
  1. you are unfamiliar with the subject area.
  2. you can read / understand the most fundamental aspects of the subject area.
  3. ability to implement small changes, understand basic principles and able to figure out additional details with minimal help.
  4. basic proficiency in a subject area without relying on help.
  5. you are comfortable with the subject area and all routine work on it:For software areas - ability to develop medium programs using all basic language features w/o book, awareness of more esoteric features (with book).For systems areas - understanding of many fundamentals of networking and systems administration, ability to run a small network of systems including recovery, debugging and nontrivial troubleshooting that relies on the knowledge of internals.
  6. an even lower degree of reliance on reference materials. Deeper skills in a field or specific technology in the subject area.
  7. ability to develop large programs and systems from scratch. Understanding of low level details and internals. Ability to design / deploy most large, distributed systems from scratch.
  8. you understand and make use of most lesser known language features, technologies, and associated internals. Ability to automate significant amounts of systems administration.
  9. deep understanding of corner cases, esoteric features, protocols and systems including "theory of operation". Demonstrated ability to design, deploy and own very critical or large infrastructure, build accompanying automation.
  10. could have written the book about the subject area but didn't; works with standards committees on defining new standards and methodologies.
  11. wrote the book on the subject area (there actually has to be a book). Recognized industry expert in the field, might have invented it.
JSON Java 数据格式
消息中间件 NoSQL Java
C# 数据库
【C#编程最佳实践 二十】日志与日志级别
【C#编程最佳实践 二十】日志与日志级别
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设计模式 监控 程序员
  标题说的有点玄乎,在网上看到的一篇文章,提到了一些大牛具备的几种素质(或者说应该养成的习惯),值得反思。   部分原文如下:
程序员 Python
  你有没有遇到过那个经典的面试问题,“你预见过自己5年后的职位吗?”。每当有人这样问时,我就会想到Twisted Sister乐队从1984年开始发行的某张专辑。当然是玩摇滚,至不济也得是个摇滚明星级别的程序员吧。这种问题通常得不到正面回答——就像那种在面试中无病呻吟式的陈词滥调,”你最大的缺点是什么?”。有的时候是不是太大起大落?以至于那些无辜的旁观者会受到伤害。   但是,我认为这是一种不一样并更严肃的话题,它应该引起足够的重视。而这并不是为了面试官好,而是为你好。文章开始的那个问题听起来有点老生常谈,而 且大部分人都是有备而来。但是这个问题却会引起更深层的思考:一名软件开发人员的职
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个人花了不到2天时间,写了一个通用数据级别权限的框架设计与实现。 欢迎提意见及评论。有空请打赏! 通用数据级别权限的框架设计与实现(1)-相关业务场景的分析 通用数据级别权限的框架设计与实现(2)-数据权限的准备工作 通用数据级别权限的框架设计与实现(3)-数据列表的权限过滤 通用数据级别权限的框架设计与实现(4)-单条记录的权限控制 通用数据级别权限的框架设计与实现(5)-总结与延伸思考 个人代码已经完成,如需要请打赏后通知我。
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存储 安全 API
安卓应用安全指南 5.2.3 权限和保护级别 高级话题
5.2.3 权限和保护级别 高级话题 原书:Android Application Secure Design/Secure Coding Guidebook 译者:飞龙 协议:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 绕过自定义签名许可的 Android 操作系统特性及其对策 自定义签名权限是一种权限,实现使用相同开发人员密钥签名的应用之间的应用间通信。
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继上篇文章通用数据级别权限的框架设计与实现(4)-单条记录的权限控制后,通用数据级别权限的框架设计已经实现,但我们就这样满足了吗? 代码也只是花了我两个晚上完成的东西,难道他就百分百可用吗? 答案当然是NO,很多场景及问题我们没有考虑进去。
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