentPlaceHolder Extract ContentPlaceHolder (Create Master)
Extract Function (outside of class) Extract Interface Extract Method
Extract Property Extract Script Extract String to Resource
Extract Style (Class) Extract Style (id) Extract to User Control
Extract to XAML Resource Extract to XAML Resource (replace all) Extract XML Literal to Resource
Flatten Conditional For to ForEach ForEach to For
Inline Alias Inline Constant Inline Delegate
Inline Format Item Inline Macro Inline Recent Assignment
Inline Result Inline Temp Inline With Statement
Introduce Alias Introduce Alias (replace all) Introduce Constant
Introduce ForEach Action Introduce Format Item Introduce Local
Introduce Local (replace all) Introduce Parameter Object Introduce Result Variable
Introduce Setter Guard Clause Introduce Using Statement Line-up Arguments
Line-up Parameters Lock to Try/Finally Make Explicit
Make Explicit (and Name Anonymous Type) Make Id Unique Make Implicit
Make Method Static Merge Styles Method to Property
Move Declaration Near Reference Move Initialization to Declaration Move Method to Header
Move Method to Source File Move Style Attributes to CSS Move Style Attributes to External CSS
Move Style Attributes to Theme Move Style Attributes to Theme (use SkinId) Move to Code-behind
Move Type to File Move Type to Namespace Name Anonymous Method
Name Anonymous Type Optimize Namespace References Promote to Parameter
Property to Method Reduce Visibility Remove Assignments to Parameters
Remove Attribute Remove Block Delimiters Remove Empty Handler
Remove End Tag Remove Parameter Remove Private Setter
Remove Redundant Assignment Remove Redundant Conditional Remove Setter Guard Clause
Remove Tag Remove Type Qualifier Remove Type Qualifier (replace all)
Rename Rename File to Match Type Rename Type to Match File
Reorder Attributes Reorder Parameters Replace Temp with Query
Replace with Alias Replace with Constant Replace with Local
Replace with XAML Resource Reverse Conditional Safe Rename
Set CssClass Simplify Expression Split Conditional
Split Initialization from Declaration Split Multi-variable Declaration Split Style
Split Temporary Variable Split With Statement Surround with Tag
Surround with Update Panel Toggle ViewState Use Const (C++ only)
Use IsNullOrEmpty Use String.Compare Use String.Format
Use StringBuilder Use typedef (C++ only) Using to Try/Finally
Widen Scope (promote constant) Widen Scope (promote to field)



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22款Visual Studio Code实用插件推荐
Visual Studio Code是一个轻量级但功能强大的源代码编辑器,轻量级指的是下载下来的Visual Studio Code其实就是一个简单的编辑器,强大指的是支持多种语言的环境插件拓展,也正是因为这种支持插件式安装环境开发让Visual Studio Code成为了开发语言工具中的霸主,让其同时支持开发多种语言成为了可能。俗话说的好:“工欲善其事,必先利其器”,安装一些实用插件对自己日常的开发和工作效率能够大大的提升,避免996从选一款好的开发插件开始。以下是我整理的一些比较实用的Visual Studio Code插件希望对大家有用,大家有更好的插件推荐可在文末留言🤞。
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2023 Visual Studio Code 插件推荐:18 个提高开发效率的常用插件
Visual Studio Code (简称VSCode) 是一款强大的开源代码编辑器,它拥有众多功能强大的扩展插件,使得开发者可以根据自己的需求来定制编辑器的功能和外观。在本文中,我们将分享一些非常实用的 VSCode 插件,这些插件将提高您的开发效率,使编码变得更加愉快。
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Visual Studio Code的使用心得与常用免费插件使用技巧大全总结 老板夸奖我是开发小能手!
这就是我一直在使用的免费代码编辑神器, 它的优点太多了, 有: 智能感知、代码调试、内置 Git 命令、可扩展和可定制都相当牛,最关键的是免费开源!!
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18款Visual Studio实用插件
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