【APIM】启用APIM Analytics时遇见Request failed错误

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简介: Data collection is required for detailed monitoring, custom dashboards, and more. A Log Analytics workspace is also required for the data storage. You can change the workspace destination at any time in Diagnostic settings. How do I use Log Analytics?



Collect data from this resource for analytics

Data collection is required for detailed monitoring, custom dashboards, and more. A Log Analytics workspace is also required for the data storage. You can change the workspace destination at any time in Diagnostic settings. How do I use Log Analytics?



"error": {
"code": "LinkedInvalidPropertyId",
"message": "Property id '' at path 'properties.workspaceId' is invalid. 
Expect fully qualified resource Id that start with 


因为这个错误是Azure门户上错误,无法被用户操作,所以从Analytics页面中,无法实现配置Log A Workspce的问题。但是可以在另一个地方【 Diagnostic settings (诊断设置)】中完成数据收集并且用于Analytics。


第一步:进入 Diagnostic settings ,点击添加 Diagnostic Setting

第二步:选择全部的 Logs 和 Metrics,并把信息保存到目标Log A Workspace中





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