我正试图在 Google 地球引擎中为整个图像集合计算一个直方图(示例代码在这里:https://code.earthengine.google.com/b10f5136a79a6309e381ae11aa9b7431)。为了达到我想要的结果,我现在所做的是计算每个单独图像的直方图直方图1 并将它们相加,不知道是否正确。
直方图基本上是一个配对值列表。因此,您可以用函数映射它,而无需 for/ 循环。以下代码片段包含了为整个图像集生成直方图的算法的重要部分。
ee.Reducer.fixedHistogram(min, max, steps, cumulative)
Creates a reducer that will compute a histogram of the inputs using a fixed number of fixed width bins. Values outside of the [min, max) range are ignored. The output is a Nx2 array of bucket lower edges and counts (or cumulative counts) and is suitable for use per-pixel.
创建一个聚类器,使用固定数量、固定宽度的分隔来计算输入的直方图。超出 [min, max] 范围的值将被忽略。输出是一个 Nx2 数组,包含桶下边缘和计数(或累计计数),适合按像素使用。
min (Float):
The lower (inclusive) bound of the first bucket.
max (Float):
The upper (exclusive) bound of the last bucket.
steps (Integer):
The number of buckets to use.
cumulative (Boolean, default: false):
When true, generates a cumulative histogram.
Returns: Reducer
ui.Chart.image.histogram(image, region, scale, maxBuckets, minBucketWidth, maxRaw, maxPixels)
Generates a Chart from an image. Computes and plots histograms of the values of the bands in the specified region of the image.
- X-axis: Histogram buckets (of band value).
- Y-axis: Frequency (number of pixels with a band value in the bucket).
X 轴 直方图桶(带值)。
Y 轴 频率(带值在桶中的像素数量)。
Returns a chart.
image (Image):
The image to generate a histogram from.
region (Feature|FeatureCollection|Geometry, optional):
The region to reduce. If omitted, uses the entire image.
scale (Number, optional):
The pixel scale used when applying the histogram reducer, in meters.
maxBuckets (Number, optional):
The maximum number of buckets to use when building a histogram; will be rounded up to a power of 2.
minBucketWidth (Number, optional):
The minimum histogram bucket width, or null to allow any power of 2.
maxRaw (Number, optional):
The number of values to accumulate before building the initial histogram.
maxPixels (Number, optional):
If specified, overrides the maximum number of pixels allowed in the histogram reduction. Defaults to 1e6.
Returns: ui.Chart
ui.Chart.array.values(array, axis, xLabels)
Generates a Chart from an array. Plots separate series for each 1-D vector along the given axis.
- X-axis = Array index along axis, optionally labeled by xLabels.
- Y-axis = Value.
- Series = Vector, described by indices of the non-axis array axes.
X-axis = 沿轴的数组索引,可选择用 xLabels 标注。
Y 轴 = 数值。
系列 = 矢量,由非轴数组轴的索引描述。
Returns a chart.
array (Array|List<Object>):
Array to chart.
axis (Number):
The axis along which to generate the 1-D vector series.
xLabels (Array|List<Object>, optional):
Labels for ticks along the x-axis of the chart.
Returns: ui.Chart
// FUNCTIONS// function normalize(image, minValue, maxValue){ var image1 = image.subtract(minValue); var diff = maxValue.subtract(minValue); var image2 = image1.divide(diff); return image2.copyProperties(image, ["system:time_start"]); } // CODE // // Dataset selection var s2 = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2').filterMetadata('MGRS_TILE', 'equals', '32UPU'); var start = ee.Date('2021-11-01'); var end = ee.Date('2022-01-01'); var s2 = s2.filterDate(start, end); print("s2", s2); // Normalizing image collection images with overall minimum and maximum - here only for Band 2 var band = 'B2'; var colIm = s2.select(band); var minImage=colIm.min(); var maxImage=colIm.max(); var maxValue = ee.Number(maxImage.reduceRegion({ reducer: ee.Reducer.max(), geometry: s2.geometry(), maxPixels:10e10, scale: 100 }).get(band)); var minValue = ee.Number(minImage.reduceRegion({ reducer : ee.Reducer.min(), geometry : s2.geometry(), maxPixels : 10e10, scale : 100 }).get(band)); var s2_norm = colIm.map(function(img){return normalize(img, minValue, maxValue)}); print("s2_norm", s2_norm); Map.centerObject(s2_norm); // Histogram for single Image var image = s2_norm.first(); var histogram_single = image.reduceRegion({ reducer : ee.Reducer.fixedHistogram(0,1,256), geometry : s2_norm.geometry(), maxPixels : 10e9 }).get(band); print('Histogram for Single Image', histogram_single); var values = ee.Array(histogram_single).toList().map(function (ele) { return ee.List(ele).get(0); }); //print("values", values); var counts = ee.Array(histogram_single).toList().map(function (ele) { return ee.List(ele).get(1); }); //print("counts", counts); // Create Histogram over all Images var histo = s2_norm.reduce(ee.Reducer.fixedHistogram ({min:0, max: 1, steps: 256, cumulative: true})); print('Output of Histogram for ImageCollection',histo.select('B2_histogram')); Map.addLayer(s2_norm.geometry(), {}, 's2_norm'); //Map.addLayer(histo); print("scale", image.projection().nominalScale()); // Define the chart and print it to the console. var chart = ui.Chart.image.histogram({image: image, region: s2_norm.geometry(), scale: 35}) .setOptions({ title: 'Sentinel 2 normalized B2 band Histogram', hAxis: { title: 'Normalized values', titleTextStyle: {italic: false, bold: true}, viewWindow: {min: 0, max: 1} }, vAxis: {title: 'Count', titleTextStyle: {italic: false, bold: true}}, colors: ['blue'] }); print(chart); var chart2 = ui.Chart.array.values({array: counts, axis: 0, xLabels: values}) .setOptions({ title: 'Sentinel 2 normalized B2 band Histogram', colors: ['red'], hAxis: { 'title': 'Normalized values', titleTextStyle: {italic: false, bold: true} }, vAxis: {title: 'Count', titleTextStyle: {italic: false, bold: true}}, }).setChartType('ColumnChart'); print(chart2); var s2_norm_lst = s2_norm.toList(s2_norm.size()); var allValues = s2_norm_lst.map(function (ele) { var histogram = ee.Image(ele).reduceRegion({ reducer: ee.Reducer.fixedHistogram(0,1,255), geometry: s2_norm.geometry(), maxPixels: 10e9} ).get(band); return ee.List(ee.Array(histogram).toList()); }); allValues = ee.List(allValues).flatten(); var len = allValues.size(); var list = ee.List.sequence(0, len.subtract(1), 2); var tot_list = list.map(function(ele){ var start = ee.Number(ele).int(); var end = ee.Number(ele).add(2).int(); var new_list = ee.List([]); var element = ee.List(allValues.slice(start, end)); new_list = new_list.add(element); return new_list.get(0); }); //print(tot_list); var allValues = tot_list.map(function (ele) { return ee.List(ele).get(0); }); var allCounts = tot_list.map(function (ele) { return ee.List(ele).get(1); }); var chart3 = ui.Chart.array.values({array: allCounts, axis: 0, xLabels: allValues}) .setOptions({ title: 'Sentinel 2 normalized B2 band Histogram', colors: ['red'], hAxis: { 'title': 'Normalized values', titleTextStyle: {italic: false, bold: true} }, vAxis: {title: 'Count', titleTextStyle: {italic: false, bold: true}}, }).setChartType('ColumnChart'); print(chart3);
第一张图表(蓝色)是使用集合中第一张图像的 ui.Chart.image.histogram 获得的(您的 histo 图像对于获得整个集合的直方图没有用处,也无法添加到地图画布中)。只能在比例尺大于 35 米时使用(但是,B2 波段的比例尺为 10 米)。第二和第三个图表(红色)分别显示第一幅图像和整个图像集。
// FUNCTIONS// function normalize(image, minValue, maxValue){ var image1 = image.subtract(minValue); var diff = maxValue.subtract(minValue); var image2 = image1.divide(diff); return image2.copyProperties(image, ["system:time_start"]); } // CODE // // Dataset selection var s2 = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2').filterMetadata('MGRS_TILE', 'equals', '32UPU'); var start = ee.Date('2021-11-01'); var end = ee.Date('2022-01-01'); var s2 = s2.filterDate(start, end); print(s2); // Normalizing image collection images with overall minimum and maximum - here only for Band 2 var band = 'B2'; var colIm = s2.select(band); var minImage=colIm.min(); var maxImage=colIm.max(); var maxValue = ee.Number(maxImage.reduceRegion({ reducer: ee.Reducer.max(), geometry: s2.geometry(), maxPixels:10e10, scale: 100 }).get(band)); var minValue = ee.Number(minImage.reduceRegion({ reducer : ee.Reducer.min(), geometry : s2.geometry(), maxPixels : 10e10, scale : 100 }).get(band)); var s2_norm = colIm.map(function(img){return normalize(img, minValue, maxValue)}); // Histogram for single Image var image = s2_norm.first(); var histogram_single = image.reduceRegion({ reducer : ee.Reducer.fixedHistogram(0,1,255), geometry : s2_norm.geometry(), maxPixels : 10e9 }).get(band); print('Histogram for Single Image', histogram_single); // Create Histogram over all Images var s2_norm_lst = s2_norm.toList(s2_norm.size()); var allValues = s2_norm_lst.map(function (ele) { var histogram = ee.Image(ele).reduceRegion({ reducer: ee.Reducer.fixedHistogram(0,1,255), geometry: s2_norm.geometry(), maxPixels: 10e9} ).get(band); return ee.List(ee.Array(histogram).toList()); }); allValues = ee.List(allValues).flatten(); var histo = ee.List([]); for (var i=0;i<255;i++){ var slice = ee.List(allValues.slice(i*2+1, ee.Number(allValues.size()),510)); var element = ee.Number(slice.reduce(ee.Reducer.sum())); var bin = ee.List(allValues.slice(i*2, ee.Number(allValues.size()),510)); var element2 = ee.Number(bin.reduce(ee.Reducer.mean())); var histo = histo.add([element2,element]); } print('Output of Histogram for ImageCollection', histo); var allValues = histo.map(function (ele) { return ee.List(ele).get(0); }); var allCounts = histo.map(function (ele) { return ee.List(ele).get(1); }); var chart3 = ui.Chart.array.values({array: allCounts, axis: 0, xLabels: allValues}) .setOptions({ title: 'Sentinel 2 normalized B2 band Histogram', colors: ['red'], hAxis: { 'title': 'Normalized values', titleTextStyle: {italic: false, bold: true} }, vAxis: {title: 'Count', titleTextStyle: {italic: false, bold: true}}, }).setChartType('ColumnChart'); print(chart3);