使用Telegraf+Influxdb+Grafana配置VMware vSphere监控大屏

可观测可视化 Grafana 版,10个用户账号 1个月
简介: 使用Telegraf+Influxdb+Grafana配置VMware vSphere监控大屏


使用Telegraf+Grafana监控Microsoft SQLServer数据库

实现使用Telegraf+Influxdb+Grafana配置VMware vSphere监控大屏



vim /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf


请根据实际情况修改IP,账号,密码参数 注意最后的insecure_skip_verify = true参数要设置为true

#   ## List of vCenter URLs to be monitored. These three lines must be uncommented
#   ## and edited for the plugin to work.
vcenters = ["https://vCenterIP地址/sdk" ]
username = "Administrator@vsphere.local"
password = "Password"
#   ## VMs
#   ## Typical VM metrics (if omitted or empty, all metrics are collected)
#   # vm_include = [ "/*/vm/**"] # Inventory path to VMs to collect (by default all are collected)
#   # vm_exclude = [] # Inventory paths to exclude
vm_metric_include = [
#   # vm_metric_exclude = [] ## Nothing is excluded by default
#   # vm_instances = true ## true by default
#   ## Hosts
#   ## Typical host metrics (if omitted or empty, all metrics are collected)
#   # host_include = [ "/*/host/**"] # Inventory path to hosts to collect (by default all are collected)
#   # host_exclude [] # Inventory paths to exclude
host_metric_include = [
#     ## Collect IP addresses? Valid values are "ipv4" and "ipv6"
#   # ip_addresses = ["ipv6", "ipv4" ]
#   # host_metric_exclude = [] ## Nothing excluded by default
#   # host_instances = true ## true by default
#   ## Clusters
#   # cluster_include = [ "/*/host/**"] # Inventory path to clusters to collect (by default all are collected)
#   # cluster_exclude = [] # Inventory paths to exclude
cluster_metric_include = [] ## if omitted or empty, all metrics are collected
#   # cluster_metric_exclude = [] ## Nothing excluded by default
#   # cluster_instances = false ## false by default
#   ## Resource Pools
#   # datastore_include = [ "/*/host/**"] # Inventory path to datastores to collect (by default all are collected)
#   # datastore_exclude = [] # Inventory paths to exclude
#datastore_metric_include = [] ## if omitted or empty, all metrics are collected
#   # datastore_metric_exclude = [] ## Nothing excluded by default
#   # datastore_instances = false ## false by default
#   ## Datastores
#   # datastore_include = [ "/*/datastore/**"] # Inventory path to datastores to collect (by default all are collected)
#   # datastore_exclude = [] # Inventory paths to exclude
datastore_metric_include = [] ## if omitted or empty, all metrics are collected
#   # datastore_metric_exclude = [] ## Nothing excluded by default
#   # datastore_instances = false ## false by default
#   ## Datacenters
#   # datacenter_include = [ "/*/host/**"] # Inventory path to clusters to collect (by default all are collected)
#   # datacenter_exclude = [] # Inventory paths to exclude
datacenter_metric_include = [] ## if omitted or empty, all metrics are collected
#   datacenter_metric_exclude = [ "*" ] ## Datacenters are not collected by default.
#   # datacenter_instances = false ## false by default
#   ## Plugin Settings
#   ## separator character to use for measurement and field names (default: "_")
#   # separator = "_"
#   ## number of objects to retrieve per query for realtime resources (vms and hosts)
#   ## set to 64 for vCenter 5.5 and 6.0 (default: 256)
#   # max_query_objects = 256
#   ## number of metrics to retrieve per query for non-realtime resources (clusters and datastores)
#   ## set to 64 for vCenter 5.5 and 6.0 (default: 256)
#   # max_query_metrics = 256
#   ## number of go routines to use for collection and discovery of objects and metrics
#   # collect_concurrency = 1
#   # discover_concurrency = 1
#   ## the interval before (re)discovering objects subject to metrics collection (default: 300s)
#   # object_discovery_interval = "300s"
#   ## timeout applies to any of the api request made to vcenter
#   # timeout = "60s"
#   ## When set to true, all samples are sent as integers. This makes the output
#   ## data types backwards compatible with Telegraf 1.9 or lower. Normally all
#   ## samples from vCenter, with the exception of percentages, are integer
#   ## values, but under some conditions, some averaging takes place internally in
#   ## the plugin. Setting this flag to "false" will send values as floats to
#   ## preserve the full precision when averaging takes place.
#   # use_int_samples = true
#   ## Custom attributes from vCenter can be very useful for queries in order to slice the
#   ## metrics along different dimension and for forming ad-hoc relationships. They are disabled
#   ## by default, since they can add a considerable amount of tags to the resulting metrics. To
#   ## enable, simply set custom_attribute_exclude to [] (empty set) and use custom_attribute_include
#   ## to select the attributes you want to include.
#   ## By default, since they can add a considerable amount of tags to the resulting metrics. To
#   ## enable, simply set custom_attribute_exclude to [] (empty set) and use custom_attribute_include
#   ## to select the attributes you want to include.
#   # custom_attribute_include = []
#   # custom_attribute_exclude = ["*"]
#   ## The number of vSphere 5 minute metric collection cycles to look back for non-realtime metrics. In
#   ## some versions (6.7, 7.0 and possible more), certain metrics, such as cluster metrics, may be reported
#   ## with a significant delay (>30min). If this happens, try increasing this number. Please note that increasing
#   ## it too much may cause performance issues.
#   # metric_lookback = 3
#   ## Optional SSL Config
#   # ssl_ca = "/path/to/cafile"
#   # ssl_cert = "/path/to/certfile"
#   # ssl_key = "/path/to/keyfile"
#   ## Use SSL but skip chain & host verification
insecure_skip_verify = true
#   ## The Historical Interval value must match EXACTLY the interval in the daily
#   # "Interval Duration" found on the VCenter server under Configure > General > Statistics > Statistic intervals
#   # historical_interval = "5m"

当然你也可以单独设置Vcenter的其它账号只用于监控对接 然后重新telegraf服务

systemctl restart telegraf
systemctl status telegraf





而我现在所用influxdb也是1.X版本 所以推荐用这个历史版本







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