Red Hat Enterprise Linux Now Globally Available on Alibaba Cloud

简介: As a Red Hat Certified Cloud and Service Provider, Alibaba Cloud now offers Red Hat Enterprise Linux in its Marketplace

Hangzhou, China, February 22, 2018 – Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing arm of Alibaba Group, today announced that Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the enterprise open source operating system developed by the world's leading open source solutions provider Red Hat, is now available globally in the Alibaba Cloud Marketplace on a pay-as-you-go basis, bringing more choice and flexibility to customers of both Alibaba Cloud and Red Hat globally.

About Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Red Hat Enterprise Linux provides a stable foundation for modernizing IT infrastructure, on which enterprises and developers can roll out new applications, virtualize environments and create a hybrid cloud to deploy Red Hat's certified open source solutions. Users can also customize their versions with add-on functionality from Alibaba, including desktop options and developer tools.

Alibaba Cloud and Red Hat Partnership

Alibaba Cloud and Red Hat entered into a collaboration to leverage each other's infrastructure and solutions in October 2017. Since then, Alibaba Cloud has completed the certification process to officially become a Red Hat Certified Cloud and Service Provider. Being certified means that Alibaba Cloud is recognized as a provider that can offer a safer, scalable, supported and consistent environment for enterprise cloud deployments, as well as Red Hat-tested and validated open source solutions.

Customers of Alibaba Cloud and Red Hat, along with independent software vendors (ISVs) and developers across the globe, can benefit from this collaboration in the following ways:

• Gaining access to reliable and flexible Red Hat Enterprise Linux at a trusted destination.
• Having greater confidence that their IT implementations on cloud begin with a solid foundation.
• Using Red Hat Enterprise Linux on-demand, paying only for what they use, when they need it.

The Best of Both Worlds

Yeming Wang, General Manager of Alibaba Cloud Europe said: "Alibaba Cloud is excited to offer Red Hat Enterprise Linux on our marketplace globally, as this is a recognition of Alibaba Cloud's capability to provide a more secure, scalable, and stable environment to modernize businesses. By working with Red Hat, we can provide our customers with a powerful and reliable platform capable of deploying cloud architectures to support the current and future business demands of digital transformation for enterprises."

Mike Ferris, vice president, Technical Business Development and Business Architecture, Red Hat said: "With Alibaba Cloud's global reach, having Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Alibaba Cloud Marketplace offers customers greater flexibility in the hybrid cloud. At the heart of our business is the desire and commitment to provide a greater choice of solutions in the cloud. Working with one of the world's leading public cloud services providers helps us take another step towards that goal."

Additional Resource

● Learn more about the Red Hat Certified Cloud and Service Provider Program

About Alibaba Cloud

Established in 2009, Alibaba Cloud (, the cloud computing arm of Alibaba Group, is among the world's top three IaaS providers according to Gartner, and the largest provider of public cloud services in China, according to IDC. Alibaba Cloud provides a comprehensive suite of cloud computing services to businesses worldwide, including merchants doing business on Alibaba Group marketplaces, start-ups, corporations and government organizations. Alibaba Cloud is the official Cloud Services Partner of the International Olympic Committee.

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