Spring Cloud -- Hystrix 配置说明

简介: Command Properties Execution execution.isolation.strategy (执行的隔离策略) execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds execution.timeout.enabled ex
  1. Command Properties
    1. Execution
      1. execution.isolation.strategy (执行的隔离策略)
      2. execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds
      3. execution.timeout.enabled
      4. execution.isolation.thread.interruptOnTimeout
      5. execution.isolation.semaphore.maxConcurrentRequests
    2. Fallback
      1. fallback.isolation.semaphore.maxConcurrentRequests
      2. fallback.enabled
    3. Circuit Breaker
      1. circuitBreaker.enabled (断路器开关)
      2. circuitBreaker.requestVolumeThreshold (断路器请求阈值)
      3. circuitBreaker.sleepWindowInMilliseconds(断路器休眠时间)
      4. circuitBreaker.errorThresholdPercentage(断路器错误请求百分比)
      5. circuitBreaker.forceOpen(断路器强制开启)
      6. circuitBreaker.forceClosed(断路器强制关闭)
    4. Metrics
      1. metrics.rollingStats.timeInMilliseconds
      2. metrics.rollingStats.numBuckets
      3. metrics.rollingPercentile.enabled
      4. metrics.rollingPercentile.timeInMilliseconds
      5. metrics.rollingPercentile.numBuckets
      6. metrics.rollingPercentile.bucketSize
      7. metrics.healthSnapshot.intervalInMilliseconds
    5. Request Context
      1. requestCache.enabled
      2. requestLog.enabled
  2. Collapser Properties
    1. maxRequestsInBatch
    2. timerDelayInMilliseconds
    3. requestCache.enabled
  3. Thread Pool Properties
    1. coreSize(线程池大小)
    2. maxQueueSize(最大队列数量)
    3. queueSizeRejectionThreshold (队列大小拒绝阈值)
    4. keepAliveTimeMinutes
    5. metrics.rollingStats.timeInMilliseconds
    6. metrics.rollingStats.numBuckets

The following Properties control HystrixCommand behavior:


The following Properties control how HystrixCommand.run() executes.


This property indicates which isolation strategy HystrixCommand.run() executes with, one of the following two choices:

  • THREAD — it executes on a separate thread and concurrent requests are limited by the number of threads in the thread-pool
  • SEMAPHORE — it executes on the calling thread and concurrent requests are limited by the semaphore count

Hystrix隔离策略参数。2个模式: 1.THREAD  每个服务单独分开定义限制的请求数; 2. SEMAPHORE  请求数号计数(整体的一个量) 

Thread or Semaphore

The default, and the recommended setting, is to run commands using thread isolation (THREAD).

Commands executed in threads have an extra layer of protection against latencies beyond what network timeouts can offer.

Generally the only time you should use semaphore isolation (SEMAPHORE) is when the call is so high volume (hundreds per second, per instance) that the overhead of separate threads is too high; this typically only applies to non-network calls.


Netflix API has 100+ commands running in 40+ thread pools and only a handful of those commands are not running in a thread - those that fetch metadata from an in-memory cache or that are façades to thread-isolated commands (see “Primary + Secondary with Fallback” pattern for more information on this).

(Click for larger view)

See how isolation works for more information about this decision.

Default Value THREAD (see ExecutionIsolationStrategy.THREAD)
Default Property hystrix.command.default.execution.isolation.strategy
Instance Property hystrix.command.HystrixCommandKey.execution.isolation.strategy
How to Set Instance Default:
// to use thread isolation
// to use semaphore isolation


This property sets the time in milliseconds after which the caller will observe a timeout and walk away from the command execution. Hystrix marks the HystrixCommand as a TIMEOUT, and performs fallback logic. Note that there is configuration for turning off timeouts per-command, if that is desired (see command.timeout.enabled).

Note: Timeouts will fire on HystrixCommand.queue(), even if the caller never calls get() on the resulting Future. Before Hystrix 1.4.0, only calls to get() triggered the timeout mechanism to take effect in such a case.

Default Value 1000
Default Property hystrix.command.default.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds
Instance Property hystrix.command.HystrixCommandKey.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds
How to Set Instance Default
   .withExecutionTimeoutInMilliseconds(int value)


This property indicates whether the HystrixCommand.run() execution should have a timeout.

Default Value true
Default Property hystrix.command.default.execution.timeout.enabled
Instance Property hystrix.command.HystrixCommandKey.execution.timeout.enabled
How to Set Instance Default
   .withExecutionTimeoutEnabled(boolean value)


This property indicates whether the HystrixCommand.run() execution should be interrupted when a timeout occurs.

Default Value true
Default Property hystrix.command.default.execution.isolation.thread.interruptOnTimeout
Instance Property hystrix.command.HystrixCommandKey.execution.isolation.thread.interruptOnTimeout
How to Set Instance Default
   .withExecutionIsolationThreadInterruptOnTimeout(boolean value)


This property sets the maximum number of requests allowed to a HystrixCommand.run() method when you are using ExecutionIsolationStrategy.SEMAPHORE.

If this maximum concurrent limit is hit then subsequent requests will be rejected.

The logic that you use when you size a semaphore is basically the same as when you choose how many threads to add to a thread-pool, but the overhead for a semaphore is far smaller and typically the executions are far faster (sub-millisecond), otherwise you would be using threads.

For example, 5000rps on a single instance for in-memory lookups with metrics being gathered has been seen to work with a semaphore of only 2.

The isolation principle is still the same so the semaphore should still be a small percentage of the overall container (i.e. Tomcat) thread pool, not all of or most of it, otherwise it provides no protection.

Default Value 10
Default Property hystrix.command.default.execution.isolation.semaphore.maxConcurrentRequests
Instance Property hystrix.command.HystrixCommandKey.execution.isolation.semaphore.maxConcurrentRequests
How to Set Instance Default
   .withExecutionIsolationSemaphoreMaxConcurrentRequests(int value)


The following properties control how HystrixCommand.getFallback() executes. These properties apply to both ExecutionIsolationStrategy.THREAD and ExecutionIsolationStrategy.SEMAPHORE.


This property sets the maximum number of requests a HystrixCommand.getFallback() method is allowed to make from the calling thread.

If the maximum concurrent limit is hit then subsequent requests will be rejected and an exception thrown since no fallback could be retrieved.

Default Value 10
Default Property hystrix.command.default.fallback.isolation.semaphore.maxConcurrentRequests
Instance Property hystrix.command.HystrixCommandKey.fallback.isolation.semaphore.maxConcurrentRequests
How to Set Instance Default
   .withFallbackIsolationSemaphoreMaxConcurrentRequests(int value)


Since: 1.2

This property determines whether a call to HystrixCommand.getFallback() will be attempted when failure or rejection occurs.

Default Value true
Default Property hystrix.command.default.fallback.enabled
Instance Property hystrix.command.HystrixCommandKey.fallback.enabled
How to Set Instance Default
   .withFallbackEnabled(boolean value)

Circuit Breaker

The circuit breaker properties control behavior of the HystrixCircuitBreaker.


This property determines whether a circuit breaker will be used to track health and to short-circuit requests if it trips.


Default Value true
Default Property hystrix.command.default.circuitBreaker.enabled
Instance Property hystrix.command.HystrixCommandKey.circuitBreaker.enabled
How to Set Instance Default
   .withCircuitBreakerEnabled(boolean value)


This property sets the minimum number of requests in a rolling window that will trip the circuit.

For example, if the value is 20, then if only 19 requests are received in the rolling window (say a window of 10 seconds) the circuit will not trip open even if all 19 failed.



Default Value 20
Default Property hystrix.command.default.circuitBreaker.requestVolumeThreshold
Instance Property hystrix.command.HystrixCommandKey.circuitBreaker.requestVolumeThreshold
How to Set Instance Default
   .withCircuitBreakerRequestVolumeThreshold(int value)


This property sets the amount of time, after tripping the circuit, to reject requests before allowing attempts again to determine if the circuit should again be closed.


Default Value 5000
Default Property hystrix.command.default.circuitBreaker.sleepWindowInMilliseconds
Instance Property hystrix.command.HystrixCommandKey.circuitBreaker.sleepWindowInMilliseconds
How to Set Instance Default
   .withCircuitBreakerSleepWindowInMilliseconds(int value)


This property sets the error percentage at or above which the circuit should trip open and start short-circuiting requests to fallback logic.


Default Value 50
Default Property hystrix.command.default.circuitBreaker.errorThresholdPercentage
Instance Property hystrix.command.HystrixCommandKey.circuitBreaker.errorThresholdPercentage
How to Set Instance Default
   .withCircuitBreakerErrorThresholdPercentage(int value)


This property, if true, forces the circuit breaker into an open (tripped) state in which it will reject all requests.

This property takes precedence over circuitBreaker.forceClosed.


该参数比 circuitBreaker.forceClosed 优先级高。

Default Value false
Default Property hystrix.command.default.circuitBreaker.forceOpen
Instance Property hystrix.command.HystrixCommandKey.circuitBreaker.forceOpen
How to Set Instance Default
   .withCircuitBreakerForceOpen(boolean value)


This property, if true, forces the circuit breaker into a closed state in which it will allow requests regardless of the error percentage.

The circuitBreaker.forceOpen property takes precedence so if it is set to true this property does nothing.


如果 circuitBreaker.forceOpen 设为true,此参数无效。

Default Value false
Default Property hystrix.command.default.circuitBreaker.forceClosed
Instance Property hystrix.command.HystrixCommandKey.circuitBreaker.forceClosed
How to Set Instance Default
   .withCircuitBreakerForceClosed(boolean value)


The following properties are related to capturing metrics from HystrixCommand and HystrixObservableCommand execution.


This property sets the duration of the statistical rolling window, in milliseconds. This is how long Hystrix keeps metrics for the circuit breaker to use and for publishing.

As of 1.4.12, this property affects the initial metrics creation only, and adjustments made to this property after startup will not take effect. This avoids metrics data loss, and allows optimizations to metrics gathering.

The window is divided into buckets and “rolls” by these increments.

For example, if this property is set to 10 seconds (10000) with ten 1-second buckets, the following diagram represents how it rolls new buckets on and old ones off:

Default Value 10000
Default Property hystrix.command.default.metrics.rollingStats.timeInMilliseconds
Instance Property hystrix.command.HystrixCommandKey.metrics.rollingStats.timeInMilliseconds
How to Set Instance Default
   .withMetricsRollingStatisticalWindowInMilliseconds(int value)


This property sets the number of buckets the rolling statistical window is divided into.

Note: The following must be true — “metrics.rollingStats.timeInMilliseconds % metrics.rollingStats.numBuckets == 0” — otherwise it will throw an exception.

In other words, 10000/10 is okay, so is 10000/20 but 10000/7 is not.

As of 1.4.12, this property affects the initial metrics creation only, and adjustments made to this property after startup will not take effect. This avoids metrics data loss, and allows optimizations to metrics gathering.

Default Value 10
Possible Values Any value that metrics.rollingStats.timeInMilliseconds can be evenly divided by. The result however should be buckets measuring hundreds or thousands of milliseconds. Performance at high volume has not been tested with buckets <100ms.
Default Property hystrix.command.default.metrics.rollingStats.numBuckets
Instance Property hystrix.command.HystrixCommandKey.metrics.rollingStats.numBuckets
How to Set Instance Default
   .withMetricsRollingStatisticalWindowBuckets(int value)


This property indicates whether execution latencies should be tracked and calculated as percentiles. If they are disabled, all summary statistics (mean, percentiles) are returned as -1.

Default Value true
Default Property hystrix.command.default.metrics.rollingPercentile.enabled
Instance Property hystrix.command.HystrixCommandKey.metrics.rollingPercentile.enabled
How to Set Instance Default
   .withMetricsRollingPercentileEnabled(boolean value)


This property sets the duration of the rolling window in which execution times are kept to allow for percentile calculations, in milliseconds.

The window is divided into buckets and “rolls” by those increments.

As of 1.4.12, this property affects the initial metrics creation only, and adjustments made to this property after startup will not take effect. This avoids metrics data loss, and allows optimizations to metrics gathering.

Default Value 60000
Default Property hystrix.command.default.metrics.rollingPercentile.timeInMilliseconds
Instance Property hystrix.command.HystrixCommandKey.metrics.rollingPercentile.timeInMilliseconds
How to Set Instance Default
   .withMetricsRollingPercentileWindowInMilliseconds(int value)


This property sets the number of buckets the rollingPercentile window will be divided into.

Note: The following must be true — “metrics.rollingPercentile.timeInMilliseconds % metrics.rollingPercentile.numBuckets == 0” — otherwise it will throw an exception.

In other words, 60000/6 is okay, so is 60000/60 but 10000/7 is not.

As of 1.4.12, this property affects the initial metrics creation only, and adjustments made to this property after startup will not take effect. This avoids metrics data loss, and allows optimizations to metrics gathering.

Default Value 6
Possible Values Any value that metrics.rollingPercentile.timeInMilliseconds can be evenly divided by. The result however should be buckets measuring thousands of milliseconds. Performance at high volume has not been tested with buckets <1000ms.
Default Property hystrix.command.default.metrics.rollingPercentile.numBuckets
Instance Property hystrix.command.HystrixCommandKey.metrics.rollingPercentile.numBuckets
How to Set Instance Default
   .withMetricsRollingPercentileWindowBuckets(int value)


This property sets the maximum number of execution times that are kept per bucket. If more executions occur during the time they will wrap around and start over-writing at the beginning of the bucket.

For example, if bucket size is set to 100 and represents a bucket window of 10 seconds, but 500 executions occur during this time, only the last 100 executions will be kept in that 10 second bucket.

If you increase this size, this also increases the amount of memory needed to store values and increases the time needed for sorting the lists to do percentile calculations.

As of 1.4.12, this property affects the initial metrics creation only, and adjustments made to this property after startup will not take effect. This avoids metrics data loss, and allows optimizations to metrics gathering.

Default Value 100
Default Property hystrix.command.default.metrics.rollingPercentile.bucketSize
Instance Property hystrix.command.HystrixCommandKey.metrics.rollingPercentile.bucketSize
How to Set Instance Default
   .withMetricsRollingPercentileBucketSize(int value)


This property sets the time to wait, in milliseconds, between allowing health snapshots to be taken that calculate success and error percentages and affect circuit breaker status.

On high-volume circuits the continual calculation of error percentages can become CPU intensive thus this property allows you to control how often it is calculated.

Default Value 500
Default Property hystrix.command.default.metrics.healthSnapshot.intervalInMilliseconds
Instance Property hystrix.command.HystrixCommandKey.metrics.healthSnapshot.intervalInMilliseconds
How to Set Instance Default
   .withMetricsHealthSnapshotIntervalInMilliseconds(int value)

Request Context

These properties concern HystrixRequestContext functionality used by HystrixCommand.


This property indicates whether HystrixCommand.getCacheKey() should be used with HystrixRequestCache to provide de-duplication functionality via request-scoped caching.

Default Value true
Default Property hystrix.command.default.requestCache.enabled
Instance Property hystrix.command.HystrixCommandKey.requestCache.enabled
How to Set Instance Default
   .withRequestCacheEnabled(boolean value)


This property indicates whether HystrixCommand execution and events should be logged to HystrixRequestLog.

Default Value true
Default Property hystrix.command.default.requestLog.enabled
Instance Property hystrix.command.HystrixCommandKey.requestLog.enabled
How to Set Instance Default
   .withRequestLogEnabled(boolean value)

Collapser Properties

The following properties control HystrixCollapser behavior.


This property sets the maximum number of requests allowed in a batch before this triggers a batch execution.

Default Value Integer.MAX_VALUE
Default Property hystrix.collapser.default.maxRequestsInBatch
Instance Property hystrix.collapser.HystrixCollapserKey.maxRequestsInBatch
How to Set Instance Default
   .withMaxRequestsInBatch(int value)


This property sets the number of milliseconds after the creation of the batch that its execution is triggered.

Default Value 10
Default Property hystrix.collapser.default.timerDelayInMilliseconds
Instance Property hystrix.collapser.HystrixCollapserKey.timerDelayInMilliseconds
How to Set Instance Default
   .withTimerDelayInMilliseconds(int value)


This property indicates whether request caching is enabled for HystrixCollapser.execute() and HystrixCollapser.queue() invocations.

Default Value true
Default Property hystrix.collapser.default.requestCache.enabled
Instance Property hystrix.collapser.HystrixCollapserKey.requestCache.enabled
How to Set Instance Default
   .withRequestCacheEnabled(boolean value)

ThreadPool Properties

The following properties control the behavior of the thread-pools that Hystrix Commands execute on.

Most of the time the default value of 10 threads will be fine (often it could be made smaller).

To determine if it needs to be larger, a basic formula for calculating the size is:

requests per second at peak when healthy × 99th percentile latency in seconds + some breathing room

See the example below to see how this formula is put into practice.

The general principle is keep the pool as small as possible, as it is the primary tool to shed load and prevent resources from becoming blocked if latency occurs.

Netflix API has 30+ of its threadpools set at 10, two at 20, and one at 25.

(Click for larger view)

The above diagram shows an example configuration in which the dependency has no reason to hit the 99.5th percentile and therefore it cuts it short at the network timeout layer and immediately retries with the expectation that it will get median latency most of the time, and will be able to accomplish this all within the 300ms thread timeout.

If the dependency has legitimate reasons to sometimes hit the 99.5th percentile (such as cache miss with lazy generation) then the network timeout will be set higher than it, such as at 325ms with 0 or 1 retries and the thread timeout set higher (350ms+).

The thread-pool is sized at 10 to handle a burst of 99th percentile requests, but when everything is healthy this threadpool will typically only have 1 or 2 threads active at any given time to serve mostly 40ms median calls.

When you configure it correctly a timeout at the HystrixCommand layer should be rare, but the protection is there in case something other than network latency affects the time, or the combination of connect+read+retry+connect+read in a worst case scenario still exceeds the configured overall timeout.

The aggressiveness of configurations and tradeoffs in each direction are different for each dependency.

You can change configurations in real-time as needed as performance characteristics change or when problems are found, all without the risk of taking down the entire app if problems or misconfigurations occur.


This property sets the core thread-pool size. This is the maximum number of HystrixCommands that can execute concurrently.


Default Value 10
Default Property hystrix.threadpool.default.coreSize
Instance Property hystrix.threadpool.HystrixThreadPoolKey.coreSize
How to Set Instance Default
   .withCoreSize(int value)


This property sets the maximum queue size of the BlockingQueue implementation.

If you set this to -1 then SynchronousQueue will be used, otherwise a positive value will be used with LinkedBlockingQueue.

Note: This property only applies at initialization time since queue implementations cannot be resized or changed without re-initializing the thread executor which is not supported.

If you need to overcome this limitation and to allow dynamic changes in the queue, see the queueSizeRejectionThreshold property.

To change between SynchronousQueue and LinkedBlockingQueue requires a restart.




如果要在SynchronousQueueLinkedBlockingQueue 之间切换需要重新启动,以为着改变了队列大小并不改变当前的队列实现。

Default Value −1
Default Property hystrix.threadpool.default.maxQueueSize
Instance Property hystrix.threadpool.HystrixThreadPoolKey.maxQueueSize
How to Set Instance Default
   .withMaxQueueSize(int value)


This property sets the queue size rejection threshold — an artificial maximum queue size at which rejections will occur even if maxQueueSize has not been reached. This property exists because the maxQueueSize of a BlockingQueue cannot be dynamically changed and we want to allow you to dynamically change the queue size that affects rejections.

This is used by HystrixCommand when queuing a thread for execution.

Note: This property is not applicable if maxQueueSize == -1.

队列大小拒绝阈值 –

Default Value 5
Default Property hystrix.threadpool.default.queueSizeRejectionThreshold
Instance Property hystrix.threadpool.HystrixThreadPoolKey.queueSizeRejectionThreshold
How to Set Instance Default
   .withQueueSizeRejectionThreshold(int value)


This property sets the keep-alive time, in minutes.

This is in practice not used since the corePoolSize and maxPoolSize are set to the same value in the default implementation, but if you were to use a custom implementation via plugin then this would be available for you to use.

Default Value 1
Default Property hystrix.threadpool.default.keepAliveTimeMinutes
Instance Property hystrix.threadpool.HystrixThreadPoolKey.keepAliveTimeMinutes
How to Set Instance Default
   .withKeepAliveTimeMinutes(int value)


This property sets the duration of the statistical rolling window, in milliseconds. This is how long metrics are kept for the thread pool.

The window is divided into buckets and “rolls” by those increments.

Default Value 10000
Default Property hystrix.threadpool.default.metrics.rollingStats.timeInMilliseconds
Instance Property hystrix.threadpool.HystrixThreadPoolKey.metrics.rollingStats.timeInMilliseconds
How to Set Instance Default
   .withMetricsRollingStatisticalWindowInMilliseconds(int value)


This property sets the number of buckets the rolling statistical window is divided into.

Note: The following must be true — “metrics.rollingStats.timeInMilliseconds % metrics.rollingStats.numBuckets == 0” — otherwise it will throw an exception.

In other words, 10000/10 is okay, so is 10000/20 but 10000/7 is not.

Default Value 10
Possible Values Any value that metrics.rollingStats.timeInMilliseconds can be evenly divided by. The result however should be buckets measuring hundreds or thousands of milliseconds. Performance at high volume has not been tested with buckets <100ms.
Default Property hystrix.threadpool.default.metrics.rollingPercentile.numBuckets
Instance Property hystrix.threadpool.HystrixThreadPoolProperties.metrics.rollingPercentile.numBuckets
How to Set Instance Default
   .withMetricsRollingStatisticalWindowBuckets(int value)

Java UED 开发者
Spring Boot 降级功能的神秘面纱:Hystrix 与 Resilience4j 究竟藏着怎样的秘密?
【8月更文挑战第29天】在分布式系统中,服务稳定性至关重要。为应对故障,Spring Boot 提供了 Hystrix 和 Resilience4j 两种降级工具。Hystrix 作为 Netflix 的容错框架,通过隔离依赖、控制并发及降级机制增强系统稳定性;Resilience4j 则是一个轻量级库,提供丰富的降级策略。两者均可有效提升系统可靠性,具体选择取决于需求与场景。在面对服务故障时,合理运用这些工具能确保系统基本功能正常运作,优化用户体验。以上简介包括了两个工具的简单示例代码,帮助开发者更好地理解和应用。
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