Note of Apache Ant - Core Tasks

Here will note some useful task of ant, this maybe used in high frequency in daily operate.  But some too common task will be not mention here, such as "ant".
< condition  property ="javamail.complete" > 
         < and > 
             < available  classname ="javax.activation.DataHandler" /> 
             < available  classname ="javax.mail.Transport" /> 
         </ and > 
     </ condition >
Sets the property "javamail.complete" if both the JavaBeans Activation Framework and JavaMail are available in the classpath.
< condition  property ="isMacOsButNotMacOsX" > 
         < and > 
             < os  family ="mac" /> 

             < not > 
                 < os  family ="unix" /> 

             </ not > 
         </ and > 
     </ condition > 
Sets the property "isMacOsButNotMacOsX " if the current operating system is MacOS, but not MacOS X - which Ant considers to be in the Unix family as well.
Copy a single file
< copy  file ="myfile.txt"  tofile ="mycopy.txt" /> 
Copy a single file to a directory
< copy  file ="myfile.txt"  todir ="../some/other/dir" />
Copy a directory to another directory
< copy  todir ="../new/dir" > 
         < fileset  dir ="src_dir" /> 
     </ copy >
Copy a set of files to a directory
< copy  todir ="../dest/dir" > 
         < fileset  dir ="src_dir" > 
             < exclude  name ="**/*.java" /> 
         </ fileset > 
     </ copy > 

     < copy  todir ="../dest/dir" > 
         < fileset  dir ="src_dir"  excludes ="**/*.java" /> 
     </ copy >
Creates a zipfile.
< zip  destfile ="${dist}/" 
              basedir ="htdocs/manual" 
              update ="true" 
zips all files in the htdocs/manual directory into a file called in the ${dist} directory. If doesn't exist, it is created; otherwise it is updated with the new/changed files.
< zip  destfile ="${dist}/" > 
         < fileset  dir ="htdocs/manual" /> 
         < fileset  dir ="."  includes ="ChangeLog.txt" /> 
     </ zip >
zips all files in the htdocs/manual directory, and also adds the file ChangeLog.txt in the current directory. ChangeLog.txt will be added to the top of the ZIP file, just as if it had been located at htdocs/manual/ChangeLog.txt.
Jars a set of files.
< jar  destfile ="test.jar"  basedir ="." > 
         < include  name ="build" /> 
         < manifest > 
            <!--  Who is building this jar? --> 
             < attribute  name ="Built-By"  value ="${}" /> 
            <!--  Information about the program itself --> 
             < attribute  name ="Implementation-Vendor"  value ="ACME inc." /> 
             < attribute  name ="Implementation-Title"  value ="GreatProduct" /> 
             < attribute  name ="Implementation-Version"  value ="1.0.0beta2" /> 
            <!--  details --> 
             < section  name ="common/class1.class" > 
                 < attribute  name ="Sealed"  value ="false" /> 
             </ section > 
         </ manifest > 
     </ jar >
This is an example of an inline manifest specification including the version of the build program (Implementation-Version). Note that the Built-By attribute will take the value of the Ant property ${}.

    本文转自danni505 51CTO博客,原文链接:,如需转载请自行联系原作者

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【Apache Ant】ANT解析以及ANT在myEclipse中的使用
【Apache Ant】ANT解析以及ANT在myEclipse中的使用
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【Apache Ant】ANT解析以及ANT在myEclipse中的使用
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【Apache Ant】ANT解析以及ANT在myEclipse中的使用
转载请注明出处: 本文源自【大学之旅_谙忆的博客】 维基百科上对Ant的介绍: Apache Ant,是一个将软件编译、测试、部署等步骤联系在一起加以自动化的一个工具,大多用于Java环境中的软件开发。
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手动利用Apache Ant构建部署自己的Java项目
虽然Eclipse从3.0开始已经继承了Ant插件,大家的项目可以自动构建 部署,此篇文章看也没多大用处,但是手动去自己使用以下 Ant来构建自己的Java项目也是一件有意义的事情,虽然现在已经没用人用Javac Java命令行的方式 来搞程序。
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替代Apache Ant的最佳工具
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替代Apache Ant的最佳工具
版权声明:本文为博主chszs的原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。 《替代Apache Ant的最佳工具》 作者:chszs,转载需注明。
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