- 概念
每个函数都包含两个非继承而来的方法:apply()和call()。 call与apply都属于Function.prototype的一个方法,所以每个function实例都有call、apply属性;
- 作用
- 区别
他们的区别在于接收参数的方式不同: call():第一个参数是this值没有变化,变化的是其余参数都直接传递给函数。在使用call()方法时,传递给函数的参数必须逐个列举出来。 apply():传递给函数的是参数数组
- 应用
var name = "Evan"; var age = 20; var person = { name: "Hillary", age: 19, sayIntroduce: function () { return ( "Hello, My name is " + this.name +" and I'm " +this.age +" years old." ); }, sayHobby: function (val1, val2) { return "I'm " + this.name + ", I like " + val1 + " and " + val2 + "."; } }; var person1 = { name: "Coy", }; console.log(person.sayIntroduce()); // Hello, My name is Hillary and I'm 19 years old. // 当我们通过 call 和 apply 来this的指向时,不传任何参数,则默认为将this指向修改为 windows console.log(person.sayIntroduce.call()); // Hello, My name is Evan and I'm 20 years old. console.log(person.sayIntroduce.apply()); // Hello, My name is Evan and I'm 20 years old. // 有参数时,this 指向第一个参数:将this指向 person1,由于person1中没有age属性,因此为 undefined console.log(person.sayIntroduce.call(person1)); // Hello, My name is Coy and I'm undefined years old. console.log(person.sayIntroduce.apply(person1)); // Hello, My name is Coy and I'm undefined years old. // 当需要传递参数时,call可以直接写多个参数,apply需要用数组方式传递: console.log(person.sayHobby.call(person1, 'swimming', 'hiking')); // I'm Coy, I like swimming and hiking. console.log(person.sayHobby.apply(person1, ['swimming', 'hiking'])); // I'm Coy, I like swimming and hiking.