I0219 14:48:40.965386 31108 net.cpp:76] Memory required for data: 0
I0219 14:48:40.965517 31108 layer_factory.hpp:76] Creating layer data
I0219 14:48:40.965621 31108 net.cpp:110] Creating Layer data
I0219 14:48:40.965642 31108 net.cpp:433] data -> data
I0219 14:48:40.965728 31108 net.cpp:433] data -> label
I0219 14:48:40.965769 31108 image_data_layer.cpp:40] Opening file /home/wangxiao/Downloads/caffe-master/fine_tuning_data/PETA_dataset/train/train_data_txtFile.txt
I0219 14:48:40.965828 31108 image_data_layer.cpp:88] A total of 2 images.
I0219 14:48:41.007944 31108 image_data_layer.cpp:119] output data size: 12,3,320,240
I0219 14:48:41.025914 31108 base_data_layer.cpp:66] Initializing prefetch
I0219 14:48:41.026383 31108 base_data_layer.cpp:69] Prefetch initialized.
I0219 14:48:41.026396 31108 net.cpp:155] Setting up data
I0219 14:48:41.026429 31108 net.cpp:163] Top shape: 12 3 320 240 (2764800)
I0219 14:48:41.026438 31108 net.cpp:163] Top shape: 12 27 1 1 (324)
I0219 14:48:41.026445 31108 net.cpp:174] Memory required for data: 11060496
I0219 14:48:41.026491 31108 layer_factory.hpp:76] Creating layer conv1
I0219 14:48:41.026556 31108 net.cpp:110] Creating Layer conv1
I0219 14:48:41.026582 31108 net.cpp:477] conv1 <- data
I0219 14:48:41.026631 31108 net.cpp:433] conv1 -> conv1
I0219 14:48:41.031888 31108 net.cpp:155] Setting up conv1
I0219 14:48:41.031908 31108 net.cpp:163] Top shape: 12 96 78 58 (5211648)
I0219 14:48:41.031918 31108 net.cpp:174] Memory required for data: 31907088
I0219 14:48:41.031980 31108 layer_factory.hpp:76] Creating layer relu1
I0219 14:48:41.032011 31108 net.cpp:110] Creating Layer relu1
I0219 14:48:41.032023 31108 net.cpp:477] relu1 <- conv1
I0219 14:48:41.032049 31108 net.cpp:419] relu1 -> conv1 (in-place)
I0219 14:48:41.032079 31108 net.cpp:155] Setting up relu1
I0219 14:48:41.032099 31108 net.cpp:163] Top shape: 12 96 78 58 (5211648)
I0219 14:48:41.032109 31108 net.cpp:174] Memory required for data: 52753680
I0219 14:48:41.032119 31108 layer_factory.hpp:76] Creating layer norm1
I0219 14:48:41.032150 31108 net.cpp:110] Creating Layer norm1
I0219 14:48:41.032161 31108 net.cpp:477] norm1 <- conv1
I0219 14:48:41.032198 31108 net.cpp:433] norm1 -> norm1
I0219 14:48:41.032277 31108 net.cpp:155] Setting up norm1
I0219 14:48:41.032296 31108 net.cpp:163] Top shape: 12 96 78 58 (5211648)
I0219 14:48:41.032305 31108 net.cpp:174] Memory required for data: 73600272
I0219 14:48:41.032317 31108 layer_factory.hpp:76] Creating layer pool1
I0219 14:48:41.032344 31108 net.cpp:110] Creating Layer pool1
I0219 14:48:41.032356 31108 net.cpp:477] pool1 <- norm1
I0219 14:48:41.032380 31108 net.cpp:433] pool1 -> pool1
I0219 14:48:41.032444 31108 net.cpp:155] Setting up pool1
I0219 14:48:41.032459 31108 net.cpp:163] Top shape: 12 96 39 29 (1302912)
I0219 14:48:41.032469 31108 net.cpp:174] Memory required for data: 78811920
I0219 14:48:41.032480 31108 layer_factory.hpp:76] Creating layer conv2
I0219 14:48:41.032505 31108 net.cpp:110] Creating Layer conv2
I0219 14:48:41.032516 31108 net.cpp:477] conv2 <- pool1
I0219 14:48:41.032542 31108 net.cpp:433] conv2 -> conv2
E0219 14:48:41.035162 31112 io.cpp:86] Could not open or find file /home/wangxiao/Downloads/caffe-master/fine_tuning_data/PETA_dataset/train/resized_data/0
F0219 14:48:41.035338 31112 image_data_layer.cpp:183] Check failed: cv_img.data Could not load 0
*** Check failure stack trace: ***
@ 0x7f5a50a09dbd google::LogMessage::Fail()
@ 0x7f5a50a0bcf8 google::LogMessage::SendToLog()
@ 0x7f5a50a09953 google::LogMessage::Flush()
@ 0x7f5a50a0c62e google::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal()
@ 0x7f5a51228e2e caffe::ImageDataLayer<>::load_batch()
@ 0x7f5a511f6ad6 caffe::BasePrefetchingDataLayer<>::InternalThreadEntry()
@ 0x7f5a5119a7c9 caffe::InternalThread::entry()
@ 0x7f5a5119d2b9 boost::_mfi::mf5<>::operator()()
@ 0x7f5a5119d197 boost::_bi::list6<>::operator()<>()
@ 0x7f5a5119d0a5 boost::_bi::bind_t<>::operator()()
@ 0x7f5a5119d06a boost::detail::thread_data<>::run()
@ 0x7f5a476b0a4a (unknown)
@ 0x7f5a46c21182 start_thread
@ 0x7f5a4fff947d clone
Aborted (core dumped)
>>>>>>>>> The problem is it shown me It only read 2 images from txt file and it is impossible :
今天出现了 找不到 图像路径下的 .png文件, 查看了 train_data.txt文档,才发现,出错了一个图像:
.png 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~~
在io.cpp 第80 和 81 行:
LOG(INFO) << "FILENAME: " << filename ;
LOG(INFO) << "cv_read_flag: " << cv_read_flag ;