declare @EndDate datetime
select @StartDate = ' 2012-09-28 '
select @EndDate = ' 2012-10-03 '
if exists ( select * from tempdb..sysobjects where name like ' #tmpPolicyId% ')
drop table #tmpPolicyId
if exists ( select * from tempdb..sysobjects where name like ' #tmpSeasonFee% ')
drop table #tmpSeasonFee
if exists ( select * from tempdb..sysobjects where name like ' #tmpSpecialFee% ')
drop table #tmpSpecialFee
select PolicyId
into #tmpPolicyId
from GvInterPolicy
group by PolicyId
select tmp.PolicyId, max(AddFee) as SeasonFee
into #tmpSeasonFee
from #tmpPolicyId tmp inner join GvSeasonFee season
on tmp.PolicyId =season.PolicyId
where season.StartDate <= @StartDate and season.EndDate >= @StartDate
group by tmp.PolicyId
select tmp.PolicyId, max(AddFee) as SpecialFee
into #tmpSpecialFee
from #tmpPolicyId tmp inner join GvSpecialFee special
on tmp.PolicyId =special.PolicyId
where special.SpecialDate = @StartDate
group by tmp.PolicyId
select p.PolicyId, p.AirComCode, p.DepStartTime, p.DepEndTime, p.SellStartTime, p.SellEndTime,
p.StartCityCode, p.EndCityCode, r.FlightNo, r.SCityCode, r.ECityCode, r.STime, r.ETime,
r.TerminalBuilding, r.RouteOrder, r.SCityName, r.ECityName, r.PlaneModel, r.IsBack,
c.FirstCabin, c.SecondCabin, c.Price as AdultPrice,
isnull(season.SeasonFee, 0) as SeaFee, isnull(special.SpecialFee, 0) as SpFee,
AddPrice = case when isnull(season.SeasonFee, 0) >= isnull(special.SpecialFee, 0) then isnull(season.SeasonFee, 0) else isnull(special.SpecialFee, 0) end
from GvInterPolicy p inner join GvRouteInfo r
on p.PolicyId =r.PolicyId inner join GvCabinInfo c
on p.PolicyId =c.PolicyId left join #tmpSeasonFee season
on p.PolicyId =season.PolicyId left join #tmpSpecialFee special
on p.PolicyId =special.PolicyId
where p.DepStartTime <= @StartDate and p.DepEndTime >= @EndDate
order by p.PolicyId, c.FirstCabin, c.SecondCabin, r.RouteOrder
declare @EndDate datetime
select @StartDate = ' 2012-09-28 '
select @EndDate = ' 2012-10-03 '
if exists ( select * from tempdb..sysobjects where name like ' #tmpPolicyId% ')
drop table #tmpPolicyId
if exists ( select * from tempdb..sysobjects where name like ' #tmpSeasonFee% ')
drop table #tmpSeasonFee
if exists ( select * from tempdb..sysobjects where name like ' #tmpSpecialFee% ')
drop table #tmpSpecialFee
select PolicyId
into #tmpPolicyId
from GvInterPolicy
group by PolicyId
select tmp.PolicyId, max(AddFee) as SeasonFee
into #tmpSeasonFee
from #tmpPolicyId tmp inner join GvSeasonFee season
on tmp.PolicyId =season.PolicyId
where season.StartDate <= @StartDate and season.EndDate >= @StartDate
group by tmp.PolicyId
select tmp.PolicyId, max(AddFee) as SpecialFee
into #tmpSpecialFee
from #tmpPolicyId tmp inner join GvSpecialFee special
on tmp.PolicyId =special.PolicyId
where special.SpecialDate = @StartDate
group by tmp.PolicyId
select p.PolicyId, p.AirComCode, p.DepStartTime, p.DepEndTime, p.SellStartTime, p.SellEndTime,
p.StartCityCode, p.EndCityCode, r.FlightNo, r.SCityCode, r.ECityCode, r.STime, r.ETime,
r.TerminalBuilding, r.RouteOrder, r.SCityName, r.ECityName, r.PlaneModel, r.IsBack,
c.FirstCabin, c.SecondCabin, c.Price as AdultPrice,
isnull(season.SeasonFee, 0) as SeaFee, isnull(special.SpecialFee, 0) as SpFee,
AddPrice = case when isnull(season.SeasonFee, 0) >= isnull(special.SpecialFee, 0) then isnull(season.SeasonFee, 0) else isnull(special.SpecialFee, 0) end
from GvInterPolicy p inner join GvRouteInfo r
on p.PolicyId =r.PolicyId inner join GvCabinInfo c
on p.PolicyId =c.PolicyId left join #tmpSeasonFee season
on p.PolicyId =season.PolicyId left join #tmpSpecialFee special
on p.PolicyId =special.PolicyId
where p.DepStartTime <= @StartDate and p.DepEndTime >= @EndDate
order by p.PolicyId, c.FirstCabin, c.SecondCabin, r.RouteOrder
declare @EndDate datetime
select @StartDate = ' 2012-09-28 '
select @EndDate = ' 2012-10-03 ';
with ctePolicyId(PolicyId)
select PolicyId
from GvInterPolicy
group by PolicyId
select p.PolicyId, max(AddFee) as SeasonFee
from ctePolicyId p inner join GvSeasonFee season
on p.PolicyId =season.PolicyId
where season.StartDate <= @StartDate and season.EndDate >= @StartDate
group by p.PolicyId
select p.PolicyId, max(AddFee) as SpecialFee
from ctePolicyId p inner join GvSpecialFee special
on p.PolicyId =special.PolicyId
where special.SpecialDate = @StartDate
group by p.PolicyId
select p.PolicyId, p.AirComCode, p.DepStartTime, p.DepEndTime, p.SellStartTime, p.SellEndTime,
p.StartCityCode, p.EndCityCode, r.FlightNo, r.SCityCode, r.ECityCode, r.STime, r.ETime,
r.TerminalBuilding, r.RouteOrder, r.SCityName, r.ECityName, r.PlaneModel, r.IsBack,
c.FirstCabin, c.SecondCabin, c.Price as AdultPrice,
isnull(season.SeasonFee, 0) as SeaFee, isnull(special.SpecialFee, 0) as SpFee,
AddPrice = case when isnull(season.SeasonFee, 0) >= isnull(special.SpecialFee, 0) then isnull(season.SeasonFee, 0) else isnull(special.SpecialFee, 0) end
from GvInterPolicy p inner join GvRouteInfo r
on p.PolicyId =r.PolicyId inner join GvCabinInfo c
on p.PolicyId =c.PolicyId left join cteSeasonFee season
on p.PolicyId =season.PolicyId left join cteSpecialFee special
on p.PolicyId =special.PolicyId
where p.DepStartTime <= @StartDate and p.DepEndTime >= @EndDate
order by p.PolicyId, c.FirstCabin, c.SecondCabin, r.RouteOrder
declare @EndDate datetime
select @StartDate = ' 2012-09-28 '
select @EndDate = ' 2012-10-03 ';
with ctePolicyId(PolicyId)
select PolicyId
from GvInterPolicy
group by PolicyId
select p.PolicyId, max(AddFee) as SeasonFee
from ctePolicyId p inner join GvSeasonFee season
on p.PolicyId =season.PolicyId
where season.StartDate <= @StartDate and season.EndDate >= @StartDate
group by p.PolicyId
select p.PolicyId, max(AddFee) as SpecialFee
from ctePolicyId p inner join GvSpecialFee special
on p.PolicyId =special.PolicyId
where special.SpecialDate = @StartDate
group by p.PolicyId
select p.PolicyId, p.AirComCode, p.DepStartTime, p.DepEndTime, p.SellStartTime, p.SellEndTime,
p.StartCityCode, p.EndCityCode, r.FlightNo, r.SCityCode, r.ECityCode, r.STime, r.ETime,
r.TerminalBuilding, r.RouteOrder, r.SCityName, r.ECityName, r.PlaneModel, r.IsBack,
c.FirstCabin, c.SecondCabin, c.Price as AdultPrice,
isnull(season.SeasonFee, 0) as SeaFee, isnull(special.SpecialFee, 0) as SpFee,
AddPrice = case when isnull(season.SeasonFee, 0) >= isnull(special.SpecialFee, 0) then isnull(season.SeasonFee, 0) else isnull(special.SpecialFee, 0) end
from GvInterPolicy p inner join GvRouteInfo r
on p.PolicyId =r.PolicyId inner join GvCabinInfo c
on p.PolicyId =c.PolicyId left join cteSeasonFee season
on p.PolicyId =season.PolicyId left join cteSpecialFee special
on p.PolicyId =special.PolicyId
where p.DepStartTime <= @StartDate and p.DepEndTime >= @EndDate
order by p.PolicyId, c.FirstCabin, c.SecondCabin, r.RouteOrder