
简介: 使用k-近邻算法构建手写识别系统(kNN)


from google.colab import drive
Mounted at /content/drive


import zipfile
def unzip_data(zip_file_path, extract_to_path):
    with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_path, 'r') as zip_ref:
# 用法示例
zip_file_path = '/content/drive/MyDrive/MachineLearning/机器学习/k-近邻算法/手写识别系统/digits.zip'
extract_to_path = '/content/drive/MyDrive/MachineLearning/机器学习/k-近邻算法/手写识别系统/'
unzip_data(zip_file_path, extract_to_path)
from numpy import *
def img2vector(filename):
  returnVect = zeros((1, 1024))
  fr = open(filename)
  for i in range(32):
    lineStr = fr.readline()
    for j in range(32):
      returnVect[0, 32*i+j] = int(lineStr[j])
  return returnVect
testVector = img2vector('/content/drive/MyDrive/MachineLearning/机器学习/k-近邻算法/手写识别系统/testDigits/0_13.txt')
(1, 1024)


​import operator
def classify0(inX, dataSet, labels, k):
  dataSetSize = dataSet.shape[0]
  diffMat = tile(inX, (dataSetSize, 1)) - dataSet
  sqDiffMat = diffMat ** 2
  sqDistances = sqDiffMat.sum(axis=1)
  distances = sqDistances**0.5
  sortedDistIndicies = distances.argsort()
  classCount = {}
  for i in range(k):
    voteIlabel = labels[sortedDistIndicies[i]]
    classCount[voteIlabel] = classCount.get(voteIlabel, 0) + 1
  sortedClassCount = sorted(classCount.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
  return sortedClassCount[0][0]


from os import listdir
def handwritingClassTest():
  hwLabels = []
  trainingFileList = listdir('/content/drive/MyDrive/MachineLearning/机器学习/k-近邻算法/手写识别系统/trainingDigits/')
  m = len(trainingFileList)
  trainingMat = zeros((m, 1024))
  for i in range(m):
    fileNameStr = trainingFileList[i]
    fileStr = fileNameStr.split('.')[0]
    classNumStr = int(fileStr.split('_')[0])
    trainingMat[i,:] = img2vector('/content/drive/MyDrive/MachineLearning/机器学习/k-近邻算法/手写识别系统/trainingDigits/%s' % fileNameStr)
  testFileList = listdir('/content/drive/MyDrive/MachineLearning/机器学习/k-近邻算法/手写识别系统/testDigits/')
  errorCount = 0
  myTest = len(testFileList)
  for i in range(myTest):
    fileNameStr = testFileList[i]
    fileStr = fileNameStr.split('.')[0]
    classNumStr = int(fileStr.split('_')[0])
    vectorUnderTest = img2vector('/content/drive/MyDrive/MachineLearning/机器学习/k-近邻算法/手写识别系统/testDigits/%s' % fileNameStr)
    classifierResult = classify0(vectorUnderTest, trainingMat, hwLabels, 3)
    print("the classifier came back with: %d, the real answer is: %d" % (classifierResult, classNumStr))
    if (classifierResult != classNumStr):
      errorCount += 1
  print("\nthe total number of errors is: %d" % errorCount)
  print("\nthe total error rate is: %f" % (errorCount/float(myTest)))
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the classifier came back with: 0, the real answer is: 0
the classifier came back with: 0, the real answer is: 0
the classifier came back with: 0, the real answer is: 0
the classifier came back with: 0, the real answer is: 0
the classifier came back with: 0, the real answer is: 0
the classifier came back with: 0, the real answer is: 0
the classifier came back with: 0, the real answer is: 0
the classifier came back with: 0, the real answer is: 0
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the classifier came back with: 9, the real answer is: 9
the classifier came back with: 9, the real answer is: 9
the classifier came back with: 9, the real answer is: 9
the classifier came back with: 9, the real answer is: 9
the classifier came back with: 9, the real answer is: 9
the classifier came back with: 9, the real answer is: 9

the total number of errors is: 10

the total error rate is: 0.010571


def handwritingPredict(vectorUnderTest):
  hwLabels = []
  trainingFileList = listdir('/content/drive/MyDrive/MachineLearning/机器学习/k-近邻算法/手写识别系统/trainingDigits/')
  m = len(trainingFileList)
  trainingMat = zeros((m, 1024))
  for i in range(m):
    fileNameStr = trainingFileList[i]
    fileStr = fileNameStr.split('.')[0]
    classNumStr = int(fileStr.split('_')[0])
    trainingMat[i,:] = img2vector('/content/drive/MyDrive/MachineLearning/机器学习/k-近邻算法/手写识别系统/trainingDigits/%s' % fileNameStr)
  classifierResult = classify0(vectorUnderTest, trainingMat, hwLabels, 3)
  print("the classifier came back with: %d" % (classifierResult))
array([0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.])
the classifier came back with: 0
机器学习/深度学习 人工智能 算法
110 55
机器学习/深度学习 人工智能 算法
宠物识别系统,本系统使用Python作为主要开发语言,基于TensorFlow搭建卷积神经网络算法,并收集了37种常见的猫狗宠物种类数据集【'阿比西尼亚猫(Abyssinian)', '孟加拉猫(Bengal)', '暹罗猫(Birman)', '孟买猫(Bombay)', '英国短毛猫(British Shorthair)', '埃及猫(Egyptian Mau)', '缅因猫(Maine Coon)', '波斯猫(Persian)', '布偶猫(Ragdoll)', '俄罗斯蓝猫(Russian Blue)', '暹罗猫(Siamese)', '斯芬克斯猫(Sphynx)', '美国斗牛犬
93 29
机器学习/深度学习 前端开发 算法
婚恋交友系统平台 相亲交友平台系统 婚恋交友系统APP 婚恋系统源码 婚恋交友平台开发流程 婚恋交友系统架构设计 婚恋交友系统前端/后端开发 婚恋交友系统匹配推荐算法优化
21 3
算法 5G 数据安全/隐私保护
本文介绍了基于交替最小化(AltMin)算法的混合预编码技术在MIMO系统中的应用。通过Matlab 2022a仿真,展示了该算法在不同信噪比下的性能表现。核心程序实现了对预编码器和组合器的优化,有效降低了硬件复杂度,同时保持了接近全数字预编码的性能。仿真结果表明,该方法具有良好的鲁棒性和收敛性。
31 8
存储 人工智能 缓存
37 3
机器学习/深度学习 人工智能 算法
32 1
机器学习/深度学习 算法 数据挖掘
39 1
机器学习/深度学习 算法 Serverless
本项目利用鲸鱼优化算法(WOA)优化支持向量机(SVM)参数,针对乳腺癌早期诊断问题,通过MATLAB 2022a实现。核心代码包括参数初始化、目标函数计算、位置更新等步骤,并附有详细中文注释及操作视频。实验结果显示,WOA-SVM在提高分类精度和泛化能力方面表现出色,为乳腺癌的早期诊断提供了有效的技术支持。
存储 算法