Fabric V1 交易的生命周期

简介:     Fabric v1 Transaction Lifecycle1 Client application creates tran proposeal (chinacode function and arguments) and sends to endorsing peer(s).



Fabric v1 Transaction Lifecycle
1 Client application creates tran proposeal (chinacode function and arguments) and sends to endorsing peer(s).
2 Endorsing peer executes chinacode,generates ReadWriteSet based on keys that were read and written.
3 Endorsing peer(s) send back proposal response(including ReadWriteSet) to client application
4 Client application may or may not submit as a transaction to ordering service.Transaction includes ReadWriteSet from proposal response
5 If client application submitted as transaction,ordering service packages the transaction into a block of ordered transactions.
6 Blocks are delivered to committing peers(including the original endorsing peers).
7 Committing peer
-runs validation logic(VSCC to check endorsement policy,and MVCC to check that ReadSet versions haven't changed in State DB since simulation time)
-indicates in block which trans are valid and invalid.
-commits block to blockchina on file system,and commits valid transactions within block to state database 'atomically'
-fires events so that application client listening via SDK knows which transactions were valid/invalid


1 、客户端应用 创建一个交易标的(链码方法和参数) 并且发送到认证节点;
2、 认证节点执行链码,生成基于密钥的读写设置操作。
3、 认证节点返回标的信息(包括读写设置)给客户端,
4、 客户端可以采取 提交或者不提交交易到订阅服务。交易信息包括 从上述返回答复的读写设置。
-运行校验逻辑(VSSCC 校验认可担保协议,MVCC去校验读写版本时还没有改变区域数据库直到模拟时间)

区块链 开发工具
HyperLedger Fabric 1.2 交易流程(6.3)
区块链最主要的特性之一是去中心化,没有了中心机构的集中处理,为了达成数据的一致性,就需要网络中全民参与管理,并以某种方法达成共识,所以区块链的交易流程也就是共识的过程。       在Fabric中,本由一个节点处理的过程,在逻辑上被分解为不同的角色,每个角色承担不同的功能;节点(Peer)分解为背书节点(Endorser peer)和提交节点(Committer peer),为了达到处理的顺序性,提炼出排序(Orderer)角色。
1808 0
区块链 开发工具
HyperLedger Fabric交易流程(6.3)
区块链最主要的特性之一是去中心化,没有了中心机构的集中处理,为了达成数据的一致性,就需要网络中全民参与管理,并以某种方法达成共识,所以区块链的交易流程也就是共识的过程。       在Fabric中,本由一个节点处理的过程,在逻辑上被分解为不同的角色,每个角色承担不同的功能;节点(Peer)分解为背书节点(Endorser peer)和提交节点(Committer peer),为了达到处理的顺序性,提炼出排序(Orderer)角色。
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