SAP R/3系统的启动和关闭

简介: SAP R/3系统的启动和关闭

SAP R/3系统的启动

SAP R/3系统的启动:


2.startsapstarts the saposcol进程,它是OS资源数据的statistics collector。

3.startsapcalls the script.startdb,

4.startsapthen starts the central instance.

5.The R/3 System administrator can start additional instances and application servers. To start the instances independently of the database, use the script.startsap.


startsap r3: Checks if the database is running; if it is, only the instance is started

startsap db: Starts only the database

startsap all: Default entry; starts both the database and the R/3 instance

SAP R/3 instance的启动:


2.Program SAPSTART reads the START PROFILE and starts the R/3 components and/or services listed in /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/profile/START_<instance>_<hostname>.

-On a central instance, SAPSTART starts the message server, dispatcher, collector, and the sender.

-On a dialog instance, only the sender and the dispatcher are started. The collector and sender are used to implement the central R/3 System log.

(sapstartcreates the dispatcher, collector, and sender.saposcolis started directly from the script.startsap.)

3.The dispatcher forks and creates child processes:

-The work processes (dialog, background, spool, update, . . .) are created according to the information in the profiles /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/profile/<SID>_<instance>_<hostname> and /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/profile/DEFAULT.PFL.

-The gateway reader. This does not depend on the profiles, and it is always started.

4.All the work processes except the gateway reader connect to the database.


1.C source in the R/3 kernel


3. /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/profile/<SID>_<instance>_<hostname>

4. The R/3 kernel (disp+work) reads the default and instance profile. If you change one of these profiles, you must restart the corresponding R/3 instance.

R3 startup logs and Traces


stderr1 … mStandard error files of program SAPSTART

sapstart<m>.trcTrace files of program SAPSTART

sapstart.logStartup log of program SAPSTART


dev_msTrace file of the message server

dev_dispTrace file of the dispatcher

dev_w0 … nTrace files of the work processes

Trace的Level可以在instance parameter中定义。

0: Write only errors (no traces)

1: Write error messages and warnings (default)

2: Write error messages and a short trace

3: Write error messages and the complete trace


1.在OS level, you can use UNIX command ‘page’, ‘more’, or ‘cat’.

- In R/3, you can use transactionAL11.

- In R/3, you can use transactionSM50to see the developer trace for a particular work rocess:

chooseProcess→Trace→Display file(or click onDisplay file).

SAP R/3系统的关闭

SAP R/3系统的关闭:


2. os level的关闭:stopsap [r3all]



1.If the database cannot be stopped when the R/3 System is stopped, this may be because:

nThe database is performing a rollback of aborted transactions caused by the shutdown of the R/3 System. Depending on the last commit and the application, this can take a long time.

nAn online backup is running. You should wait until the online backup is finished.nThe archiver becomes stuck at exactly the time you are stopping the R/3 System. To free the file system, you should save the archives in the correct order to tape.

2.If there is no obvious reason why the database cannot be stopped, the database administrator shoulduse transactionSM21to check the R/3 System log and the database alert file.

3.Before you try again to stop the database, ensure that the problem is solved.

4.For further information, see the R/3 Online Documentation on database backup, reorganization, and recovery.

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