java.util.stream.Stream<T> 是Java 8新加入的最常用的流接口(这并不是一个函数式接口)。获取一个流非常简单,有以下几种常用的方式:
所有的 Collection 集合都可以通过 stream 默认方法获取流;
Stream 接口的静态方法 of 可以获取数组对应的流。
public class GetStream01 { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList<Object> list = new ArrayList<>(); Stream<Object> stream = list.stream(); HashSet<Object> set = new HashSet<>(); Stream<Object> stream1 = set.stream(); Vector<Object> vector = new Vector<>(); Stream<Object> stream2 = vector.stream(); } }
public class GetStream02 { public static void main(String[] args) { HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); Stream<String> keystream = map.keySet().stream(); Stream<String> valueStream = map.values().stream(); Stream<Map.Entry<String, String>> entryStream = map.entrySet().stream(); } }
在数组对象中不能添加默认方法,在Stream接口中提供了静态方法of (of方法其实就是一个可变参数,所以后面当然可以接数组啦)
public class GetStream03 { public static void main(String[] args) { String[] array = {"肌肉猿","程序员非晚"}; Stream<String> stream = Stream.of(array); } }
- 延迟方法:返回值类型仍然是 Stream 接口自身类型的方法,因此支持链式调用。(除了终结方法外,其余方法均为延迟方法。)
- 终结方法:返回值类型不再是 Stream 接口自身类型的方法,因此不再支持类似 StringBuilder 那样的链式调用。本文章中终结方法包括 count 和 forEach 方法。
public class StreamForEach { public static void main(String[] args) { String[] array = {"肌肉猿","程序员非晚"}; Stream<String> stream = Stream.of(array); stream.forEach(name-> System.out.println(name)); } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void forEach(Consumer<? super T> action); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @FunctionalInterface public interface Consumer<T> { /** * Performs this operation on the given argument. * * @param t the input argument */ void accept(T t); /** * Returns a composed {@code Consumer} that performs, in sequence, this * operation followed by the {@code after} operation. If performing either * operation throws an exception, it is relayed to the caller of the * composed operation. If performing this operation throws an exception, * the {@code after} operation will not be performed. * * @param after the operation to perform after this operation * @return a composed {@code Consumer} that performs in sequence this * operation followed by the {@code after} operation * @throws NullPointerException if {@code after} is null */ default Consumer<T> andThen(Consumer<? super T> after) { Objects.requireNonNull(after); return (T t) -> { accept(t); after.accept(t); }; } }
public class StreamForEach { public static void main(String[] args) { String[] array = {"肌肉猿","程序员非晚","程序员爱写Java"}; Stream<String> stream = Stream.of(array); Stream<String> stringStream = stream.filter(s -> s.startsWith("程")); } } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stream<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @FunctionalInterface public interface Predicate<T> { /** * Evaluates this predicate on the given argument. * * @param t the input argument * @return {@code true} if the input argument matches the predicate, * otherwise {@code false} */ boolean test(T t); /** * Returns a composed predicate that represents a short-circuiting logical * AND of this predicate and another. When evaluating the composed * predicate, if this predicate is {@code false}, then the {@code other} * predicate is not evaluated. * * <p>Any exceptions thrown during evaluation of either predicate are relayed * to the caller; if evaluation of this predicate throws an exception, the * {@code other} predicate will not be evaluated. * * @param other a predicate that will be logically-ANDed with this * predicate * @return a composed predicate that represents the short-circuiting logical * AND of this predicate and the {@code other} predicate * @throws NullPointerException if other is null */ default Predicate<T> and(Predicate<? super T> other) { Objects.requireNonNull(other); return (t) -> test(t) && other.test(t); } /** * Returns a predicate that represents the logical negation of this * predicate. * * @return a predicate that represents the logical negation of this * predicate */ default Predicate<T> negate() { return (t) -> !test(t); } /** * Returns a composed predicate that represents a short-circuiting logical * OR of this predicate and another. When evaluating the composed * predicate, if this predicate is {@code true}, then the {@code other} * predicate is not evaluated. * * <p>Any exceptions thrown during evaluation of either predicate are relayed * to the caller; if evaluation of this predicate throws an exception, the * {@code other} predicate will not be evaluated. * * @param other a predicate that will be logically-ORed with this * predicate * @return a composed predicate that represents the short-circuiting logical * OR of this predicate and the {@code other} predicate * @throws NullPointerException if other is null */ default Predicate<T> or(Predicate<? super T> other) { Objects.requireNonNull(other); return (t) -> test(t) || other.test(t); } /** * Returns a predicate that tests if two arguments are equal according * to {@link Objects#equals(Object, Object)}. * * @param <T> the type of arguments to the predicate * @param targetRef the object reference with which to compare for equality, * which may be {@code null} * @return a predicate that tests if two arguments are equal according * to {@link Objects#equals(Object, Object)} */ static <T> Predicate<T> isEqual(Object targetRef) { return (null == targetRef) ? Objects::isNull : object -> targetRef.equals(object); } }
public class StreamMap { public static void main(String[] args) { Stream<String> original = Stream.of("2023","02","14"); Stream<Integer> result = original.map(s -> Integer.parseInt(s)); } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <R> Stream<R> map(Function<? super T, ? extends R> mapper); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @FunctionalInterface public interface Function<T, R> { /** * Applies this function to the given argument. * * @param t the function argument * @return the function result */ R apply(T t); /** * Returns a composed function that first applies the {@code before} * function to its input, and then applies this function to the result. * If evaluation of either function throws an exception, it is relayed to * the caller of the composed function. * * @param <V> the type of input to the {@code before} function, and to the * composed function * @param before the function to apply before this function is applied * @return a composed function that first applies the {@code before} * function and then applies this function * @throws NullPointerException if before is null * * @see #andThen(Function) */ default <V> Function<V, R> compose(Function<? super V, ? extends T> before) { Objects.requireNonNull(before); return (V v) -> apply(before.apply(v)); } /** * Returns a composed function that first applies this function to * its input, and then applies the {@code after} function to the result. * If evaluation of either function throws an exception, it is relayed to * the caller of the composed function. * * @param <V> the type of output of the {@code after} function, and of the * composed function * @param after the function to apply after this function is applied * @return a composed function that first applies this function and then * applies the {@code after} function * @throws NullPointerException if after is null * * @see #compose(Function) */ default <V> Function<T, V> andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends V> after) { Objects.requireNonNull(after); return (T t) -> after.apply(apply(t)); } /** * Returns a function that always returns its input argument. * * @param <T> the type of the input and output objects to the function * @return a function that always returns its input argument */ static <T> Function<T, T> identity() { return t -> t; } }
public class StreamLimit { public static void main(String[] args) { Stream<String> stringStream = Stream.of("肌肉猿", "程序员非晚", "爱Java爱分享","肌肉猿", "程序员非晚", "爱Java爱分享"); Stream<String> stream = stringStream.limit(2); System.out.println(stream.count());//2 } } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stream<T> limit(long maxSize);
public class StreamSkip { public static void main(String[] args) { Stream<String> stringStream = Stream.of("肌肉猿", "程序员非晚", "爱Java爱分享","肌肉猿", "程序员非晚", "爱Java爱分享"); Stream<String> stream = stringStream.skip(2); System.out.println(stream.count());//4 } } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stream<T> skip(long n);
public class StreamConcat { public static void main(String[] args) { Stream<String> stream = Stream.of("肌肉猿"); Stream<String> stream1 = Stream.of("程序员非晚"); Stream<String> result = Stream.concat(stream, stream1); } } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static <T> Stream<T> concat(Stream<? extends T> a, Stream<? extends T> b) { Objects.requireNonNull(a); Objects.requireNonNull(b); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Spliterator<T> split = new Streams.ConcatSpliterator.OfRef<>( (Spliterator<T>) a.spliterator(), (Spliterator<T>) b.spliterator()); Stream<T> stream = StreamSupport.stream(split, a.isParallel() || b.isParallel()); return stream.onClose(Streams.composedClose(a, b)); }
public String concat(String str) { int otherLen = str.length(); if (otherLen == 0) { return this; } int len = value.length; char buf[] = Arrays.copyOf(value, len + otherLen); str.getChars(buf, len); return new String(buf, true); }