http://cloudfoundry.com/ 注册完了等一会会收到一个随机密码
登陆系统后可以创建Micro Cloud Foundry,接着可以下载一个可以用VMWare打开的镜像。下面的操作不需要下载这个镜像。
Installing Ruby and RubyGems:
sudo apt-get install ruby-full rubygems
sudo gem install rubygems-update
sudo /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/update_rubygems
Installing vmc:
sudo gem install vmc
Specify the Cloud Foundry target
# vmc target api.cloudfoundry.com
Successfully targeted to [http://api.cloudfoundry.com]
# vmc login
Successfully logged into [http://api.cloudfoundry.com]
#vmc info
VMware's Cloud Application Platform
For support visit http://support.cloudfoundry.com
Target: http://api.cloudfoundry.com (v0.999)
Client: v0.3.15
User: <##############>
Usage: Memory (0B of 2.0G total)
Services (0 of 16 total)
Apps (0 of 20 total)
A simple Ruby Hello World application using Sintatra
Install Sinatra Web framework
# gem install sinatra
# mkdir -p /usr/bob/sample-apps/hello
# cd /usr/bob/sample-apps/hello/
# vim hello.rb
require 'sinatra'
get '/' do
"Hello from Cloud Foundry"
Push hello to cloudfoundry:
# vmc push
Would you like to deploy from the current directory? [Yn]: y
Application Name: feisky
Application Deployed URL [feisky.cloudfoundry.com]:
Detected a Sinatra Application, is this correct? [Yn]:
Memory Reservation (64M, 128M, 256M, 512M, 1G, 2G) [128M]:
Creating Application: OK
Would you like to bind any services to 'feisky'? [yN]:
Uploading Application:
Checking for available resources: OK
Packing application: OK
Uploading (0K): OK
Push Status: OK
Staging Application: OK
Starting Application: OK
# vmc apps
| Application | # | Health | URLS | Services |
| feisky | 1 | RUNNING | feisky.cloudfoundry.com | |
# vmc update feisky
root@localhost:~# vmc files feisky logs (当前有哪些log文件)
stderr.log 185B
stdout.log 217B
root@localhost:~# vmc files feisky logs/stdout.log (读log文件的内容)
== Sinatra/1.2.1 has taken the stage on 54337 for production with backup from Thin
>> Thin web server (v1.2.11 codename Bat-Shit Crazy)
>> Maximum connections set to 1024
>> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
If you suspect that your application has crashed recently, run vmc crashes <appname>
which will provide you with more information:
prompt$ vmc crashes hotels
Use vmc crashlogs
to get more detailed information about the crash:
prompt$ vmc crashlogs hotels
Managing the Application Lifecycle:
# vmc restart feisky
Stopping Application: OK
Staging Application: OK
Starting Application: OK
# vmc start feisky
# vmc stop feisky
# vmc rename old-name new-name
# vmc delete feisky
Avoiding Downtime When Updating The Deployment Bits
vmc push feisky-new
vmc map feisky-new feisky.cloudfoundry.com
# vmc apps
| Application | # | Health | URLS | Services |
| feisky | 1 | RUNNING | feisky.cloudfoundry.com | |
| feisky-new | 1 | RUNNING | feisky-new.cloudfoundry.com, feisky.cloudfoundry.com | |
Disassociate the old application from its original deployment URL:
# vmc unmap feisky feisky.cloudfoundry.com
Disassociate the new application from its new deployment URL:
# vmc unmap feisky-new feisky-new.cloudfoundry.com
Delete old application:
# vmc delete feisky
# vmc stats feisky-new (当前的资源占用情况)
| Instance | CPU (Cores) | Memory (limit) | Disk (limit) | Uptime |
| 0 | 0.0% (4) | 17.2M (128M) | 44.0K (2G) | 0d:0h:12m:20s |
# vmc mem feisky-new 512
Updating Memory Reservation to 512M: OK
Stopping Application: OK
Staging Application: OK
Starting Application: OK
# vmc stats feisky-new (改变应用的内存上限)
| Instance | CPU (Cores) | Memory (limit) | Disk (limit) | Uptime |
| 0 | 3.9% (4) | 17.0M (512M) | 40.0K (2G) | 0d:0h:0m:5s |
# vmc instances feisky-new 4 (将应用的实例数改为4)
Scaling Application instances up to 4: OK
# vmc stats feisky-new
| Instance | CPU (Cores) | Memory (limit) | Disk (limit) | Uptime |
| 0 | 0.1% (4) | 17.0M (512M) | 40.0K (2G) | 0d:0h:1m:21s |
| 1 | 2.7% (4) | 17.0M (512M) | 40.0K (2G) | 0d:0h:0m:6s |
| 2 | 3.6% (4) | 17.0M (512M) | 40.0K (2G) | 0d:0h:0m:6s |
| 3 | 3.4% (4) | 17.0M (512M) | 40.0K (2G) | 0d:0h:0m:6s |
| Instance | CPU (Cores) | Memory (limit) | Disk (limit) | Uptime |
| 0 | 0.0% (4) | 17.2M (128M) | 44.0K (2G) | 0d:0h:12m:20s |
# vmc mem feisky-new 512
Updating Memory Reservation to 512M: OK
Stopping Application: OK
Staging Application: OK
Starting Application: OK
# vmc stats feisky-new (改变应用的内存上限)
| Instance | CPU (Cores) | Memory (limit) | Disk (limit) | Uptime |
| 0 | 3.9% (4) | 17.0M (512M) | 40.0K (2G) | 0d:0h:0m:5s |
# vmc instances feisky-new 4 (将应用的实例数改为4)
Scaling Application instances up to 4: OK
# vmc stats feisky-new
| Instance | CPU (Cores) | Memory (limit) | Disk (limit) | Uptime |
| 0 | 0.1% (4) | 17.0M (512M) | 40.0K (2G) | 0d:0h:1m:21s |
| 1 | 2.7% (4) | 17.0M (512M) | 40.0K (2G) | 0d:0h:0m:6s |
| 2 | 3.6% (4) | 17.0M (512M) | 40.0K (2G) | 0d:0h:0m:6s |
| 3 | 3.4% (4) | 17.0M (512M) | 40.0K (2G) | 0d:0h:0m:6s |
Cloud Foundry是VMware用Ruby实现的业界首个开源PaaS平台,支持多种语言(Ruby、Java、Javascript、Python、 PHP等)以及开发框架(Rails、Sinatra、Spring、NodeJS等),能集成各种后端serivce(Mysql、MongoDB、Redis等) 支持多种云计算平台,能提升开发者的生产力,加速软件开发部署。