Memory usage by user

简介: A short little script I stumbled across when cleaning my $HOME.

A short little script I stumbled across when cleaning my $HOME. I do not think I wrote it myself - at least I can't recall that I did. Quite handy and it's small and compact using the commands ps, awk, sort and head:


ps aux --no-headers | awk '
name[$1] += $1;
pros[$1] += $4;
mem[$1] += $5
for (var in name) {
print mem[var]" "var" "pros[var]
}' | sort -nr | head


The result is a top ten list of the users that consume the most memory:


741012 root 9.3
238152 bjorn 3.8
119380 thomasez 1.2
105332 krav 1.9
100804 lars 0.6
95916 ingvar 1.6
89720 kjetilho 1.5
78044 jo 1
74232 espen 0.8
73460 michael 0.4


There I am - at number five...

安全 数据处理 C#
存储 缓存 大数据
Starrocks执行查询报错:Memory of process exceed limit. Used: XXX, Limit: XXX. Mem usage has exceed the limit of BE
Starrocks执行查询报错:Memory of process exceed limit. Used: XXX, Limit: XXX. Mem usage has exceed the limit of BE
数据库 缓存 Linux
pacman usage
pacman使用 安装了系统时候, 应该立马使用pacman-mirrors -c China更新源, 再使用pacman -Syyn更新系统 编辑/etc/pacman.conf添加 [archlinuxcn] SigLevel = Optional TrustedOnly Server = https://mirrors.
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