网上已经有nagios 的 nginx的脚本了,有通过本地拿数据通过check_nrpe 传输给nagios的,也有pl写的通过get status 页面来获得数据的。
我自己也做了个。通过wget nginx status页面,来拆分数据·来实现报警功能的。至于出图,暂时还没有做测试。稍后会把出图数据以及pnp模版发布上来。
nginx $> cat check_nginx.sh
#!/bin/bash PROGNAME=`basename $0` VERSION="Version 1.0" AUTHOR="2010.11.18-www.nginxs.com" ST_OK=0 ST_WR=1 ST_CR=2 ST_UK=3 print_version() { echo "$VERSION $AUTHOR" } print_help() { print_version $PROGNAME $VERSION echo "$PROGNAME is a Nagios plugin to monitor nginx status" echo "Use of wget nginxstatus page" echo "When using optional warning/critical thresholds all values except" echo "Usage parameters:" echo "" echo "$PROGNAME [-u|--url] [-p|--path] [-w/--warning] [-c/--critical]" echo "" echo "Options:" echo " --url|-u)" echo " Sets nginx status url" echo "" echo " --path|-p)" echo " Sets nginx status url path" echo "" echo " --warning|-w)" echo " Sets a warning level for nginx Active connections. Default is: off" echo "" echo " --critical|-c)" echo " Sets a critical level for nginx Active connections. Default is: off" echo "" echo "Example:" echo "http://www.nginxs.com/status" echo "./check_nginx.sh -u www.nginxs.com -p /status -w 10000 -c 15000" exit $ST_UK } while test -n "$1";do case "$1" in --help|-h) print_help exit $ST_UK ;; --url|-u) url=$2 shift ;; --path|-p) path=$2 shift ;; --warning|-w) warn=$2 shift ;; --critical|-c) crit=$2 shift ;; *) echo "Unknown argument: $1" print_help exit $ST_UK ;; esac shift done if [ -z $url ];then echo "Must Sets --url|-u) Parameters" exit $ST_UK elif [ -z $path ];then echo "Must sets --path|-p) Parameters" echo "Please look help" echo "$PROGNAME --help" exit $ST_UK fi if [ -n "$warn" -a -n "$crit" ];then if [ $warn -ge $crit ];then echo "Please adjust your warning/critical thresholds. The warning must be lower than the critical level!" exit $ST_UK fi fi do_status() { wget -qNO /tmp/nginx.html ${url}${path} ActiveConn=`awk -F: {'print $2'} /tmp/nginx.html |head -1` serveraccepts=`awk {'print $1'} /tmp/nginx.html |tail -n 2|head -1` handled=`awk {'print $2'} /tmp/nginx.html |tail -n 2|head -1` requests=`awk {'print $3'} /tmp/nginx.html |tail -n 2|head -1` reading=`tail -n 1 /tmp/nginx.html|awk {'print $2'}` writing=`tail -n 1 /tmp/nginx.html|awk {'print $4'}` waiting=`tail -n 1 /tmp/nginx.html|awk {'print $6'}` } do_output() { output="ActiveConn:${ActiveConn},serveraccepts:${serveraccepts},handled:${handled},requests:${requests},reading:${reading},writing:${writing},waiting:${waiting}" } do_perfdata() { perfdata="'ActiveConn'=${ActiveConn},'serveraccepts'=${serveraccepts},'handled'=${handled},'requests'=${requests},'reading'=${reading},'writing'=${writing},'waiting'=${waiting}" } do_status do_output do_perfdata if [ -n "warn" -a -n "$crit" ];then if [ $ActiveConn -ge $warn -a $ActiveConn -lt $crit ];then echo "WARNING - $output |$perfdata" exit $ST_WR elif [ $ActiveConn -ge $crit ];then echo "CRITICAL - $output|$perfdata" exit $ST_CR else echo "OK - $output|$perfdata" exit $ST_OK fi else echo "OK - $output|$perfdata" exit $ST_OK fi
nginx $> ./check_nginx.sh -h
Version 1.0 2010.11.18-www.nginxs.com check_nginx.sh is a Nagios plugin to monitor nginx status Use of wget nginxstatus page When using optional warning/critical thresholds all values except Usage parameters: check_nginx.sh [-u|--url] [-p|--path] [-w/--warning] [-c/--critical] Options: --url|-u) Sets nginx status url --path|-p) Sets nginx status url path --warning|-w) Sets a warning level for nginx Active connections. Default is: off --critical|-c) Sets a critical level for nginx Active connections. Default is: off Example: http://www.nginxs.com/status ./check_nginx.sh -u www.nginxs.com -p /status -w 10000 -c 15000
nginx $> ./check_nginx.sh -u stat.123.com -p / -w 10000 -c 15000 OK - ActiveConn: 2 ,serveraccepts:61241,handled:61241,requests:107647,reading:0,writing:1,waiting:1|'ActiveConn'=2 ,'serveraccepts'=61241,'handled'=61241,'requests'=107647,'reading'=0,'writing'=1,'waiting'=1
此脚本我做了两份,一份是通过 wget nginx status页面·来分析数据,另一个是通过 curl 页面来分析数据的·所以我上传两个版本供大家选择
wget nginx status :
curl ngin status
本文转自Deidara 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/deidara/429213,如需转载请自行联系原作者