《The Balance Filter》互补滤波器--MIT著名牛文翻译(上)

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The Balance Filter——A Simple Solution for Integrating Accelerometer and Gyroscope Measurements for a Balancing Platform

互补滤波器—— 一种用于以加速度计和陀螺仪坐整合测量的平衡平台的简单解决方案

作者:Shane Colton




2-Axis Accelerometer:  

•Measures“acceleration,” but really force per unit mass. (F = ma, so a= F/m)                      

• Can be used to measure the force of gravity. Above, X-axis reads 0g, Y-axis reads-1g.   

• Can be used to measure tilt:                                                                                                         


• 测量“加速度”,但实际是每单位质量所受之力。(F = ma, 即 a= F/m)

• 被用于测量重力,上图中,X轴读作 0g, Y轴读作 -1g。                   

• 被用于测量倾角。                                                                                      


X now sees some gravity.   

X reads slightly positive.                Xreads slightly negative

Ysees slightly less gravity.   

Is Y useful information? Probably not:                                    

a) It is far less sensitive to small changes in angle than X.

b) It does not depend on direction of tilt.                                 








•Measures angular rate (speed of rotation).   
•Reads “zero” when stationary.                         
•Reads positive or negative when rotating :   

• 测量角速度(旋转速度)。         
• 静止时为零。                                 
•  顺时针旋转为正,逆时针为反。

Reading Values from the Sensors


The first step is to read in analog inputs  (through the analog-to-digital converter, ADC) for each sensor and get them into useful units. This requires adjustment foroffset andscale:

 第一步是读取每个传感器的模拟输入 (通过模数转换器,ADC)然后转换为有效单位。这需要补偿和比例的调节。

• The offset is easy to find: see what integer value the sensor reads when it is horizontal and/or stationary. If it flickers around, choose an average value. The offsetshould be a signed int-typevariable (or constant).

找补偿值so easy:读取平台水平且/或静止时的整数值。如果值上下跳变,则取平均值。补偿值应为整型变量(或常量)。


• The scale depends on the sensor. It is the factor by which to multiply to get to the desired units.This can be found in the sensor datasheet or by experiment. It is sometimes called the sensor constant, gain, or sensitivity. The scale should be afloat-type variable (or constant).



A bit more about the accelerometer…

If it was necessary to have an estimate of angle for 360º of rotation, having theY-axis measurement would be useful, but not necessary. With it, we could use trigonometry to find the inverse tangent of the two axis readings and calculatethe angle. Without it, we can still use sine or cosine and the X-axis alone to figure out angle, since we know the magnitude of gravity. But trig kills processor time and is non-linear, so if it can be avoided, it should.


For abalancing platform, the most important angles to measure are near vertical. If the platform tilts more than 30º in either direction, there’s probably not much the controller can do other than drive full speed to try to catch it. Within this window, we can use small angle approximation andthe X-axis to save processor time and coding complexity:


Platform is tilted forward by and angle θ, but stationary (not accelerating horizontally).

X-axis reads: (1g) × sin(θ) 

small angle approximation:sin(θ) ≈ θ, inradians

This works well (within 5%) up to θ = ±π/6 =±30º.

So in the following bit of code,

x_acc =(float)(x_acc_ADC – x_acc_offset) * x_acc_scale;

x_acc will be the angle in radians if x_acc_scale is set to scale the output to 1[g] when the X-axis is pointed straight downward.

To get the angle in degrees, x_acc_scale should be multiplied by 180/π.


X轴方向: (1g) × sin(θ) 

小角度近似:sin(θ) ≈ θ,弧度值。

在θ = ±π/6 =±30º范围内效果良好(误差在5%内


x_acc =(float)(x_acc_ADC – x_acc_offset) * x_acc_scale;


若需取角度制单位的角度,x_acc_scale 应乘180/π。

Desired Measurements


In order to control the platform, it would be nice to know both the angle and the angular velocity of the base platform. This could be the basis for an angle PD(proportional/derivative) control algorithm, which has been proven to work well for this type of system. Something like this:


Motor Output = Kp ×(Angle) + Kd × (AngularVelocity)

What exactly MotorOutput does is another story. But the general idea is that this control setup can be tuned with Kp and Kd to give stability and smooth performance. It is less likely to overshoot the horizontal point than aproportional-only controller. (If angle is positive but angular velocity is negative, i.e. it is heading back toward being horizontal, the motors are slowed in advance.)

电机确切输出如何是另一回事了。但大致思路是控制程序可以通过调节 Kp 和 Kd使性能表现稳定、平滑,与纯比例控制器相比超调量更少。(若角度为正,而角速度为负,换言之,在返回水平位置的过程中,电机会提前减速。)

In effect, the PD control scheme is like adding an adjustable spring and damper to the Segway.


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