Code: Open URL by a New Browser



None.gif private  void OpenUrl( string url)
ExpandedBlockStart.gif ContractedBlock.gif dot.gif{
InBlock.gif     string browser = GetDefaultBrowser();
InBlock.gif     if ( browser.Length > 0 )
ExpandedSubBlockStart.gif ContractedSubBlock.gif     dot.gif{
InBlock.gif        ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo();
InBlock.gif        psi.UseShellExecute =  false;
InBlock.gif        psi.Arguments = url;
InBlock.gif        psi.FileName = browser;
InBlock.gif        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(psi);
ExpandedSubBlockEnd.gif    }
InBlock.gif     else
ExpandedSubBlockStart.gif ContractedSubBlock.gif     dot.gif{
InBlock.gif        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(url);
ExpandedSubBlockEnd.gif    }
None.gif private string GetDefaultBrowser()
ExpandedBlockStart.gif ContractedBlock.gif dot.gif{
InBlock.gif     string browser = String.Empty;
InBlock.gif    RegistryKey key =  null;
InBlock.gif     try
ExpandedSubBlockStart.gif ContractedSubBlock.gif     dot.gif{
InBlock.gif        key = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(@"HTTP\shell\open\command",  false);
InBlock.gif        browser = key.GetValue( null).ToString().ToLower().Replace("\"", "");
InBlock.gif         if ( !browser.EndsWith(".exe") )
ExpandedSubBlockStart.gif ContractedSubBlock.gif         dot.gif{
InBlock.gif            browser = browser.Substring(0, browser.LastIndexOf(".exe") + 4);
ExpandedSubBlockEnd.gif        }
ExpandedSubBlockEnd.gif    }
InBlock.gif     catch
ExpandedSubBlockStart.gif ContractedSubBlock.gif     dot.gif{
InBlock.gif         if ( key !=  null )
ExpandedSubBlockStart.gif ContractedSubBlock.gif         dot.gif{
InBlock.gif            key.Close();
ExpandedSubBlockEnd.gif        }
ExpandedSubBlockEnd.gif    }
InBlock.gif    return browser;


ExpandedBlockStart.gif ContractedBlock.gif Private Sub OpenUrl() Sub OpenUrl( ByRef url As String )
InBlock.gif    Dim browser As  String = GetDefaultBrowser()
InBlock.gif     If browser.Length > 0  Then
InBlock.gif        Dim psi  As ProcessStartInfo =  New ProcessStartInfo
InBlock.gif        psi.UseShellExecute =  False
InBlock.gif        psi.Arguments = url
InBlock.gif        psi.FileName = browser
InBlock.gif        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(psi)
InBlock.gif     Else
InBlock.gif        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(url)
InBlock.gif     End  If
ExpandedBlockEnd.gif End Sub
ExpandedBlockStart.gif ContractedBlock.gif Private  Function GetDefaultBrowser() Function GetDefaultBrowser()
InBlock.gif     Dim browser  As String =  String.Empty
InBlock.gif     Dim key  As RegistryKey
InBlock.gif     Try
InBlock.gif        key = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey("HTTP\shell\open\command",  False)
InBlock.gif        browser = key.GetValue( Nothing).ToString().ToLower().Replace("""", "")
InBlock.gif         If  Not browser.EndsWith(".exe")  Then
InBlock.gif            browser = browser.Substring(0, browser.LastIndexOf(".exe") + 4)
InBlock.gif         End  If
InBlock.gif     Catch ex  As Exception
InBlock.gif         If  Not key Is  Nothing Then
InBlock.gif            key.Close()
InBlock.gif         End  If
InBlock.gif     End  Try
InBlock.gif    GetDefaultBrowser = browser
ExpandedBlockEnd.gif End Function


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