- 界面中商品的图片来源于闲鱼,若侵权请联系删除
/** * 获取uuid */ export default { /** * 获取高宽比 乘以 100% */ getAspectRatio(url) { uni.getImageInfo({ src: url, success: function(res) { let aspectRatio = res.height * 100.0 / res.width; // console.log("aspectRatio:" + aspectRatio); return aspectRatio + "%"; } }); }, }
export default { /** * 日期格式化 */ formatDateToString(date) { return new Date(date).toLocaleString(); }, }
<template> <view class="container"> <u-toast ref="uToast"></u-toast> <view class="userItem"> <view class="userProfile"> <u--image :src="productVo.avatar" width="35" height="35" shape="circle"></u--image> <view style="width: 10px;"></view> <view> <view class="nickname">{{productVo.nickname}}</view> <view class="other">10分钟前来过 广东工业大学大学城校区</view> </view> </view> <view class="follow" @click="follow" v-if="hadFollow==false"> <view> <u-icon name="plus" color="#ffffff" style="font-weight: bold;" size="15"></u-icon> </view> <view style="margin-left: 10rpx;font-size: 15px;"> 关 注 </view> </view> <view class="followed" @click="cancelFollow" v-else> <view style="font-size: 15px;color: #C2C2C2;"> 已 关 注 </view> </view> </view> <view class="productItem"> <view class="top"> <view class="price">¥<text class="number">{{productVo.price}}</text>/{{productVo.unit}}</view> <view class="browseInformation"> {{product.starNum}}人想要 | {{product.readNum}}个浏览 </view> </view> <view class="productDetail"> {{productVo.description}} </view> <u--image :showLoading="true" v-for="(pic,index) in productVo.picList" :src="pic" width="100%" :height="getAspectRatio(pic)" radius="10" mode="widthFix"></u--image> </view> <view class="commentView"> <view style="color: #3D3D3D;"> {{commentNum}}条评论 </view> <view v-for="(commentItem,index) in commentVoList"> <view class="commentItem"> <view style="display: flex;"> <u--image :src="commentItem.userAvatar" width="30" height="30" shape="circle"></u--image> <view style="width: 10px;"></view> <view @click="clickShowBottomPopup(1, commentItem.id,commentItem.userNickName)"> <view class="nickname">{{commentItem.userNickName}}</view> <view class="content"> {{commentItem.content}} </view> <view class="dateAndPosition">{{formatDateToString(commentItem.createTime)}}</view> </view> </view> <view style="display: inline-block;text-align: center;"> <u-icon name="thumb-up" size="28" @click="likeComment(commentItem.id,commentItem)" v-if="commentItem.isLike==0"></u-icon> <u-icon name="thumb-up-fill" color="#2B92FF" size="28" @click="cancelLikeComment(commentItem.id,commentItem)" v-else></u-icon> <view style="font-size: 12px;color: #B9B9B9;"> {{commentItem.likeNum}} </view> </view> </view> <view class="sonCommentItem" v-for="(commentItem1,index1) in commentItem.children"> <view style="display: flex;"> <u--image :src="commentItem1.userAvatar" width="30" height="30" shape="circle"></u--image> <view style="width: 10px;"></view> <view @click="clickShowBottomPopup(1, commentItem1.id,commentItem1.userNickName)"> <view class="nickname">{{commentItem1.userNickName}}</view> <view class="content"> <text style="font-size: 14px;"> 回复了<text style="color:#B9B9B9 ;">{{commentItem1.toUserNickName}}</text>: </text> <text> {{ commentItem1.content }} </text> </view> <view class="dateAndPosition">{{formatDateToString(commentItem1.createTime)}}</view> </view> </view> <view style="display: inline-block;text-align: center;"> <u-icon name="thumb-up" size="28" @click="likeComment(commentItem1.id,commentItem1)" v-if="commentItem1.isLike==0"></u-icon> <u-icon name="thumb-up-fill" color="#2B92FF" size="28" @click="cancelLikeComment(commentItem1.id, commentItem1)" v-else></u-icon> <view style="font-size: 12px;color: #B9B9B9;"> {{commentItem1.likeNum}} </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="footer"> <view> <view class="item" @click="clickShowBottomPopup(0, productVo.id,)"> <u-icon name="chat" size="28"></u-icon> <view class="comment">评论</view> </view> <view class="item" @click="starProduct()" v-if="hadStar==false"> <u-icon name="star" size="28"></u-icon> <view class="comment">我想要</view> </view> <view class="item" @click="cancelStar()" v-if="hadStar==true"> <u-icon name="star-fill" color="#2B92FF" size="28"></u-icon> <view class="comment" style="color: #2B92FF">已收藏</view> </view> </view> <view class="chat"> <u-icon name="chat" color="#ffffff" size="18"></u-icon> <view style="width: 5px;"></view> 私 聊 </view> </view> <!-- 底部弹出框:用于输入评论 --> <!-- @close="this.showBottomPopup=false" 点击遮罩层关闭弹框 --> <u-popup :show="showBottomPopup" mode="bottom" :round="10" @close="this.showBottomPopup=false"> <view class="commentPopup"> <u--textarea v-model="comment.content" :placeholder="commentPlaceHolder" autoHeight height="200" border="surround"></u--textarea> <view class="commentButton" @click="commitComment()"> <u-icon name="chat" color="#ffffff" size="18"></u-icon> <view style="width: 5px;"></view> 评 论 </view> </view> </u-popup> </view> </template> <script> import pictureApi from "@/utils/picture.js"; import { addFollow, hadFollowSomeone, cancelFollowSomeone } from "@/api/market/follow.js"; import { starProduct, cancelStar, hadStar } from "@/api/market/star.js"; import { addComment, listCommentVoOfProduct } from "@/api/market/comment.js"; import dateUtil from "@/utils/date.js"; import { likeComment, cancelLikeComment } from "@/api/market/commentLike.js" import { getProduct } from "@/api/market/prodct.js" export default { data() { return { productVo: {}, product: {}, // 是否已经关注商品主人 hadFollow: false, // 是否已经收藏商品 hadStar: false, // 是否显示底部弹出框 showBottomPopup: false, // 评论 comment: { itemId: undefined, type: undefined, content: '', isTop: 0 }, // 存储商品对应的评论集合 commentVoList: [], // 评论数量 commentNum: undefined, commentPlaceHolder: "", } }, methods: { /** * 获取高宽比 乘以 100% */ getAspectRatio(url) { // uni.getImageInfo({ // src: url, // success: function(res) { // let aspectRatio = res.height * 100.0 / res.width; // // console.log("aspectRatio:" + aspectRatio); // return aspectRatio + "%"; // } // }); return pictureApi.getAspectRatio(url); }, /** * 关注用户 */ follow() { let data = { followedId: this.productVo.userId } addFollow(data).then(res => { this.hadFollow = true; this.$refs.uToast.show({ type: 'success', message: "关注成功", duration: 300 }) }).catch(err => { this.$refs.uToast.show({ type: 'error', message: err.msg, duration: 300 }) }) }, /** * 取消关注 */ cancelFollow() { cancelFollowSomeone(this.productVo.userId).then(res => { this.hadFollow = false; this.$refs.uToast.show({ type: 'success', message: "取消关注成功", duration: 300 }) }) }, /** * 查询是否已经关注了用户 */ searchWhetherFollow() { hadFollowSomeone(this.productVo.userId).then(res => { // console.log("res:" + JSON.stringify(res)); this.hadFollow = res.hadFollow; // console.log("this.hadFollow :" + this.hadFollow); }) }, /** * 收藏商品 */ starProduct() { starProduct(this.productVo.id).then(res => { this.hadStar = true; this.getProduct(); this.$refs.uToast.show({ type: 'success', message: "收藏成功", duration: 300 }) }) }, /** * 取消收藏 */ cancelStar() { cancelStar(this.productVo.id).then(res => { this.hadStar = false; this.getProduct(); this.$refs.uToast.show({ type: 'success', message: "取消收藏成功", duration: 300 }) }) }, /** * 点赞评论 */ likeComment(commentId, comment) { // console.log("comment:" + JSON.stringify(comment)) likeComment(commentId).then(res => { comment.isLike = 1; comment.likeNum += 1; this.$refs.uToast.show({ type: 'success', message: "点赞成功", duration: 300 }) }) }, /** * 取消点赞评论 */ cancelLikeComment(commentId, comment) { cancelLikeComment(commentId).then(res => { comment.isLike = 0; comment.likeNum -= 1; this.$refs.uToast.show({ type: 'success', message: "取消点赞成功", duration: 300 }) }) }, /** * 查询是否已经关注了用户 */ searchWhetherStar() { hadStar(this.productVo.id).then(res => { // console.log("res:" + JSON.stringify(res)); this.hadStar = res.hadStar; // console.log("this.hadFollow :" + this.hadFollow); }) }, /** * 显示底部弹出框 */ clickShowBottomPopup(type, itemId, username = undefined) { this.showBottomPopup = true; this.comment.type = type; this.comment.itemId = itemId; if (type == 0) { this.commentPlaceHolder = "想要了解更多信息,可以评论让商品主人看见哟"; } else { this.commentPlaceHolder = "正在回复" + username + ""; } }, /** * 发表评论 */ commitComment() { // console.log("发送评论,comment:" + JSON.stringify(this.comment)) addComment(this.comment).then(res => { this.showBottomPopup = false; this.comment.content = ''; this.listCommentVoOfProduct(); this.$refs.uToast.show({ type: 'success', message: "评论发送成功", duration: 300 }) }) }, /** * 获取商品对应的所有评论 */ listCommentVoOfProduct() { listCommentVoOfProduct(this.productVo.id).then(res => { // console.log("listCommentVoOfProduct:" + JSON.stringify(res)); this.commentVoList = res.tree; this.commentNum = res.commentNum; }) }, /** * 格式化日期 * @param {Object} date */ formatDateToString(dateStr) { let date = new Date(dateStr); // 月份需要加一 return date.getFullYear() + "-" + (date.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + date.getDate(); }, /** * 获取商品详细信息,同时增加阅读量 */ getProduct() { getProduct(this.productVo.id).then(res => { console.log("product:" + JSON.stringify(res.data)); this.product = res.data; }) } }, onLoad(e) { this.productVo = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(e.productVo)); this.searchWhetherFollow(); this.searchWhetherStar(); this.listCommentVoOfProduct(); this.getProduct(); // console.log("productVo:" + JSON.stringify(productVo)); } } </script> <style lang="scss"> .container { // padding: 20rpx; background: #F7F7F7; .userItem { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; background: #ffffff; padding: 20rpx; .userProfile { display: flex; .nickname { color: #202020; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; } .other { color: #A6A4A5; font-size: 11px; } } .follow { display: flex; align-items: center; font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff; background: #2B92FF; border-radius: 20px; padding: 4px 8px; } .followed { background: #F6F6F6; border-radius: 20px; padding: 4px 8px; } } .productItem { background: #ffffff; padding: 20rpx; .top { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; .price { color: #F84442; font-weight: bold; .number { font-size: 30px; } } .browseInformation { color: #A6A4A5; font-size: 14px; } } .productDetail { margin-top: 20rpx; margin-bottom: 10rpx; color: #4C4C4C; font-size: 15px; line-height: 30px; font-weight: bold; } } .commentView { margin-top: 10px; // 用来预留展示 footer 的高度,不然footer会挡住评论 margin-bottom: calc(60px + 10rpx); background: #ffffff; padding: 30rpx 30rpx; .nickname { font-size: 14px; color: #B9B9B9; } .content { margin: 5px; // 解决英文字符串、数字不换行的问题 word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word; } .dateAndPosition { font-size: 11px; color: #B9B9B9; } .commentItem { display: flex; margin: 10px; justify-content: space-between; } .sonCommentItem { display: flex; margin: 10px 10px 10px 50px; justify-content: space-between; } } .footer { padding: 20rpx; position: fixed; // right: 20rpx; bottom: 0rpx; background: #ffffff; height: 60px; width: 710rpx; padding-top: 2px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; .item { display: inline-block; text-align: center; margin-right: 10px; .comment { font-size: 10px; } } .chat { display: flex; align-items: center; background-color: #2B92FF; border-radius: 20px; padding: 7px; color: #ffffff; // margin-right: 20px; font-size: 12px; } } .commentPopup { display: flex; padding: 10px; min-height: 200rpx; .commentButton { background-color: #2B92FF; border-radius: 5px; padding: 7px; color: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; height: 20px; display: flex; align-items: center; } } } </style>
/** * 格式化日期 * @param {Object} date */ formatDateToString(dateStr) { let date = new Date(dateStr); // 月份需要加一 return date.getFullYear() + "-" + (date.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + date.getDate(); },
.content { margin: 5px; // 解决英文字符串、数字不换行的问题 word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word; }
/** * 收藏商品 */ @PreAuthorize("@ss.hasPermi('market:star:star')") @GetMapping("/starProduct/{productId}") public AjaxResult starProduct(@PathVariable("productId") Long productId) { Star star = new Star(); star.setUserId(getLoginUser().getUserId()); star.setProductId(productId); boolean isStar = starService.addStar(star); if (isStar){ // 需要将商品的收藏量+1 productService.starNumPlusOne(productId); } return AjaxResult.success(); }
package com.shm.service.impl; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.impl.ServiceImpl; import com.ruoyi.common.core.domain.entity.Star; import com.shm.mapper.StarMapper; import com.shm.service.IStarService; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; /** * @author dam * @description 针对表【collection(收藏表)】的数据库操作Service实现 * @createDate 2023-08-09 19:41:23 */ @Service public class IStarServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<StarMapper, Star> implements IStarService { @Override public boolean addStar(Star star) { return baseMapper.addStar(star); } }
public interface StarMapper extends BaseMapper<Star> { boolean addStar(@Param("star") Star star); }
<insert id="addStar"> INSERT INTO `star` (`user_id`, `product_id`) SELECT #{star.userId},#{star.productId} FROM DUAL WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM `star` WHERE `user_id` = #{star.productId} AND `product_id` = #{star.productId} limit 1 ); </insert>
/** * 获取商品对应的所有评论 * * @param productId * @return */ @PreAuthorize("@ss.hasPermi('market:comment:list')") @GetMapping("/listCommentVoOfProduct/{productId}") public AjaxResult listCommentVoOfProduct(@PathVariable("productId") Long productId) { // 查询出商品对应的所有评论数据 List<CommentVo> commentVoList = commentService.listCommentVoOfProduct(productId, getLoginUser().getUserId()); int commentNum = commentVoList.size(); // 将评论数据封装成树形结构 List<CommentVo> tree = commentService.buildTree(commentVoList); return AjaxResult.success().put("tree", tree).put("commentNum", commentNum); }
@Override public List<CommentVo> listCommentVoOfProduct(Long productId, Long userId) { return commentMapper.listCommentVoOfProduct(productId, userId); } /** * 将评论数据封装成树形结构 * * @param commentVoList * @return */ @Override public List<CommentVo> buildTree(List<CommentVo> commentVoList) { // 将所有父级评论过滤出来 List<CommentVo> fatherList = commentVoList.stream().filter((item) -> { return item.getType() == 0; }).collect(Collectors.toList()); commentVoList.removeAll(fatherList); // 为所有父级评论寻找孩子 for (CommentVo father : fatherList) { father.setChildren(new ArrayList<>()); this.searchSon(father.getId(), father.getUserNickName(), father.getChildren(), commentVoList); } return fatherList; } /** * 寻找孩子 * * @param fatherId * @param children * @param commentVoList */ private void searchSon(Long fatherId, String fatherNickName, List<CommentVo> children, List<CommentVo> commentVoList) { for (CommentVo commentVo : commentVoList) { if (commentVo.getItemId().equals(fatherId)) { commentVo.setToUserNickName(fatherNickName); children.add(commentVo); this.searchSon(commentVo.getId(), commentVo.getUserNickName(), children, commentVoList); } } }
<select id="listCommentVoOfProduct" resultType="com.ruoyi.common.core.domain.vo.CommentVo"> SELECT ct.id, ct.user_id, ct.item_id, ct.type, ct.content, ct.create_time, u.nick_name AS userNickName, u.avatar AS userAvatar, CASE WHEN cl.user_id IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS isLike, ct.LEVEL, COALESCE ( likeNum, 0 ) AS likeNum FROM ( WITH RECURSIVE comment_tree AS ( SELECT id, user_id, item_id, type, content, create_time, 0 AS LEVEL FROM COMMENT WHERE item_id = #{productId} and type=0 UNION ALL SELECT c.id, c.user_id, c.item_id, c.type, c.content, c.create_time, ct.LEVEL + 1 AS LEVEL FROM COMMENT c INNER JOIN comment_tree ct ON c.item_id = ct.id WHERE c.type = 1 ) SELECT * FROM comment_tree ) ct LEFT JOIN ( SELECT comment_id, COUNT(*) AS likeNum FROM comment_like WHERE is_deleted = 0 GROUP BY comment_id ) pc ON ct.id = pc.comment_id LEFT JOIN sys_user AS u ON ct.user_id = u.user_id LEFT JOIN comment_like cl ON ct.id = cl.comment_id AND cl.user_id = #{userId} and cl.is_deleted =0 </select>
/** * 获取商品详细信息 */ @PreAuthorize("@ss.hasPermi('market:product:query')") @GetMapping(value = "/{id}") @Transactional // 同时处理多个表,添加事务 public AjaxResult getInfo(@PathVariable("id") Long id) { // 首先判断用户有没有阅读该商品 boolean isAdd = productReadService.addRead(new ProductRead(getLoginUser().getUserId(), id)); if (isAdd) { // 需要将商品的阅读量+1 productService.readNumPlusOne(id); } return success(productService.getById(id)); }
<insert id="addRead"> INSERT INTO `product_read` (`user_id`, `product_id`) SELECT #{productRead.userId},#{productRead.productId} FROM DUAL WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM `product_read` WHERE `user_id` = #{productRead.userId} AND `product_id` = #{productRead.productId} limit 1 ); </insert>