考虑一下你拥有一种具有不同附魔的武器,并且应该允许将具有不同附魔的不同武器混合使用。你会怎么做? 为每个附魔创建每种武器的多个副本,还是只是创建单独的附魔并根据需要为武器设置它? 桥接模式使您可以进行第二次操作
public interface Weapon { void wield(); void swing(); void unwield(); Enchantment getEnchantment(); } public class Sword implements Weapon { private final Enchantment enchantment; public Sword(Enchantment enchantment) { this.enchantment = enchantment; } @Override public void wield() { LOGGER.info("The sword is wielded."); enchantment.onActivate(); } @Override public void swing() { LOGGER.info("The sword is swinged."); enchantment.apply(); } @Override public void unwield() { LOGGER.info("The sword is unwielded."); enchantment.onDeactivate(); } @Override public Enchantment getEnchantment() { return enchantment; } } public class Hammer implements Weapon { private final Enchantment enchantment; public Hammer(Enchantment enchantment) { this.enchantment = enchantment; } @Override public void wield() { LOGGER.info("The hammer is wielded."); enchantment.onActivate(); } @Override public void swing() { LOGGER.info("The hammer is swinged."); enchantment.apply(); } @Override public void unwield() { LOGGER.info("The hammer is unwielded."); enchantment.onDeactivate(); } @Override public Enchantment getEnchantment() { return enchantment; } }
public interface Enchantment { void onActivate(); void apply(); void onDeactivate(); } public class FlyingEnchantment implements Enchantment { @Override public void onActivate() { LOGGER.info("The item begins to glow faintly."); } @Override public void apply() { LOGGER.info("The item flies and strikes the enemies finally returning to owner's hand."); } @Override public void onDeactivate() { LOGGER.info("The item's glow fades."); } } public class SoulEatingEnchantment implements Enchantment { @Override public void onActivate() { LOGGER.info("The item spreads bloodlust."); } @Override public void apply() { LOGGER.info("The item eats the soul of enemies."); } @Override public void onDeactivate() { LOGGER.info("Bloodlust slowly disappears."); } }
var enchantedSword = new Sword(new SoulEatingEnchantment()); enchantedSword.wield(); enchantedSword.swing(); enchantedSword.unwield(); // The sword is wielded. // The item spreads bloodlust. // The sword is swinged. // The item eats the soul of enemies. // The sword is unwielded. // Bloodlust slowly disappears. var hammer = new Hammer(new FlyingEnchantment()); hammer.wield(); hammer.swing(); hammer.unwield(); // The hammer is wielded. // The item begins to glow faintly. // The hammer is swinged. // The item flies and strikes the enemies finally returning to owner's hand. // The hammer is unwielded. // The item's glow fades.
- 你想永久性的避免抽象和他的实现之间的绑定。有可能是这种情况,当实现需要被选择或者在运行时切换。
- 抽象和他们的实现应该能通过写子类来扩展。这种情况下,桥接模式让你可以组合不同的抽象和实现并独立的扩展他们。
- 对抽象的实现的改动应当不会对客户产生影响;也就是说,他们的代码不必重新编译。
- 你有种类繁多的类。这样的类层次结构表明需要将一个对象分为两部分。Rumbaugh 使用术语“嵌套归纳”来指代这种类层次结构。
- 你想在多个对象间分享一种实现(可能使用引用计数),这个事实应该对客户隐藏。一个简单的示例是Coplien的String类,其中多个对象可以共享同一字符串表示形式