MySQL 全文检索

云数据库 RDS MySQL,集群系列 2核4GB
RDS MySQL Serverless 基础系列,0.5-2RCU 50GB
RDS MySQL Serverless 高可用系列,价值2615元额度,1个月
简介: MySQL 全文检索

不是所有的数据表都支持全文检索 MySQL支持多种底层数据库引擎,但是并非所有的引擎支持全文检索 ,目前最常用引擎是是MyISAM和InnoDB;前者支持全文检索,后者不支持。


操作符 含义
+ 必须有
- 必须不包含
> 包含对应关键字的排名靠前
< 包含对应关键字的排名靠后
~ 取反()
* 放在词尾 类似通配符
" " 引号中间作为一个完整的值处理


表productnotes :


mysql> SELECT note_text
    -> FROM productnotes
    -> WHERE Match(note_text) Against('rabbit');
| note_text                                                                                                            |
| Customer complaint: rabbit has been able to detect trap, food apparently less effective now.                         |
| Quantity varies, sold by the sack load. All guaranteed to be bright and orange, and suitable for use as rabbit bait. |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)


mysql> SELECT note_text,
    ->  Match(note_text) Against('rabbit') AS match_rank
    -> FROM productnotes;
| note_text                                                                                                                                                 | match_rank         |
| Customer complaint:
Sticks not individually wrapped, too easy to mistakenly detonate all at once.
Recommend individual wrapping.                          |                  0 |
| Can shipped full, refills not available.
Need to order new can if refill needed.                                                                          |                  0 |
| Safe is combination locked, combination not provided with safe.
This is rarely a problem as safes are typically blown up or dropped by customers.         |                  0 |
| Quantity varies, sold by the sack load.
All guaranteed to be bright and orange, and suitable for use as rabbit bait.                                      | 1.5905543565750122 |
| Included fuses are short and have been known to detonate too quickly for some customers.
Longer fuses are available (item FU1) and should be recommended. |                  0 |
| Matches not included, recommend purchase of matches or detonator (item DTNTR).                                                                            |                  0 |
| Please note that no returns will be accepted if safe opened using explosives.                                                                             |                  0 |
| Multiple customer returns, anvils failing to drop fast enough or falling backwards on purchaser. Recommend that customer considers using heavier anvils.  |                  0 |
| Item is extremely heavy. Designed for dropping, not recommended for use with slings, ropes, pulleys, or tightropes.                                       |                  0 |
| Customer complaint: rabbit has been able to detect trap, food apparently less effective now.                                                              | 1.6408053636550903 |
| Shipped unassembled, requires common tools (including oversized hammer).                                                                                  |                  0 |
| Customer complaint:
Circular hole in safe floor can apparently be easily cut with handsaw.                                                                |                  0 |
| Customer complaint:
Not heavy enough to generate flying stars around head of victim. If being purchased for dropping, recommend ANV02 or ANV03 instead.   |                  0 |
| Call from individual trapped in safe plummeting to the ground, suggests an escape hatch be added.
Comment forwarded to vendor.                            |                  0 |
14 rows in set (0.00 sec)

3.有heavy 但是没有rope

mysql> SELECT note_text
    -> FROM productnotes
    -> WHERE Match(note_text)
    ->  Against('heavy -rope*' IN BOOLEAN MODE);
| note_text                                                                                                                                               |
| Customer complaint:
Not heavy enough to generate flying stars around head of victim. If being purchased for dropping, recommend ANV02 or ANV03 instead. |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
开始实验后,系统会自动创建一台自建MySQL的 源数据库 ECS 实例和一台 目标数据库 RDS。
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