理解一个名词:用户代理(user agent)

简介: 文/牛海彬原文:The term user agent and the lack of understanding what a user agent is can also be a problem.



The term user agent and the lack of understanding what a user agent is can also be a problem.
Normally, the user agent is a browser like Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE), Netscape,
Mozilla (Moz), Firefox (Fx), Opera, or Safari. However, browsers are not the only user agents on
the Web. Others include
• Assistive technology that helps users to overcome the limitations of a disability—like
text-to-speech software or Braille displays
• Text-only agents like Lynx
• Web-enabled applications
• Game consoles
• Mobile/cell phones
• PDAs
• Interactive TV set-top boxes
• Search engines and other indexing programs
• And many more
This large variety of user agents, of different technical finesse (and old user agents that
don’t get updated), is also a great danger for JavaScript. 


术语用户代理和对用户代理是什么的缺乏理解同样也是个问题。通常,用户代理是指一个浏览器,如微软的Internet ExplorerMSIE),NetscapeMozillaMoz),FirefoxFx),OperaSafari。但是浏览器不是Web上唯一的用户代理。其它的包括:

n         辅助技术,用来帮助用户克服它们的缺陷如文本阅读软件或者盲人显示器

n         纯文字网页浏览器,像Lynx

n         Web激活的应用程序

n         游戏控制台

n         手机/蜂窝电话

n         掌上手机(PDAs

n         交互式的电视机顶盒

n         搜索引擎和其它检索程序

n         更多其他的



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2021常见的搜索引擎蜘蛛的User Agent汇总
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2021常见的搜索引擎蜘蛛的User Agent汇总
2021常见的搜索引擎蜘蛛的User Agent汇总
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浏览器的User Agent Styles
浏览器的User Agent Styles
浏览器的User Agent Styles
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设置用户代理User Agent访问网页(Python2.7)
本文目录 1. 概念 2. 在python中设置代理 3. 更多设置
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