解决Package illuminate/html is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use laravelcollective/html instead.问题

简介: 解决步骤: 1、分析问题是因为laravel5.1不赞成使用illuminate/html而推荐使用laravelcollective/html包,所以我们利用composer命令移除illuminate/html包再安装laravelcollective/html包 2、进入homestead...




vagrant@homestead:~$ composer remove illuminate/html


vagrant@homestead:~$ composer require laravelcollective/html





XML 数据格式
Xml declaration should precede all document content
Xml declaration should precede all document content
解决ERROR in Conflict: Multiple assets emit different content to the same filename index.html 的问题
解决ERROR in Conflict: Multiple assets emit different content to the same filename index.html 的问题
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报错 An error happened during template parsing (template: “ServletContext resource [/shiroTest.html]“)
报错 An error happened during template parsing (template: “ServletContext resource [/shiroTest.html]“)
sublime 打开报错 Error loading syntax file “Packages/HTML/HTML.sublime-syntax“: Apparent recursion withi
卸载步骤 打开sublime工具,按shift+command+p,打开输入框 输入remove package 输入 JavaScriptNext-ES6 Syntax,找到此插件,选中,enter卸载 重启sublime,弹出框消失
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HDOJ/HDU 1088 Write a simple HTML Browser(HTML字符串)
HDOJ/HDU 1088 Write a simple HTML Browser(HTML字符串)
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Android开发 iOS开发
where is os type and version determined for a ui5 html
Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Jun 27, 2015
where is os type and version determined for a ui5 html
How is correct index.html served by ui5 handler from BSP repository
Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Aug 26, 2015 This wiki explains the process how the index.html of Fiori application is served by UI5 resource handler. The url of index looks like below: https://:/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/zfiori150320/index.html?sap-client=001&sap-ui-language=EN&sap-ui-appcache=fal
80 0
How is correct index.html served by ui5 handler from BSP repository
JavaScript 容器
背景:需求需要把 html 字符串转成 DOM 对象树或者 js 对象树,然后进行一些处理/操作。htmlparser 这个库还行,但是对 attribute 上一些特殊属性值转换不行,同时看了看开标签语法(syntax-start-tag:whatwg)、html-attribute 的支持规则(attributes:whatwg) 和一些其他库的实现,在一些边界场景(特殊属性值和web component)处理还是缺少,算了... 自己撸了个 html parser 的函数么好了。
Spring Java 安全
Refused to execute script from '' because its MIME type ('text/html') ...
Refused to execute script from '' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled. Refused to execute script …”,为什么会被拒绝执行呢?想到可能是权限的控制问题,亦即是 Spring Security 的静态资源访问配置问题。
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