A solution to display Chinese(GB18030 Locale) and Japanese Fonts in Xmanager Version 2.0


1         Displaying Chinese(GB18030) Fonts

  • This method to display Chinese(GB18030) in Xmanager has been tested in AIX5.3Solaris10HP-UX 11v with Xmanager2 already.
  • Thanks Richard Liu for discovering that only check the necessary fonts will make NBU GUI popup fast on AIX GB18030 locale.

1.1      For AIX

(1)    Download  aix5utfcn.exe and install it into “ <Your Xmanager installation Dir>\Xmanager2\Fonts”.
(2)    Copy “ <Your Xmanager installation Dir>\Xmanager2\Fonts\Misc” as “ <Your Xmanager installation Dir>\Xmanager2\Fonts\Light Misc”, delete files and it looks like below:
Modify the fonts.alias file to:
! $Xorg: fonts.alias,v 1.3 2000/08/21 16:42:31 coskrey Exp $
fixed     -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1
olcursor               "-sun-open look cursor-----12-120-75-75-p-160-sunolcursor-1"
Modify the fonts.dir file to:
6X13.PCF -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1
OLCURSOR.PCF -sun-open look cursor-----12-120-75-75-p-160-sunolcursor-1
(3)    Lunch Xconfig and create a new profile named  AIX Profile.
(4)    Double click  AIX Profile -> choose  Font tab -> uncheck all the fonts Click ->  Add Font Directory -> select “ <Your Xmanager installation Dir>\Xmanager2\Fonts\AIX5UTFCN” -> click  OK;
Click  Add Font Directory -> select “ <Your Xmanager installation Dir>\Xmanager2\Fonts\Light Misc” -> click  OK.
(5)    Confirm the three checkboxs named  Show Missing Font DialogAutomatic Font Substitution and  Permit Font Path to Change are unchecked.
(6)    Click  OK on  AIX Profile Properties dialog box.
(7)    Now you can create a new XDMCP session to connect AIX with this  AIX Profile.
(8)    Done.
Without uncheck redundant default fonts and modify fonts.alias and fonts.dir files, the NBU GUI would popup slowly and slowly.  Now its speed is almost equally to that in Solaris J

1.2      For HPUX

(1)    Download  hp.exe and unzip it into “ <Your Xmanager installation Dir>\Xmanager2\Fonts” .
(2)    Lunch Xconfig.
(3)    Double click  Default Profile -> choose  Font tab ->  Add Font Directory -> select “ <Your Xmanager installation Dir>\Xmanager2\Fonts\hpux” -> click  OK.
(4)    Click  OK on  Default Profile Properties dialog box.
Compare with AIX steps, you can skip the  Show Missing Font Dialog , Automatic Font Substitution and  Permit Font Path to Change option settings.
(5)    Now Chinese GB18030 for HPUX can be displaying right through this  Default Profile.

1.3      For Solaris

(1)    Download  chinese.exe and install it into  “<Your Xmanager installation  Dir>\Xmanager2\Fonts”. You will get “ ..\Fonts\Chinese_misc”, “ ..\Fonts\zh_CN” and “ ..\Font\zh_TW” 3 directories.
(2)    Lunch Xconfig.
(3)    Double click  Default Profile -> choose  Font tab ->  Add Font Directory -> select “ <Your Xmanager installation Dir>\Xmanager2\Fonts\ zh_CN\zh_CN.GBK” -> click  OK.
(4)    Click  OK on  Default Profile Properties dialog box.
Compare with AIX steps, you can skip the  Show Missing Font Dialog , Automatic Font Substitution and  Permit Font Path to Change option settings.
(5)    Now Chinese GB18030 for Solaris can be displaying right through this  Default Profile.

2         Displaying Japanese Fonts

(1)    This method to display Japanese in Xmanager has tested in Solaris 10 and  Xmanager2 already:
·         SHIFT – JIS Character set of Japanese hasn’t been tested.
·         ”ja----EUC”, “ja_JP.PCK”, “ja_JP.UTF-8”, “ja_JP.eucJP” have been tested.
(2)    Download  Japanese.exe and install it into “ <Your Xmanager installation Dir>\Xmanager2\Fonts”.
(3)    Lunch Xconfig.
(4)    Double click click  Default Profile -> choose  Font tab ->  Add Font Directory -> select “ <Your Xmanager installation Dir>\Xmanager2\Fonts\Japanese” -> click  OK.
(5)    Click  OK on  Default Profile Properties dialog box.
Compare with AIX steps, you can skip the  Show Missing Font Dialog , Automatic Font Substitution and  Permit Font Path to Change option settings.
(6)    It works well in AIX5.3, Solaris10 and HP-UX 11v i2.

3         About Xmanager3

(1)    I downloaded Xmanager3 the latest version of Xmanager and installed it.
In Xmanager3, you needn’t download the  aix5utfcn.exechinese.exe and  Japanese.exe to install.
(2)    For AIX, it’s better to do the same steps above for displaying GB18030.
(3)    I haven’t tested in Solaris 10 and HP-UX 11v i2  because Xmanager2 satisfied our requests already.

4         Useful Links

(1)    Displaying Chinese, Korean and Taiwanese character in Xmanager   http://www.netsarang.com/bbs/detail.html?id=xmanager&num=1191&page=&s_select=&s_text
(3)    Xmanager2.0 cannot work well with AIX5.3 in GB18030
(4)    How to display Chinese character on the title

本文转自 xkdcc 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/brantc/116012,如需转载请自行联系原作者
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