Correction suggestions

简介: 1. title: A remark on the global existence of weak solutions to the compressible quantum Navier-Stokes equations    abstract: line 3, ``the viscos...

    1. title: A remark on the global existence of weak solutions to the compressible quantum Navier-Stokes equations

    abstract: line 3, ``the viscosity and the dispersive coefficient are equal'' $\to$ the viscosity equals to the dispersive coefficient

    2. 我的单位: College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Gannan Normal University, Ganzhou 341000, Jiangxi, P.R. China

    3. 我的受资助信息: Zujin Zhang is partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant nos. 11501125, 11761009) and the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi (grant no. 20171BAB201004).

    4. Page 1, Line 2, ``named'' $\to$ ``called the''.

    5. Page 1, (1.2), ``$\rho_0u_0$'' $\to$ ``$m_0$'' 更好?

    6. Page 1, last line 5, add $\kappa$ before ``(also called Planck constant)''.

    7. Page 1, last line 4, ``on'' $\to$ ``in'', ``In the literatures, there are'' $\to$ ``There exist''.

    8. Page 2, Para. 2, Line 2, add ``when'' after ``especially''; Line 6, add ``used in'' after ``The method'', and delete ``of''; Last Line 4, ``a extremely'' $\to$ ``an extremely''; Last LIne 3, ``get'' $\to$ ``obtain''; Last Line 2, ``or it'' $\to$ ``otherwise we''.

    9. Page 2, Para. 3, Line 2, ``between'' $\to$ ``on'', ``that means'' to ``which means''; Line 3, ``with equal the viscosity and the dispersive coefficient'' $\to$ ``if $\kappa=\nu$.

    10. Page 2, Theorem 1.1, 在 ``[1] hold'' 后加上 ``that is, 假设写出来''; 在 ``still valid'' 后加上 ``i.e., 结论写出来''.

    11. Page 2, Last Line 2, ``by'' $\to$ ``as''.

    12. Page 3, Line 1, ``by'' $\to$ ``as''.

    13. Page 3, (2.2), ``$\rho_0u_0$'' $\to$ ``$m_0$'' 更好?

    14. Page 3, before (2.5), delete ``the''.

    15. Page 3, after (2.6), ``found'' $\to$ ``established''.

    16. Page 3, before (2.7), ``take the'' $\to$ ``use'', and delete ``into (2.1) and, and add a comma, that is, ``,''.

    17. Page 3, Remark 2.1, satisfy (2.9), what is (2.9)?

    18. Page 3, Section 3, the title ``A priori estimates''.

    19. Page 4, Line 1, ``seen'' $\to$ ``found''.

    20. Page 4, Line 2, ``due to equal ...'' $\to$ ``due to our assumption that $\kappa=\nu$.

    21. Page 4, Lemma 3.2, ``For any time $T$, then we have'' $\to$ ``Then, for any time $T$''.

    22. Page 4, before (3.5), delete ``will''.

    23. Page 5, before Lemma 3.3, ``vita for'' $\to$ ``essential in''

    24. Page 5, before Lemma 3.4, ``The lower and upper bounds of the approximating system (2.1)'' is not a sentence. 把它改成一个句子. 接着的下一行, ``Compared with'' $\to$ ``Compared with [1]''.

    25. Page 6, Section 4, ``straightly'' $\to$ ``straightforwardly''.

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