【Rust中的所有权系统深入解析】A Deep Dive into Rust‘s Ownership System

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简介: 【Rust中的所有权系统深入解析】A Deep Dive into Rust‘s Ownership System

1. 所有权与变量绑定 (Ownership and Variable Binding)

1.1 Rust中的所有权概念 (Concept of Ownership in Rust)

In Rust, ownership is a core concept that ensures memory safety and prevents data races. Every piece of memory has a single owner, and the owner is responsible for cleaning up the memory when it is no longer needed.

In Rust, ownership is a core concept that ensures memory safety and prevents data races.


Ownership rules in Rust are enforced by the compiler, ensuring that programs adhere to three main rules:

  1. Each value in Rust has a variable that’s called its owner.
  2. There can only be one owner at a time.
  3. When the owner goes out of scope, the value will be dropped (cleaned up).

1.2 变量与数据交互的方式 (How Variables Interact with Data)

Variables in Rust interact with data through ownership. When a variable owns a piece of data, it means that the variable is responsible for managing the memory where the data is stored. For instance:

let x = 5;

Here, the variable x owns the integer value 5. When x goes out of scope, the memory occupied by 5 is automatically reclaimed.

When x goes out of scope, the memory occupied by 5 is automatically reclaimed.


1.3 所有权转移 (Transfer of Ownership)

Ownership can be transferred from one variable to another. This is known as a “move”. When a move occurs, the original variable can no longer be used. Here’s an example:

let s1 = String::from("hello");
let s2 = s1;

In this case, the ownership of the string “hello” is moved from s1 to s2. Now, s1 is no longer valid, and if you try to use s1, the compiler will throw an error.

In this case, the ownership of the string “hello” is moved from s1 to s2.


This mechanism of ownership transfer ensures that there is always a single owner of the data, preventing multiple threads from accessing the data concurrently and causing data races.

I hope this section provides a clear introduction to the concept of ownership in Rust. In the next sections, we will delve deeper into references, borrowing, and lifetimes to further explore how Rust ensures memory safety and data race freedom.

2. 引用与借用 (References and Borrowing)

In Rust, you don’t always have to transfer ownership to use a value. Instead, you can reference or borrow it. Let’s delve into what these terms mean and how they work in Rust.

2.1 什么是引用? (What are References?)

A reference in Rust allows you to access the value without taking ownership of it. It’s like pointing to a value without owning it. Here’s how you can create a reference:

let s = String::from("hello");
let r = &s;

In the above code, r is a reference to s. Notice the & symbol, which indicates a reference.

let r = &s;

rs 的引用。注意 & 符号,它表示引用。

2.2 可变引用与不可变引用 (Mutable vs Immutable References)

Rust has two types of references:

  • Immutable References: These references don’t allow you to modify the value they point to. You can have multiple immutable references to a value at the same time.
let s = String::from("hello");
let r1 = &s;
let r2 = &s;
  • Mutable References: These references allow you to modify the value they point to. However, you can only have one mutable reference to a particular value in a particular scope.
let mut s = String::from("hello");
let r = &mut s;

It’s important to note that you cannot have a mutable reference while you have an immutable reference. This is because Rust’s borrowing rules prevent data races.

It’s important to note that you cannot have a mutable reference while you have an immutable reference.


2.3 数据竞争与Rust的借用规则 (Data Races and Rust’s Borrowing Rules)

A data race occurs when:

  • Two or more pointers access the same data at the same time.
  • At least one of the pointers is being used to write to the data.
  • There’s no mechanism being used to synchronize access to the data.

Rust’s borrowing rules prevent data races by ensuring:

  • Either one mutable reference or any number of immutable references.
  • References must always be valid.

These rules ensure that when you’re accessing data, you don’t have to worry about other parts of your code modifying it unexpectedly.

In the next chapter, we’ll dive into lifetimes and how they ensure references remain valid.

3. 生命周期与生命周期注解 (Lifetimes and Lifetime Annotations)

3.1 为什么需要生命周期? (Why do we need Lifetimes?)

In Rust, lifetimes are a way to express the scope of validity of references within the code. They ensure that references do not outlive the data they point to, preventing dangling references and ensuring memory safety.

In Rust, lifetimes are a way to express the scope of validity of references within the code.


Without lifetimes, it would be challenging to guarantee that a reference is still valid when accessed. By explicitly defining lifetimes, Rust can check at compile time that references are used safely.

3.2 生命周期注解的语法 (Syntax of Lifetime Annotations)

Lifetimes are denoted by a tick mark (') followed by a name. For example, 'a is a lifetime named “a”. When defining functions or structs that use references, you can use lifetime annotations to specify the relationship between the lifetimes of the parameters and the return value.

fn longest<'a>(s1: &'a str, s2: &'a str) -> &'a str {
    if s1.len() > s2.len() {
    } else {

In the above function, both parameters and the return value have the same lifetime 'a, indicating that the lifetime of the return value is tied to the lifetimes of the parameters.

3.3 在函数签名中使用生命周期 (Using Lifetimes in Function Signatures)

When defining functions that accept references as parameters, it’s often necessary to specify the relationship between the lifetimes of those references. This is done using lifetime annotations in the function signature.

For instance, in the longest function mentioned earlier, the lifetime 'a is used to specify that the two string references and the returned reference all share the same lifetime.

3.4 结构体中的生命周期注解 (Lifetime Annotations in Structs)

Structs can also have fields that are references. To ensure memory safety, we need to add lifetime annotations to the struct definition.

struct Book<'a> {
    title: &'a str,
    author: &'a str,

Here, the Book struct has two fields, both of which are string references with the same lifetime 'a.

By using lifetimes in Rust, we can write code that is both memory safe and efficient, without the need for a garbage collector.






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