LINQ via C# 系列文章


LINQ via C#

Recently I am giving a series of talk on LINQ. the name “LINQ via C#” is copied from “ CLR via C# ”, one of my favorite books. Currently part 1 – 8 are finished, and the entire series should be 10 parts. The contents are: Introducing LINQ What Is LINQ

LINQ via C# Events Posters Design

10 LINQ via C# events have been held successfully. Each event is a pure English speaking technical talk. I designed some posters for the events, with no enough time to design for each event. LINQ via C# part 4 In part 3, lambda expression of C# is introduced...
Introducing LINQ (1) What Is LINQ

[ LINQ via C# series ] This LINQ series is from my 10 parts of LINQ via C# talks . And the poster designs for the events are here . What is LINQ Here is the roadmap of .NET and C#: Date .NET Framework CLR C# IDE Introduced Features February 13th, 2002...
Introducing LINQ (2) Advancements Overview

[ LINQ via C# series ] According to MSDN : LINQ is one of Microsoft’s most exciting, powerful new development technologies. Independent to data source This sample mentioned in part 1 is working on items in a .NET array: var results = from number in source...
Understanding C# 3.0 Features (1) Automatic Property

[ LINQ via C# series ] As the fundamental of LINQ, This chapter will explain the new language features of C# 3.0, all of which are syntactic sugars. This part is about the automatic property. In C# 2.0 a property can be declared like this: public class...
Understanding C# 3.0 Features (2) Object Initializer And Collection Initializer

[ LINQ via C# series ] Take this Person type as an example: public class Person { public string Name { get ; set ; } public int Age { get ; set ; } } Object initializer In C# 2.0 we create an Person instance and initialize it like this: Person person...
Understanding C# 3.0 Features (3) Type Inference

[ LINQ via C# series ] The “var” keyword has been introduced from the beginning . It is a new language feature called type inference in C# 3.0. Local variable type inference Consider the local variable declaration and initialization: TypeName a = b; Since...
Understanding C# 3.0 Features (4) Anonymous Type

[ LINQ via C# series ] This feature provides a way to create an instance without declare the type: var mark = new { Name = "Mark" , Age = 18 }; Since the type name is unknown at this time when writing code, this is called a anonymous type. Compilation...
Understanding C# 3.0 Features (5) Extension Method

[ LINQ via C# series ] Extension method is a fancy and powerful syntactic sugar in C# 3.0. Extension methods are very important when writing functional style C# code. Define an extension method for a class When we define an extension method for a type...
Understanding C# 3.0 Features (6) Lambda Expression

[ LINQ via C# series ] Lambda expression is another powerful syntactic sugar making C# functional. In this post, “Lambda expression” simply means “C# Lambda expression”. The native concept of lambda expression will be introduced in the later lambda calculus...
Understanding C# 3.0 Features (7) Query Expression

[ LINQ via C# series ] This kind of code has been introduced again and again: var positive = from number in source where number > 0 orderby number descending select number.ToString( CultureInfo .InvariantCulture); This is called the query expression...

Understanding C# 3.0 Features (8) Partial Method

[ LINQ via C# series ] The is a very simple feature. From partial class to partial method Partial class is introduced by C# 2.0. With the partial keyword, the definition of one type is able to be divided into several files. For example, if creating a...
Understanding LINQ to Objects (1) Programming Paradigm

[ LINQ via C# series ] Declarative vs. imperative This post mentioned that LINQ introduced new programming constructs to C#. Take a look at the samples in the beginning post : int [] source = new int [] { 0, -5, 12, -54, 5, -67, 3, 6 }; List < int...
Understanding LINQ to Objects (2) Method Chaining

[ LINQ via C# series ] It is obvious the Where(), OrderBy(), Select() can be invoked fluently: int [] source = new int [] { 0, 1, -2, 3, 24, 6, 3 }; var results = source.Where(item => item > 0 && item < 10) .OrderBy(item => item) ...
Understanding LINQ to Objects (3) Query Methods

[ LINQ via C# series ] After understanding the programming paradigm and why LINQ query methods can be chaining , this post shows the details of LINQ query methods. Methods like Where(), OrderBy(), OrderByDescending(), and Select() are exhibited again...
Understanding LINQ to Objects (4) Iterator Pattern

[ LINQ via C# series ] According to Wikipedia : Iterator pattern is a design pattern in which iterators are used to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation. An Iterator object encapsulates...
Understanding LINQ to Objects (5) Implementing Iterator

[ LINQ via C# series ] Iterator pattern is the core pattern of LINQ to Objects implementation. To filter, order, or project the data items of a data collection, of course the code need to go through the collection and figure out the results. The previous...
Understanding LINQ to Objects (6) Deferred Execution

[ LINQ via C# series ] One post at the beginning of this series mentioned that deferred execution is a important advancement of LINQ. The following code show how is the execution deferred: IEnumerable < int > source = Enumerable .Range(-2, 5); ...
Understanding LINQ to Objects (7) Query Methods Internals

[ LINQ via C# series ] This post explains how are the LINQ to Objects standard query methods implemented. Once again, it will be exhibited that iterator pattern is the core pattern of LINQ to Objects query. The first thing need to emphasize is, not all...
Understanding LINQ to Objects (8) The Design Of IEnumerable

[ LINQ via C# series ] Currently in .NET, iterator pattern is implemented via IEnumerable and IEnumerator (or IEnumerable and IEnumerator): namespace System.Collections { // Represents a collection which can be iterated. public interface...
Understanding LINQ to SQL (1) Object-Relational Mapping

[ LINQ via C# series ] According to Wikipedia , Object-relational mapping is: a programming technique for converting data between incompatible type systems in relational databases and object-oriented programming languages. This is the LINQ to SQL sample...
Understanding LINQ to SQL (2) IQueryable

[ LINQ via C# series ] The core of LINQ to Objects is IEnumerable: Query methods are designed for IEnumerable as extension methods , like Where(), Select(), etc.; Query methods are designed to be fluent, LINQ to Objects queries can be...
Understanding LINQ to SQL (3) Expression Tree

[ LINQ via C# series ] In LINQ to Objects, lamda expressions are used everywhere as anonymous method, like Where(): public static IEnumerable Where( this IEnumerable source, Func predicate...
Understanding LINQ to SQL (4) Data Retrieving Via Query Methods

[ LINQ via C# series ] After understanding: object model generating from SQL Server schema query method chaining on IQueryable SQL are translated from expression tree, which is required by IQueryable now it is time to take a deeper look...
Understanding LINQ to SQL (5) Remote And Local Method Call

[ LINQ via C# series ] Since LINQ to SQL is translating C# methods into SQL, all the C# methods are required to make sense in SQL. According to MSDN : A local method call is one that is executed within the object model. A remote method call is one that...
Understanding LINQ to SQL (6) Working With Deferred Execution

[ LINQ via C# series ] Similar with LINQ to Objects, LINQ to SQL supports deferred execution when possible. For example: using ( NorthwindDataContext database = new NorthwindDataContext ()) { IQueryable < Category > source = database.Categories;...
Understanding LINQ to SQL (7) Data Changing

[ LINQ via C# series ] After understanding how to retrieve data with LINQ to SQL, now take a look at data change (create (insert) / update / delete). Object Identity When changing data queried by LINQ to SQL, one common confusion for LINQ to SQL beginners...
Understanding LINQ to SQL (8) Transaction

[ LINQ via C# series ] Database data Changing cannot be talked about without transactions . Implementing TRANSACTION (BEGIN / COMMIT / ROLLBACK) The previous post has shown that, when invoking SubmitChanges(), the translated SQL (INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE...
Understanding LINQ to SQL (9) Concurrent Conflict

[ LINQ via C# series ] Conflicts are very common when concurrently accessing the same data. Conflicts in concurrent data access The following code presents the concurrent conflict scenario: Action < int , Action < Category >> updateCategory...
Understanding LINQ to SQL (10) Implementing LINQ to SQL Provider

[ LINQ via C# series ] So far LINQ to SQL data CRUD (Creating / Retrieving / Updating / Deleting) has been explained. This post takes a deeper look at the internal implementation of LINQ to SQL query. The provider model Unlike IEnumerable / IEnumerable...
Understanding LINQ to SQL (11) Performance

[ LINQ via C# series ] LINQ to SQL has a lot of great features like strong typing query compilation deferred execution declarative paradigm etc., which are very productive. Of course, these cannot be free, and one price is the performance. O/R mapping...


SQL 开发框架 .NET
70 0
开发框架 自然语言处理 .NET
C#一分钟浅谈:LINQ 查询表达式的使用技巧
【9月更文挑战第6天】LINQ(Language Integrated Query)是C#开发中的强大工具,使查询数据集合变得简单且接近自然语言。本文从基础入手,通过具体示例讲解LINQ查询表达式的使用技巧,包括过滤、排序和分组等操作。同时,文章还探讨了常见问题及解决方法,如性能优化、过早枚举和类型转换等,帮助开发者写出更高效、易维护的代码。
58 15
开发框架 .NET C#
214 2
开发框架 .NET 程序员
掌握C#语言的精髓:基础知识与实用技能详解(数据类型与变量+ 条件与循环+函数与模块+LINQ+异常+OOP)
掌握C#语言的精髓:基础知识与实用技能详解(数据类型与变量+ 条件与循环+函数与模块+LINQ+异常+OOP)
27 0
XML 开发框架 .NET
C# | Linq基本功 —— 必学的必熟的10个方法
Linq(Language Integrated Query)是C#语言中的一种查询语言,它提供了一种统一的方式来查询和操作各种数据源,如集合、数据库、XML等。Linq的出现使得开发者能够以一种更简洁、更直观的方式来处理数据,提高了代码的可读性和可维护性。
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SQL 开发框架 .NET
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开发框架 .NET C#
151 1
开发框架 安全 .NET
C# .NET面试系列三:集合、异常、泛型、LINQ、委托、EF!
<h2>集合、异常、泛型、LINQ、委托、EF! #### 1. IList 接口与 List 的区别是什么? IList 接口和 List 类是C#中集合的两个相关但不同的概念。下面是它们的主要区别: <b>IList 接口</b> IList 接口是C#中定义的一个泛型接口,位于 System.Collections 命名空间。它派生自 ICollection 接口,定义了一个可以通过索引访问的有序集合。 ```c# IList 接口包含一系列索引化的属性和方法,允许按索引访问、插入、移除元素等。 由于是接口,它只定义了成员的契约,而不提供具体的实现。类似于 IEnumera
320 2
开发框架 .NET C#
SQL 开发框架 .NET
C# Linq SaveChanges()报错 You have an error in your SQL syntex
C# Linq SaveChanges()报错 You have an error in your SQL syntex
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