104.2. netams - Network Traffic Accounting and Monitoring Software


过程 104.1. 安装步骤

  1. netams netams-web

    $ sudo apt-get install netams netams-web
    $ dpkg -s netams netams-web
  2. NeTAMS administrator password

    ┌───────────────────┤ Configuring netams ├────────────────────┐
    │ Please enter password for "admin" user in NeTAMS database.  │
    │                                                             │
    │ NeTAMS administrator password:                              │
    │                                                             │
    │ *******____________________________________________________ │
    │                                                             │
    │                           <Ok>                              │
    │                                                             │
    ┌──────────┤ Configuring netams ├───────────┐
    │                                           │
    │                                           │
    │ Repeat password for NeTAMS user "admin":  │
    │                                           │
    │ *******__________________________________ │
    │                                           │
    │                  <Ok>                     │
    │                                           │


    $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure netams netams-web
  3. 基本配置

    $ sudo vim /etc/default/netams
    $ sudo cp /etc/netams/netams.conf /etc/netams/netams.conf.old
    $ sudo vim /etc/netams/netams.conf
    $ sudo /etc/init.d/netams restart
    $ cat /etc/apache2/conf.d/netams.conf
    Alias /netams/images /usr/share/netams
    Alias /netams/stat /var/lib/netams/stat
    <Directory /var/lib/netams/stat/>
            Options -Indexes -FollowSymlinks
            DirectoryIndex index.html
            AllowOverride All
    <Directory /usr/share/netams/>
            Options -Indexes -FollowSymlinks
            AllowOverride None
    $ cat /etc/apache2/conf.d/netams-web.conf
    ScriptAlias /netams/cgi-bin /usr/share/netams-web
    # Uncomment the following if you have no netams package installed
    #Alias /netams/images /usr/share/netams-web/images
    <Directory /usr/share/netams-web>
            Options -Indexes +FollowSymlinks
            AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
            AllowOverride None
    # By default we deny access from other hosts. May be you will need to configure
    # mod_auth_basic or mod_auth_mysql.
            Order deny,allow
            Deny from All
            Allow from
  4. .netamsctl.rc

    $ vim ~/.netamsctl.rc
    $ netamsctl "show version"
    NeTAMS 3.4.3 (3475.1) buildd@yellow / Tue 06 Apr 2010 03:40:49 +0000
    Run time  22 mins 6.5699 secs
    System time:  22 mins 1.2800 secs
    Average CPU/system load: 0.10%
    Process ID: 23647 RES: 9212K
    Memory allocated: 3640404 (23161), freed (31) (0 NULL) [23130 used]
    Total objects:
       Oids used: 9
       NetUnits: 4
       Policies: 3
       Services: 10
       Users: 1
       Connections: 1 active, 8 total
    Services info:
     Storage ID=1 type mysql wr_q 0/0 rd_q 0/0
     Data-source ID=1 type LIBPCAP source eth0:0 loop 316382 average 4182 mcsec
        Perf: average skew delay 21580 mcsec, PPS: 77, BPS: 16788
    Alerter 0 queue max: 255, current: 0
     Scheduled tasks: 1

104.2.1. netams-web



原文出处:Netkiller 系列 手札

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