D. Watch the Videos

简介: D. Watch the Videos





#define debug1(a) cout<<#a<<'='<< a << endl;
#define debug2(a,b) cout<<#a<<" = "<<a<<"  "<<#b<<" = "<<b<<endl;
#define debug3(a,b,c) cout<<#a<<" = "<<a<<"  "<<#b<<" = "<<b<<"  "<<#c<<" = "<<c<<endl;
#define debug4(a,b,c,d) cout<<#a<<" = "<<a<<"  "<<#b<<" = "<<b<<"  "<<#c<<" = "<<c<<"  "<<#d<<" = "<<d<<endl;
#define debug5(a,b,c,d,e) cout<<#a<<" = "<<a<<"  "<<#b<<" = "<<b<<"  "<<#c<<" = "<<c<<"  "<<#d<<" = "<<d<<"  "<<#e<<" = "<<e<<endl;
#define debug0(x) cout << "debug0: " << x << endl
#define fr(t, i, n)for (long long i = t; i < n; i++)
#define YES cout<<"Yes"<<endl
#define NO cout<<"No"<<endl
#define fi first
#define se second
#define int long long
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
typedef unsigned long long ULL;
typedef pair<int,int> PII;
typedef pair<LL,LL> PLL;
//#pragma GCC optimize(3,"Ofast","inline")
//#pragma GCC optimize(2)
const int N = 2e5+10;
int a[N];
int n,v;
bool check(int x)
    int l = 1,r = x;
    while(l < r)
        if(a[l] + a[r] > v)return false;
        r --;
        if(l < r && a[l] + a[r] > v)return false;
        l ++;
    return true;
void solve() 
    cin >> n >> v;
    int sum = 0;
    for(int i = 1;i <= n;i ++){
        cin >> a[i];
        sum += a[i];
    int l = 1,r = n;
    int mid;
    while(l < r)
        mid = l+r+1>> 1;
        if(check(mid))l = mid;
        else r = mid-1;
    cout << sum + n - l + 1<< endl;
signed main()
    int T = 1;//cin >> T;
    return 0;

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