简介: LabVIEW调用C/C++ DLLs





编写一个DLL封装,可以类比在C语言环境下,按照该DLL原始开发者设计的调用DLL方式,来编写一个完全独立的程序。反过来,这个封装程序也是专门针对在LabVIEW中调用DLL所设计的。也就是说,这个新的用C编写的“封装” 程序将原来的C程序(DLL)封装起来,形成一个接口层。使用封装的好处在于,不再需要使用原来的DLL的源代码,也不需要对这些源代码进行任何改动。

Calling C/C++ DLLs ContainingSimple and Complex Datatypes from LabVIEW


LabVIEWdevelopers often have to call C/C++ DLLs from LabVIEW and because of thedifferences between LabVIEW and C/C++ datatypes, passing and receiving datafrom these DLLs can be intimidating at first.

This exampleseeks to show developers how to pass and receive different types of dataranging from simple datatypes like numerics (int, float, double, etc), arraysand strings to more complex data types like pointers, struct (cluster), arraysof structs, and even arrays of structs that have arrays of structs in them.

In addition,this example seeks to show developers the different ways to pass and receivedata in LabVIEW with a DLL – when functions pass data by value, return datausing a return statement, or return data using pass by reference.

This examplecovers the following use cases:


Call Type


1. Numeric (Integer)

a) Returning a value (return statement)

2. Array of Numerics

b) Returning a pointer (return statement)

3. Strings

c) Passing a parameter (Pass by value)

4. 2 Dimensional Array

d) Returning values by reference (pass by ref)

5. Simple Struct (with basic datatypes)

6. Complex Struct (with structs & arrays)

Attached Files LabVIEW Library (.lvlib)     containing examples on how to call each individual function. Source code for the ANSI C     DLL as well as the compiled DLL. Written in CVI, but tested to compile in     Visual Studio as well. Examples of calling the C DLL     from ANSI C. Written in Visual Studio.

Example Hierarchy

The majority ofVIs in the example were automatically generated using the Import Shared Library Wizard. The wizarddoes not cover all cases, and could not generate VI wrappers for somefunctions, and some VI wrappers were incomplete. However, it gives us a reallygood starting point for calling our DLL.

For an exampleon using the Import Shared Library Wizard, refer to:

Tutorial: Creating Wrapper VIs for C/C++ DLL functionsusing the Import Shared Library Wizard

For anexplanation on what the Import Shared Library Wizard missed, refer to thesection titled Caveats with the Import Shared Library Wizard.

The VIs in theexample are arranged in the following virtual folders in the library:

Import Shared Library Wizard Generated VIs: These are the     auto-generated VIs that were the output of the Import Shared Library     Wizard

Dereferencing Pointers: VIs that assist     with dereferencing pointers. They use either MoveBlock or     GetValueByPointer. See:

Dereferencing Pointers from C/C++ DLLs in LabVIEW

Custom Controls For Structs: Strict Typedef     controls that represent the struct datatypes in the DLL

Completed, Corrected and Added VIs: Additional VIs that     were added in order to work around the caveats encountered using the     Import Shared Library Wizard

Caveats with the Import SharedLibrary Wizard

The followingcases were not completely handled by the Import Shared Library Wizard:

VI Not Generated

In the followingcase, VIs were not generated at all:

When a function returns anything other than a     numeric, string or void. Pointers are fine because they are treated as     numerics.

    In these cases, the data should be treated as a pointer and the data type     in LabVIEW for the return value should be set as Unsigned Pointer-Sized     Integer

In the examplelvlib, these VIs were manually created and given the suffix “Added” to thename.

Incomplete VIs

In the followingcases, the VIs that were generated were incomplete in some fashion:

When a function returned a pointer and the pointer     wasn’t automatically dereferenced.

    In these cases, the pointer needs to be dereferenced using either     MoveBlock or GetValueByPointer. See:

Dereferencing Pointers from C/C++ DLLs in LabVIEW

In the examplelvlib, these VIs completed in a new VI that has the suffix “Complete” in thename.

Incorrect VIs

In the followingcases, the VIs that were generated had some incorrect behavior:

When a function returned a pointer to a pointer     (strings and 2D Arrays)

    These must be dereferenced twice.

When a function took a struct (cluster) with an     array/string in it

    The individual elements should be dereferenced individually.

In the examplelvlib, these VIs were corrected in a new VI and given the suffix “Corrected” tothe name.

List of Functions and VIs (byData Type and Call Type)

The following isa list of functions exposed by the C DLL as well as the VI that shows how toproperly call the particular function.

1.     Numeric (Integer)  

a.     Returning a value (return statement)

Function: int ReturningAValue_Integer (void);

VI: Returning A

Auto Generated VI Status: Working    

b.     Returning a pointer (return statement)

Function: int*ReturningAValue_PointerToInteger (void);

VI: Returning A Value Pointer To Integer

Auto Generated VI Status: Incomplete    

c.     Passing a parameter (Pass by value)

Function: int PassingParameters_Integer(int x, int y);

VI: Passing Parameters

Auto Generated VI Status: Working    

d.     Returning values by reference (pass by ref)

Function: voidReturningValuesByReference_Integer (int x, int y, int *sum);

VI: Returning ValuesBy Reference

Auto Generated VI Status: Working    

2.     Array of Numerics  

a.     Returning a value (return statement)

Function: int*ReturningAValue_ArrayOfIntegers (int length);

VI: Returning A ValueArray Of Integers

Auto Generated VI Status: Incomplete    

b.     Returning a pointer (return statement)

Function: N/A (arrays variables are already pointers)


Auto Generated VI Status: N/A    

c.     Passing a parameter (Pass by value)

Function: intPassingParamters_ArrayOfIntegers (int x[], int length);

VI: Passing ParamtersArray Of

Auto Generated VI Status: Working    

d.     Returning values by reference (pass by ref)

Function: void ReturningValuesByReference_ArrayOfIntegers (int *x, int length,int **newArray, int *newLength);

VI: Returning ValuesBy Reference Array Of Integers

Auto Generated VI Status: Incomplete    

3.     Strings  

a.     Returning a   value (return statement)

Function: char*ReturningAValue_String (void);

VI: Returning A

Auto Generated VI Status: Working    

b.     Returning a pointer (return statement)

Function: N/A (arrays variables are already pointers)


Auto Generated VI Status: N/A    

c.     Passing a parameter (Pass by value)

Function: intPassingParamters_String (char *str);

VI: Passing

Auto Generated VI Status: Working    

d.     Returning values by reference (pass by ref)

Function: voidReturningValuesByReference_String (char *str, char **newString);

VI: Returning ValuesBy Reference String

Auto Generated VI Status: Incorrect    

4.     2 Dimensional Array  

a.     ReturningAValue_2DArrayOfIntegers

Function: int**ReturningAValue_2DArrayOfIntegers (int rows, int cols);

VI: Returning A Value2D Array Of Integers

Auto Generated VI Status: Incomplete    

b.     Returning a pointer (return statement)

Function: N/A (arrays variables are already pointers)


Auto Generated VI Status: N/A    

c.     Passing a parameter (Pass by value)

Function: intPassingParamters_2DArrayOfIntegers (int *x, int rows, int cols);

VI: Passing Paramters2D Array Of Integers

Auto Generated VI Status: Incorrect    

d.     Returning values by reference (pass by ref)

Function: voidReturningValuesByReference_2DArrayOfIntegers (int rows, int cols, int***newArray);

VI: Returning ValuesBy Reference 2D Array Of Integers

Auto Generated VI Status: Incomplete    

5.     Simple Struct (with basic datatypes)  

a.     Returning a   value (return statement)

Function: structsimpleStructCircle ReturningAValue_SimpleStruct(void);

VI: Returning A ValueSimple Struct

Auto Geerated VI Status: Not Generated    

b.     Returning a pointer (return statement)

Function: structsimpleStructCircle* ReturningAValue_PointerToSimpleStruct(void);

VI: Returning A ValuePointer To Simple Struct

Auto Generated VI Status: Not Generated    

c.     Passing a parameter (Pass by value)

Function: floatPassingParamters_SimpleStruct (struct simpleStructCircle circle);

VI: Passing ParamtersSimple

Auto Generated VI Status: Working    

d.     Returning values by reference (pass by ref)

Function: voidReturningValuesByReference_SimpleStruct (struct simpleStructCircle circle,struct simpleStructCircle *largerCircle);

VI: Returning ValuesBy Reference Simple

Auto Generated VI Status: Working    

e.     Returning array of struct

Function: voidReturningValuesByReference_ArrayOfSimpleStruct (struct simpleStructCircle**circleArray, int length);

VI: Returning ValuesBy Reference Array Of Simple Struct

Auto Generated VI Status: Incomplete  

6.     Complex Struct (with structs and arrays)  

a.     Returning a   value (return statement)

Function: structcomplexStructPolygon ReturningAValue_ComplexStruct (void);

VI: Returning A ValueComplex Struct

Auto Generated VI Status: Not Generated    

b.     Returning a pointer (return statement)

Function: structcomplexStructPolygon* ReturningAValue_PointerToComplexStruct (void);

VI: Returning A ValuePointer To Complex Struct

Auto Generated VI Status: Not Generated    

c.     Passing a parameter (Pass by value)

Function: intPassingParamters_ComplexStruct (struct complexStructPolygon triangle);

VI: Passing ParamtersComplex Struct

Auto Generated VI Status: Incorrect    

d.     Returning values by reference (pass by ref)

Function: voidReturningValuesByReference_PointerToComplexStruct (struct complexStructPolygon*triangle);

VI: Returning ValuesBy Reference Pointer To Complex Struct

Auto Generated VI Status: Incorrect    

e.      Returning array of struct

Function: void ReturningValuesByReference_ArrayOfComplexStruct(struct complexStructPolygon **triangles, int length);

VI: Returning ValuesBy Reference Array Of Complex Struct

Auto Generated VI Status: Incorrect        


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