- 更高的性能:TextureView使用基于硬件加速的渲染管道,可以在GPU中进行图像处理和渲染,这比SurfaceView的软件渲染方式更高效。因此,TextureView在图像和视频渲染方面具有更好的性能。
- 更强的功能:TextureView可以与其他控件进行自由组合,可以在布局中灵活地放置和调整大小。而SurfaceView只能全屏显示,无法与其他控件混合使用。
- 更灵活的绘制方式:TextureView允许开发者直接在其上面绘制图像,通过Canvas和OpenGL ES等API,可以实现更丰富的渲染效果。
- 支持动画和截图:TextureView支持移动、旋转、缩放等动画,并且支持截图功能。
- 必须在硬件加速的窗口中使用:TextureView必须在硬件加速的窗口中使用,如果设备不支持硬件加速或者硬件加速被禁用,TextureView可能无法正常工作。
- 占用内存较高:与SurfaceView相比,TextureView占用内存更高,这可能会影响到应用的性能,特别是在处理大型图像或视频时。
- 渲染线程问题:在Android 5.0以前,TextureView在主线程进行渲染,这可能导致UI卡顿。虽然在Android 5.0及以后版本中,TextureView有了单独的渲染线程,但在高GPU负荷的场景下,可能存在帧率下降的问题。
- 同步问题:TextureView需要在多个线程之间进行写读同步,包括CPU和GPU的同步。当同步失调时,可能会出现掉帧或吞帧导致的卡顿和抖动现象。
/* * SmartPlayer.java * Author: daniusdk.com * Create rendering with different type */ private boolean CreateView() { if (sSurfaceView != null) return true; Log.i(TAG, "CreateView"); if (SURFACE_TYPE_NULL == surface_type_) { String manufacturer = Build.MANUFACTURER; Log.i(TAG, "CreateView, current manufacturer: " + manufacturer); if (is_enable_hardware_render_mode) { //hardware render模式,第二个参数设置为false sSurfaceView = NTRenderer.CreateRenderer(this, false); } else { //这个字符串可以自己定义,例如判断华为就填写huawei,魅族就填写meizu if ("huawei".equalsIgnoreCase(manufacturer)) { sSurfaceView = NTRenderer.CreateRenderer(this, true); } else { /* * useOpenGLES2: If with true: Check if system supports openGLES, if * supported, it will choose openGLES. If with false: it will set * with default surfaceView; */ sSurfaceView = NTRenderer.CreateRenderer(this, true); } } } else { if (SURFACE_TYPE_TEXTURE_VIEW == surface_type_) { TextureView texture_view = new TextureView(this); texture_view.setSurfaceTextureListener(this); sSurfaceView = texture_view; } else sSurfaceView= new SurfaceView(this); } if (sSurfaceView == null) { Log.i(TAG, "Create render failed.."); return false; } if (is_enable_hardware_render_mode || SURFACE_TYPE_SURFACE_VIEW == surface_type_) { if (sSurfaceView instanceof SurfaceView) { SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder = ((SurfaceView)sSurfaceView).getHolder(); if (surfaceHolder == null) Log.e(TAG, "CreateView, surfaceHolder with null.."); else surfaceHolder.addCallback(this); } } return true; }
class EventHandeV2 implements NTSmartEventCallbackV2 { public void onNTSmartEventCallbackV2(long handle, int id, long param1, long param2, String param3, String param4, Object param5) { //Log.i(TAG, "EventHandeV2: handle=" + handle + " id:" + id); String player_event = ""; switch (id) { case NTSmartEventID.EVENT_DANIULIVE_ERC_PLAYER_STARTED: player_event = "开始.."; break; case NTSmartEventID.EVENT_DANIULIVE_ERC_PLAYER_CONNECTING: player_event = "连接中.."; break; case NTSmartEventID.EVENT_DANIULIVE_ERC_PLAYER_CONNECTION_FAILED: player_event = "连接失败.."; break; case NTSmartEventID.EVENT_DANIULIVE_ERC_PLAYER_CONNECTED: player_event = "连接成功.."; break; case NTSmartEventID.EVENT_DANIULIVE_ERC_PLAYER_DISCONNECTED: player_event = "连接断开.."; break; case NTSmartEventID.EVENT_DANIULIVE_ERC_PLAYER_STOP: player_event = "停止播放.."; break; case NTSmartEventID.EVENT_DANIULIVE_ERC_PLAYER_RESOLUTION_INFO: player_event = "分辨率信息: width: " + param1 + ", height: " + param2; handler.post(new OnNTPlayerVideoSize((int)param1, (int)param2)); break; case NTSmartEventID.EVENT_DANIULIVE_ERC_PLAYER_NO_MEDIADATA_RECEIVED: player_event = "收不到媒体数据,可能是url错误.."; break; case NTSmartEventID.EVENT_DANIULIVE_ERC_PLAYER_SWITCH_URL: player_event = "切换播放URL.."; break; case NTSmartEventID.EVENT_DANIULIVE_ERC_PLAYER_CAPTURE_IMAGE: player_event = "快照: " + param1 + " 路径:" + param3; if (param1 == 0) player_event = player_event + ", 截取快照成功"; else player_event = player_event + ", 截取快照失败"; if (param4 != null && !param4.isEmpty()) player_event += (", user data:" + param4); break; case NTSmartEventID.EVENT_DANIULIVE_ERC_PLAYER_RECORDER_START_NEW_FILE: player_event = "[record]开始一个新的录像文件 : " + param3; break; case NTSmartEventID.EVENT_DANIULIVE_ERC_PLAYER_ONE_RECORDER_FILE_FINISHED: player_event = "[record]已生成一个录像文件 : " + param3; break; case NTSmartEventID.EVENT_DANIULIVE_ERC_PLAYER_START_BUFFERING: Log.i(TAG, "Start Buffering"); break; case NTSmartEventID.EVENT_DANIULIVE_ERC_PLAYER_BUFFERING: Log.i(TAG, "Buffering:" + param1 + "%"); break; case NTSmartEventID.EVENT_DANIULIVE_ERC_PLAYER_STOP_BUFFERING: Log.i(TAG, "Stop Buffering"); break; case NTSmartEventID.EVENT_DANIULIVE_ERC_PLAYER_DOWNLOAD_SPEED: player_event = "download_speed:" + param1 + "Byte/s" + ", " + (param1 * 8 / 1000) + "kbps" + ", " + (param1 / 1024) + "KB/s"; break; case NTSmartEventID.EVENT_DANIULIVE_ERC_PLAYER_RTSP_STATUS_CODE: Log.e(TAG, "RTSP error code received, please make sure username/password is correct, error code:" + param1); player_event = "RTSP error code:" + param1; break; .... } if (player_event.length() > 0) { Log.i(TAG, player_event); Message message = new Message(); message.what = PLAYER_EVENT_MSG; message.obj = player_event; handler.sendMessage(message); } } }
class OnNTPlayerVideoSize implements Runnable{ int width_; int height_; OnNTPlayerVideoSize(int w, int h ) { this.width_ = w; this.height_ = h; } public void run() { if (this.width_ < 1 || this.height_ < 1) return; video_width_ = this.width_; video_height_ = this.height_; if (null == sSurfaceView) return; if (SURFACE_TYPE_TEXTURE_VIEW == surface_type_ && sSurfaceView instanceof TextureView) adjustTextureViewAspectRatio((TextureView)sSurfaceView, this.width_, this.height_); else if (((isHardwareDecoder&&is_enable_hardware_render_mode) || SURFACE_TYPE_SURFACE_VIEW == surface_type_) && sSurfaceView instanceof SurfaceView ) adjustSurfaceViewAspectRatio((SurfaceView)sSurfaceView, this.width_, this.height_); } }
/** * Invoked when a {@link TextureView}'s SurfaceTexture is ready for use. * * @param surface The surface returned by * {@link android.view.TextureView#getSurfaceTexture()} * @param width The width of the surface * @param height The height of the surface */ public void onSurfaceTextureAvailable(SurfaceTexture surface, int width, int height) { Log.i(TAG, "TextureView onSurfaceTextureAvailable w:" + width + ", h:" + height); if (texture_view_surface_ != null) { texture_view_surface_.release(); texture_view_surface_ = null; } texture_view_surface_ = new Surface(surface); if (isPlaying && SURFACE_TYPE_TEXTURE_VIEW == surface_type_) { libPlayer.SetSurface(playerHandle, texture_view_surface_, 0, disable_codec_render_surface_, disable_sdk_render_surface_); if (video_width_ > 0 && video_height_ > 0 && sSurfaceView != null && (sSurfaceView instanceof TextureView)) adjustTextureViewAspectRatio((TextureView)sSurfaceView, video_width_, video_height_); } } /** * Invoked when the {@link SurfaceTexture}'s buffers size changed. * * @param surface The surface returned by * {@link android.view.TextureView#getSurfaceTexture()} * @param width The new width of the surface * @param height The new height of the surface */ public void onSurfaceTextureSizeChanged(SurfaceTexture surface, int width, int height) { Log.i(TAG, "TextureView onSurfaceTextureSizeChanged w:" + width + ", h:" + height); if(isPlaying && SURFACE_TYPE_TEXTURE_VIEW == surface_type_) { if (sSurfaceView != null && (sSurfaceView instanceof TextureView) && video_width_ > 0 && video_height_ > 0) adjustTextureViewAspectRatio((TextureView) sSurfaceView, video_width_, video_height_); } } /** * Invoked when the specified {@link SurfaceTexture} is about to be destroyed. * If returns true, no rendering should happen inside the surface texture after this method * is invoked. If returns false, the client needs to call {@link SurfaceTexture#release()}. * Most applications should return true. * * @param surface The surface about to be destroyed */ public boolean onSurfaceTextureDestroyed(SurfaceTexture surface) { Log.i(TAG, "TextureView onSurfaceTextureDestroyed"); if(isPlaying && SURFACE_TYPE_TEXTURE_VIEW == surface_type_) libPlayer.SetSurface(playerHandle, null, 0, 0, 0); if (texture_view_surface_ != null) { texture_view_surface_.release(); texture_view_surface_ = null; } return true; } /** * Invoked when the specified {@link SurfaceTexture} is updated through * {@link SurfaceTexture#updateTexImage()}. * * @param surface The surface just updated */ public void onSurfaceTextureUpdated(SurfaceTexture surface) { // Log.i(TAG, "TextureView onSurfaceTextureUpdated"); }
- [支持播放协议]高稳定、超低延迟、业内首屈一指的RTSP|RTMP直播播放器SDK;
- [多实例播放]支持多实例播放;
- [事件回调]支持网络状态、buffer状态等回调;
- [视频格式]支持H.265、H.264,此外,还支持RTSP MJPEG播放;
- [H.264/H.265软解码]支持H.264/H.265软解,支持Enhanced RTMP H.265;
- [H.264硬解码]Windows/Android/iOS支持特定机型H.264硬解;
- [H.265硬解]Windows/Android/iOS支持特定机型H.265硬解;
- [H.264/H.265硬解码]Android支持设置Surface模式硬解和普通模式硬解码;
- [RTSP模式设置]支持RTSP TCP/UDP模式设置;
- [RTSP TCP/UDP自动切换]支持RTSP TCP、UDP模式自动切换;
- [RTSP超时设置]支持RTSP超时时间设置,单位:秒;
- [RTSP 401认证处理]支持上报RTSP 401事件,如URL携带鉴权信息,会自动处理;
- [缓冲时间设置]支持buffer time设置;
- [首屏秒开]支持首屏秒开模式;
- [复杂网络处理]支持断网重连等各种网络环境自动适配;
- [快速切换URL]支持播放过程中,快速切换其他URL,内容切换更快;
- [音视频多种render机制]Android平台,视频:surfaceview/OpenGL ES,音频:AudioTrack/OpenSL ES;
- [实时静音]支持播放过程中,实时静音/取消静音;
- [实时音量调节]支持播放过程中实时调节音量;
- [实时快照]支持播放过程中截取当前播放画面;
- [只播关键帧]Windows平台支持实时设置是否只播放关键帧;
- [渲染角度]支持0°,90°,180°和270°四个视频画面渲染角度设置;
- [渲染镜像]支持水平反转、垂直反转模式设置;
- [等比例缩放]支持图像等比例缩放绘制(Android设置surface模式硬解模式不支持);
- [实时下载速度更新]支持当前下载速度实时回调(支持设置回调时间间隔);
- [解码前视频数据回调]支持H.264/H.265数据回调;
- [解码后视频数据回调]支持解码后YUV/RGB数据回调;
- [解码前音频数据回调]支持AAC/PCMA/PCMU数据回调;
- [音视频自适应]支持播放过程中,音视频信息改变后自适应;
- [扩展录像功能]完美支持和录像SDK组合使用。