Jakie接管Maestro后又做了不少工作呢,现在加入了Load Procedures 能像MapGuide Studio方便的加载shp、SDF等资源到MapGuide 服务器了。此外还有表达式编辑器这个在Map 3D、MapGuide中才有的功能也加入到Maestro中。直接上图吧。
Jakie的博客原文在http://themapguyde.blogspot.com/2010/04/new-maestro-feature-load-procedures.html, 请FQ上。
After installing TortoisSVN, complete these steps in order:
- Create a new folder, called Maestro
- Right click the folder, and select SVN Checkout
- As the Repository Url, enter: http://svn.osgeo.org/mapguide/trunk/Tools/Maestro
- Click OK
The repository should allow anonymous checkouts, if not try using your OSGeo ID credentials. If you use a command line based SVN agent, this line should do the same:
svn co http://svn.osgeo.org/mapguide/trunk/Tools/Maestro Maestro
本文转自峻祁连. Moving to Cloud/Mobile博客园博客,原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/junqilian/archive/2010/04/29/1724208.html