CDH5之Exhausted available authentication methods

简介: 1.机器环境:前几天,要在 阿里环境装两套CDH的产品环境,其中一套CDH5在安装过程就抛错"Exhausted available authentication methods" 其中的抛错的机器是运维从stage环境机器上,copy的镜像做的新的机器。
前几天,要在 阿里环境装两套CDH的产品环境,其中一套CDH5在安装过程就抛错" Exhausted available authentication methods "

在安装CDH5过程中,输完hadoop用户和密码的下一步(集群安装),web开始刷新数据源抛错: Exhausted available authentication methods




  1. [root@alish1-xxx-01 ~]# adduser hadoop
  2.  [root@alish1-xxx-01 ~]# passwd hadoop
  3. Changing password for user hadoop.
  4. New password:
  5. BAD PASSWORD: it is too short
  6. BAD PASSWORD: is too simple
  7. Retype new password:
  8. passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

  9. [root@alish1-logshedcldmanager-01 etc]# vi /etc/sudoers

  10. ## Allow root to run any commands anywhere
  11. root ALL=(ALL) ALL

  12. hadoop ALL=(root)NOPASSWD:ALL

  13. ###验证sudo权限
  14. [root@alish1-xxx-01 etc]# sudo su hadoop
  15. [hadoop@alish1-logshedcldmanager-01 ~]$ sudo ls -l /root
  16. total 4
  17. -rw------- 1 root root 8 Apr 2 09:45 dead.letter



  1. [root@alish1-xxx-01 ~]# service sshd restart
  2. Stopping sshd: [ OK ]
  3. Starting sshd: [ OK ]


Try using SSH from the command line of another host and use the same user that 
you are entering in the installation wizard to attempt to authenicate to one of the nodes you are attempting to add to the cluster.

- if you are using "root" then ssh as "root" is disabled by default on some OSes... you might check that.
- if you are using a non-root user, then verify that sudo, you might need to configure your sudoers with something like "userid   ALL=(ALL)NOPASSWD:ALL"

remote: HTTP Basic: Access denied. The provided password or token is incorrect or your account has 2
remote: HTTP Basic: Access denied. The provided password or token is incorrect or your account has 2
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