- 1.7 交易域购物车周期快照事实表
- 1.8 工具域优惠券领取事务事实表
- 1.9 工具域优惠券使用(下单)事务事实表
- 1.10 工具域优惠券使用(支付)事务事实表
- 1.11 互动域收藏商品事务事实表
- 1.12 互动域评价事务事实表
- 1.13 流量域页面浏览事务事实表
- 1.14 流量域启动事务事实表
- 1.15 流量域动作事务事实表
- 1.16 流量域曝光事务事实表
1.1 交易域加购事务事实表
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dwd_trade_cart_add_inc; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dwd_trade_cart_add_inc ( `id` STRING COMMENT '编号', `user_id` STRING COMMENT '用户id', `sku_id` STRING COMMENT '商品id', `date_id` STRING COMMENT '时间id', `create_time` STRING COMMENT '加购时间', `source_id` STRING COMMENT '来源类型ID', `source_type_code` STRING COMMENT '来源类型编码', `source_type_name` STRING COMMENT '来源类型名称', `sku_num` BIGINT COMMENT '加购物车件数' ) COMMENT '交易域加购物车事务事实表' PARTITIONED BY (`dt` STRING) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' STORED AS ORC LOCATION '/warehouse/gmall/dwd/dwd_trade_cart_add_inc/' TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress' = 'snappy');
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict; insert overwrite table dwd_trade_cart_add_inc partition (dt) select id, user_id, sku_id, date_format(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, create_time, source_id, source_type, dic.dic_name, sku_num, date_format(create_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd') from ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.sku_id, data.create_time, data.source_id, data.source_type, data.sku_num from ods_cart_info_inc where dt = '2020-06-14' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' )ci left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ods_base_dic_full where dt='2020-06-14' and parent_code='24' )dic on ci.source_type=dic.dic_code;
insert overwrite table dwd_trade_cart_add_inc partition(dt='2020-06-15') select id, user_id, sku_id, date_id, create_time, source_id, source_type_code, source_type_name, sku_num from ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.sku_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts*1000,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts*1000,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') create_time, data.source_id, data.source_type source_type_code, if(type='insert',data.sku_num,data.sku_num-old['sku_num']) sku_num from ods_cart_info_inc where dt='2020-06-15' and (type='insert' or(type='update' and old['sku_num'] is not null and data.sku_num>cast(old['sku_num'] as int))) )cart left join ( select dic_code, dic_name source_type_name from ods_base_dic_full where dt='2020-06-15' and parent_code='24' )dic on cart.source_type_code=dic.dic_code;
1.2 交易域下单事务事实表
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dwd_trade_order_detail_inc; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dwd_trade_order_detail_inc ( `id` STRING COMMENT '编号', `order_id` STRING COMMENT '订单id', `user_id` STRING COMMENT '用户id', `sku_id` STRING COMMENT '商品id', `province_id` STRING COMMENT '省份id', `activity_id` STRING COMMENT '参与活动规则id', `activity_rule_id` STRING COMMENT '参与活动规则id', `coupon_id` STRING COMMENT '使用优惠券id', `date_id` STRING COMMENT '下单日期id', `create_time` STRING COMMENT '下单时间', `source_id` STRING COMMENT '来源编号', `source_type_code` STRING COMMENT '来源类型编码', `source_type_name` STRING COMMENT '来源类型名称', `sku_num` BIGINT COMMENT '商品数量', `split_original_amount` DECIMAL(16, 2) COMMENT '原始价格', `split_activity_amount` DECIMAL(16, 2) COMMENT '活动优惠分摊', `split_coupon_amount` DECIMAL(16, 2) COMMENT '优惠券优惠分摊', `split_total_amount` DECIMAL(16, 2) COMMENT '最终价格分摊' ) COMMENT '交易域下单明细事务事实表' PARTITIONED BY (`dt` STRING) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' STORED AS ORC LOCATION '/warehouse/gmall/dwd/dwd_trade_order_detail_inc/' TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress' = 'snappy');
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict; insert overwrite table dwd_trade_order_detail_inc partition (dt) select od.id, order_id, user_id, sku_id, province_id, activity_id, activity_rule_id, coupon_id, date_format(create_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, create_time, source_id, source_type, dic_name, sku_num, split_original_amount, split_activity_amount, split_coupon_amount, split_total_amount, date_format(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') from ( select data.id, data.order_id, data.sku_id, data.create_time, data.source_id, data.source_type, data.sku_num, data.sku_num * data.order_price split_original_amount, data.split_total_amount, data.split_activity_amount, data.split_coupon_amount from ods_order_detail_inc where dt = '2020-06-14' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' ) od left join ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.province_id from ods_order_info_inc where dt = '2020-06-14' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' ) oi on od.order_id = oi.id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.activity_id, data.activity_rule_id from ods_order_detail_activity_inc where dt = '2020-06-14' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' ) act on od.id = act.order_detail_id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.coupon_id from ods_order_detail_coupon_inc where dt = '2020-06-14' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' ) cou on od.id = cou.order_detail_id left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ods_base_dic_full where dt='2020-06-14' and parent_code='24' )dic on od.source_type=dic.dic_code;
insert overwrite table dwd_trade_order_detail_inc partition (dt='2020-06-15') select od.id, order_id, user_id, sku_id, province_id, activity_id, activity_rule_id, coupon_id, date_id, create_time, source_id, source_type, dic_name, sku_num, split_original_amount, split_activity_amount, split_coupon_amount, split_total_amount from ( select data.id, data.order_id, data.sku_id, date_format(data.create_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, data.create_time, data.source_id, data.source_type, data.sku_num, data.sku_num * data.order_price split_original_amount, data.split_total_amount, data.split_activity_amount, data.split_coupon_amount from ods_order_detail_inc where dt = '2020-06-15' and type = 'insert' ) od left join ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.province_id from ods_order_info_inc where dt = '2020-06-15' and type = 'insert' ) oi on od.order_id = oi.id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.activity_id, data.activity_rule_id from ods_order_detail_activity_inc where dt = '2020-06-15' and type = 'insert' ) act on od.id = act.order_detail_id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.coupon_id from ods_order_detail_coupon_inc where dt = '2020-06-15' and type = 'insert' ) cou on od.id = cou.order_detail_id left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ods_base_dic_full where dt='2020-06-15' and parent_code='24' )dic on od.source_type=dic.dic_code;
1.3 交易域取消订单事务事实表
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dwd_trade_cancel_detail_inc; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dwd_trade_cancel_detail_inc ( `id` STRING COMMENT '编号', `order_id` STRING COMMENT '订单id', `user_id` STRING COMMENT '用户id', `sku_id` STRING COMMENT '商品id', `province_id` STRING COMMENT '省份id', `activity_id` STRING COMMENT '参与活动规则id', `activity_rule_id` STRING COMMENT '参与活动规则id', `coupon_id` STRING COMMENT '使用优惠券id', `date_id` STRING COMMENT '取消订单日期id', `cancel_time` STRING COMMENT '取消订单时间', `source_id` STRING COMMENT '来源编号', `source_type_code` STRING COMMENT '来源类型编码', `source_type_name` STRING COMMENT '来源类型名称', `sku_num` BIGINT COMMENT '商品数量', `split_original_amount` DECIMAL(16, 2) COMMENT '原始价格', `split_activity_amount` DECIMAL(16, 2) COMMENT '活动优惠分摊', `split_coupon_amount` DECIMAL(16, 2) COMMENT '优惠券优惠分摊', `split_total_amount` DECIMAL(16, 2) COMMENT '最终价格分摊' ) COMMENT '交易域取消订单明细事务事实表' PARTITIONED BY (`dt` STRING) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' STORED AS ORC LOCATION '/warehouse/gmall/dwd/dwd_trade_cancel_detail_inc/' TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress' = 'snappy');
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict; insert overwrite table dwd_trade_cancel_detail_inc partition (dt) select od.id, order_id, user_id, sku_id, province_id, activity_id, activity_rule_id, coupon_id, date_format(canel_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, canel_time, source_id, source_type, dic_name, sku_num, split_original_amount, split_activity_amount, split_coupon_amount, split_total_amount, date_format(canel_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') from ( select data.id, data.order_id, data.sku_id, data.source_id, data.source_type, data.sku_num, data.sku_num * data.order_price split_original_amount, data.split_total_amount, data.split_activity_amount, data.split_coupon_amount from ods_order_detail_inc where dt = '2020-06-14' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' ) od join ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.province_id, data.operate_time canel_time from ods_order_info_inc where dt = '2020-06-14' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' and data.order_status='1003' ) oi on od.order_id = oi.id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.activity_id, data.activity_rule_id from ods_order_detail_activity_inc where dt = '2020-06-14' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' ) act on od.id = act.order_detail_id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.coupon_id from ods_order_detail_coupon_inc where dt = '2020-06-14' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' ) cou on od.id = cou.order_detail_id left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ods_base_dic_full where dt='2020-06-14' and parent_code='24' )dic on od.source_type=dic.dic_code;
insert overwrite table dwd_trade_cancel_detail_inc partition (dt='2020-06-15') select od.id, order_id, user_id, sku_id, province_id, activity_id, activity_rule_id, coupon_id, date_format(canel_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, canel_time, source_id, source_type, dic_name, sku_num, split_original_amount, split_activity_amount, split_coupon_amount, split_total_amount from ( select data.id, data.order_id, data.sku_id, data.source_id, data.source_type, data.sku_num, data.sku_num * data.order_price split_original_amount, data.split_total_amount, data.split_activity_amount, data.split_coupon_amount from ods_order_detail_inc where (dt='2020-06-15' or dt=date_add('2020-06-15',-1)) and (type = 'insert' or type= 'bootstrap-insert') ) od join ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.province_id, data.operate_time canel_time from ods_order_info_inc where dt = '2020-06-15' and type = 'update' and data.order_status='1003' and array_contains(map_keys(old),'order_status') ) oi on order_id = oi.id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.activity_id, data.activity_rule_id from ods_order_detail_activity_inc where (dt='2020-06-15' or dt=date_add('2020-06-15',-1)) and (type = 'insert' or type= 'bootstrap-insert') ) act on od.id = act.order_detail_id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.coupon_id from ods_order_detail_coupon_inc where (dt='2020-06-15' or dt=date_add('2020-06-15',-1)) and (type = 'insert' or type= 'bootstrap-insert') ) cou on od.id = cou.order_detail_id left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ods_base_dic_full where dt='2020-06-15' and parent_code='24' )dic on od.source_type=dic.dic_code;
1.4 交易域支付成功事务事实表
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dwd_trade_pay_detail_suc_inc; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dwd_trade_pay_detail_suc_inc ( `id` STRING COMMENT '编号', `order_id` STRING COMMENT '订单id', `user_id` STRING COMMENT '用户id', `sku_id` STRING COMMENT '商品id', `province_id` STRING COMMENT '省份id', `activity_id` STRING COMMENT '参与活动规则id', `activity_rule_id` STRING COMMENT '参与活动规则id', `coupon_id` STRING COMMENT '使用优惠券id', `payment_type_code` STRING COMMENT '支付类型编码', `payment_type_name` STRING COMMENT '支付类型名称', `date_id` STRING COMMENT '支付日期id', `callback_time` STRING COMMENT '支付成功时间', `source_id` STRING COMMENT '来源编号', `source_type_code` STRING COMMENT '来源类型编码', `source_type_name` STRING COMMENT '来源类型名称', `sku_num` BIGINT COMMENT '商品数量', `split_original_amount` DECIMAL(16, 2) COMMENT '应支付原始金额', `split_activity_amount` DECIMAL(16, 2) COMMENT '支付活动优惠分摊', `split_coupon_amount` DECIMAL(16, 2) COMMENT '支付优惠券优惠分摊', `split_payment_amount` DECIMAL(16, 2) COMMENT '支付金额' ) COMMENT '交易域成功支付事务事实表' PARTITIONED BY (`dt` STRING) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' STORED AS ORC LOCATION '/warehouse/gmall/dwd/dwd_trade_pay_detail_suc_inc/' TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress' = 'snappy');
insert overwrite table dwd_trade_pay_detail_suc_inc partition (dt) select od.id, od.order_id, user_id, sku_id, province_id, activity_id, activity_rule_id, coupon_id, payment_type, pay_dic.dic_name, date_format(callback_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, callback_time, source_id, source_type, src_dic.dic_name, sku_num, split_original_amount, split_activity_amount, split_coupon_amount, split_total_amount, date_format(callback_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') from ( select data.id, data.order_id, data.sku_id, data.source_id, data.source_type, data.sku_num, data.sku_num * data.order_price split_original_amount, data.split_total_amount, data.split_activity_amount, data.split_coupon_amount from ods_order_detail_inc where dt = '2020-06-14' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' ) od join ( select data.user_id, data.order_id, data.payment_type, data.callback_time from ods_payment_info_inc where dt='2020-06-14' and type='bootstrap-insert' and data.payment_status='1602' ) pi on od.order_id=pi.order_id left join ( select data.id, data.province_id from ods_order_info_inc where dt = '2020-06-14' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' ) oi on od.order_id = oi.id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.activity_id, data.activity_rule_id from ods_order_detail_activity_inc where dt = '2020-06-14' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' ) act on od.id = act.order_detail_id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.coupon_id from ods_order_detail_coupon_inc where dt = '2020-06-14' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' ) cou on od.id = cou.order_detail_id left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ods_base_dic_full where dt='2020-06-14' and parent_code='11' ) pay_dic on pi.payment_type=pay_dic.dic_code left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ods_base_dic_full where dt='2020-06-14' and parent_code='24' )src_dic on od.source_type=src_dic.dic_code;
insert overwrite table dwd_trade_pay_detail_suc_inc partition (dt='2020-06-15') select od.id, od.order_id, user_id, sku_id, province_id, activity_id, activity_rule_id, coupon_id, payment_type, pay_dic.dic_name, date_format(callback_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, callback_time, source_id, source_type, src_dic.dic_name, sku_num, split_original_amount, split_activity_amount, split_coupon_amount, split_total_amount from ( select data.id, data.order_id, data.sku_id, data.source_id, data.source_type, data.sku_num, data.sku_num * data.order_price split_original_amount, data.split_total_amount, data.split_activity_amount, data.split_coupon_amount from ods_order_detail_inc where (dt = '2020-06-15' or dt = date_add('2020-06-15',-1)) and (type = 'insert' or type = 'bootstrap-insert') ) od join ( select data.user_id, data.order_id, data.payment_type, data.callback_time from ods_payment_info_inc where dt='2020-06-15' and type='update' and array_contains(map_keys(old),'payment_status') and data.payment_status='1602' ) pi on od.order_id=pi.order_id left join ( select data.id, data.province_id from ods_order_info_inc where (dt = '2020-06-15' or dt = date_add('2020-06-15',-1)) and (type = 'insert' or type = 'bootstrap-insert') ) oi on od.order_id = oi.id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.activity_id, data.activity_rule_id from ods_order_detail_activity_inc where (dt = '2020-06-15' or dt = date_add('2020-06-15',-1)) and (type = 'insert' or type = 'bootstrap-insert') ) act on od.id = act.order_detail_id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.coupon_id from ods_order_detail_coupon_inc where (dt = '2020-06-15' or dt = date_add('2020-06-15',-1)) and (type = 'insert' or type = 'bootstrap-insert') ) cou on od.id = cou.order_detail_id left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ods_base_dic_full where dt='2020-06-15' and parent_code='11' ) pay_dic on pi.payment_type=pay_dic.dic_code left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ods_base_dic_full where dt='2020-06-15' and parent_code='24' )src_dic on od.source_type=src_dic.dic_code;
1.5 交易域退单事务事实表
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dwd_trade_order_refund_inc; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dwd_trade_order_refund_inc ( `id` STRING COMMENT '编号', `user_id` STRING COMMENT '用户ID', `order_id` STRING COMMENT '订单ID', `sku_id` STRING COMMENT '商品ID', `province_id` STRING COMMENT '地区ID', `date_id` STRING COMMENT '日期ID', `create_time` STRING COMMENT '退单时间', `refund_type_code` STRING COMMENT '退单类型编码', `refund_type_name` STRING COMMENT '退单类型名称', `refund_reason_type_code` STRING COMMENT '退单原因类型编码', `refund_reason_type_name` STRING COMMENT '退单原因类型名称', `refund_reason_txt` STRING COMMENT '退单原因描述', `refund_num` BIGINT COMMENT '退单件数', `refund_amount` DECIMAL(16, 2) COMMENT '退单金额' ) COMMENT '交易域退单事务事实表' PARTITIONED BY (`dt` STRING) STORED AS ORC LOCATION '/warehouse/gmall/dwd/dwd_trade_order_refund_inc/' TBLPROPERTIES ("orc.compress" = "snappy");
insert overwrite table dwd_trade_order_refund_inc partition(dt) select ri.id, user_id, order_id, sku_id, province_id, date_format(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, create_time, refund_type, type_dic.dic_name, refund_reason_type, reason_dic.dic_name, refund_reason_txt, refund_num, refund_amount, date_format(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') from ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.order_id, data.sku_id, data.refund_type, data.refund_num, data.refund_amount, data.refund_reason_type, data.refund_reason_txt, data.create_time from ods_order_refund_info_inc where dt='2020-06-14' and type='bootstrap-insert' )ri left join ( select data.id, data.province_id from ods_order_info_inc where dt='2020-06-14' and type='bootstrap-insert' )oi on ri.order_id=oi.id left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ods_base_dic_full where dt='2020-06-14' and parent_code = '15' )type_dic on ri.refund_type=type_dic.dic_code left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ods_base_dic_full where dt='2020-06-14' and parent_code = '13' )reason_dic on ri.refund_reason_type=reason_dic.dic_code;
insert overwrite table dwd_trade_order_refund_inc partition(dt='2020-06-15') select ri.id, user_id, order_id, sku_id, province_id, date_format(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, create_time, refund_type, type_dic.dic_name, refund_reason_type, reason_dic.dic_name, refund_reason_txt, refund_num, refund_amount from ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.order_id, data.sku_id, data.refund_type, data.refund_num, data.refund_amount, data.refund_reason_type, data.refund_reason_txt, data.create_time from ods_order_refund_info_inc where dt='2020-06-15' and type='insert' )ri left join ( select data.id, data.province_id from ods_order_info_inc where dt='2020-06-15' and type='update' and data.order_status='1005' and array_contains(map_keys(old),'order_status') )oi on ri.order_id=oi.id left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ods_base_dic_full where dt='2020-06-15' and parent_code = '15' )type_dic on ri.refund_type=type_dic.dic_code left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ods_base_dic_full where dt='2020-06-15' and parent_code = '13' )reason_dic on ri.refund_reason_type=reason_dic.dic_code;
1.6 交易域退出成功事务事实表
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dwd_trade_refund_pay_suc_inc; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dwd_trade_refund_pay_suc_inc ( `id` STRING COMMENT '编号', `user_id` STRING COMMENT '用户ID', `order_id` STRING COMMENT '订单编号', `sku_id` STRING COMMENT 'SKU编号', `province_id` STRING COMMENT '地区ID', `payment_type_code` STRING COMMENT '支付类型编码', `payment_type_name` STRING COMMENT '支付类型名称', `date_id` STRING COMMENT '日期ID', `callback_time` STRING COMMENT '支付成功时间', `refund_num` DECIMAL(16, 2) COMMENT '退款件数', `refund_amount` DECIMAL(16, 2) COMMENT '退款金额' ) COMMENT '交易域提交退款成功事务事实表' PARTITIONED BY (`dt` STRING) STORED AS ORC LOCATION '/warehouse/gmall/dwd/dwd_trade_refund_pay_suc_inc/' TBLPROPERTIES ("orc.compress" = "snappy");
insert overwrite table dwd_trade_refund_pay_suc_inc partition(dt) select rp.id, user_id, rp.order_id, rp.sku_id, province_id, payment_type, dic_name, date_format(callback_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, callback_time, refund_num, total_amount, date_format(callback_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') from ( select data.id, data.order_id, data.sku_id, data.payment_type, data.callback_time, data.total_amount from ods_refund_payment_inc where dt='2020-06-14' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' and data.refund_status='1602' )rp left join ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.province_id from ods_order_info_inc where dt='2020-06-14' and type='bootstrap-insert' )oi on rp.order_id=oi.id left join ( select data.order_id, data.sku_id, data.refund_num from ods_order_refund_info_inc where dt='2020-06-14' and type='bootstrap-insert' )ri on rp.order_id=ri.order_id and rp.sku_id=ri.sku_id left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ods_base_dic_full where dt='2020-06-14' and parent_code='11' )dic on rp.payment_type=dic.dic_code;
insert overwrite table dwd_trade_refund_pay_suc_inc partition(dt='2020-06-15') select rp.id, user_id, rp.order_id, rp.sku_id, province_id, payment_type, dic_name, date_format(callback_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, callback_time, refund_num, total_amount from ( select data.id, data.order_id, data.sku_id, data.payment_type, data.callback_time, data.total_amount from ods_refund_payment_inc where dt='2020-06-15' and type = 'update' and array_contains(map_keys(old),'refund_status') and data.refund_status='1602' )rp left join ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.province_id from ods_order_info_inc where dt='2020-06-15' and type='update' and data.order_status='1006' and array_contains(map_keys(old),'order_status') )oi on rp.order_id=oi.id left join ( select data.order_id, data.sku_id, data.refund_num from ods_order_refund_info_inc where dt='2020-06-15' and type='update' and data.refund_status='0705' and array_contains(map_keys(old),'refund_status') )ri on rp.order_id=ri.order_id and rp.sku_id=ri.sku_id left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ods_base_dic_full where dt='2020-06-15' and parent_code='11' )dic on rp.payment_type=dic.dic_code;
1.7 交易域购物车周期快照事实表
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dwd_trade_cart_full; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dwd_trade_cart_full ( `id` STRING COMMENT '编号', `user_id` STRING COMMENT '用户id', `sku_id` STRING COMMENT '商品id', `sku_name` STRING COMMENT '商品名称', `sku_num` BIGINT COMMENT '加购物车件数' ) COMMENT '交易域购物车周期快照事实表' PARTITIONED BY (`dt` STRING) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '\t' STORED AS ORC LOCATION '/warehouse/gmall/dwd/dwd_trade_cart_full/' TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress' = 'snappy');
insert overwrite table dwd_trade_cart_full partition(dt='2020-06-14') select id, user_id, sku_id, sku_name, sku_num from ods_cart_info_full where dt='2020-06-14' and is_ordered='0';
1.8 工具域优惠券领取事务事实表
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dwd_tool_coupon_get_inc; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dwd_tool_coupon_get_inc ( `id` STRING COMMENT '编号', `coupon_id` STRING COMMENT '优惠券ID', `user_id` STRING COMMENT 'userid', `date_id` STRING COMMENT '日期ID', `get_time` STRING COMMENT '领取时间' ) COMMENT '优惠券领取事务事实表' PARTITIONED BY (`dt` STRING) STORED AS ORC LOCATION '/warehouse/gmall/dwd/dwd_tool_coupon_get_inc/' TBLPROPERTIES ("orc.compress" = "snappy");
insert overwrite table dwd_tool_coupon_get_inc partition(dt) select data.id, data.coupon_id, data.user_id, date_format(data.get_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, data.get_time, date_format(data.get_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') from ods_coupon_use_inc where dt='2020-06-14' and type='bootstrap-insert';
insert overwrite table dwd_tool_coupon_get_inc partition (dt='2020-06-15') select data.id, data.coupon_id, data.user_id, date_format(data.get_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, data.get_time from ods_coupon_use_inc where dt='2020-06-15' and type='insert';
1.9 工具域优惠券使用(下单)事务事实表
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dwd_tool_coupon_order_inc; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dwd_tool_coupon_order_inc ( `id` STRING COMMENT '编号', `coupon_id` STRING COMMENT '优惠券ID', `user_id` STRING COMMENT 'user_id', `order_id` STRING COMMENT 'order_id', `date_id` STRING COMMENT '日期ID', `order_time` STRING COMMENT '使用下单时间' ) COMMENT '优惠券使用下单事务事实表' PARTITIONED BY (`dt` STRING) STORED AS ORC LOCATION '/warehouse/gmall/dwd/dwd_tool_coupon_order_inc/' TBLPROPERTIES ("orc.compress" = "snappy");
insert overwrite table dwd_tool_coupon_order_inc partition(dt) select data.id, data.coupon_id, data.user_id, data.order_id, date_format(data.using_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, data.using_time, date_format(data.using_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') from ods_coupon_use_inc where dt='2020-06-14' and type='bootstrap-insert' and data.using_time is not null;
insert overwrite table dwd_tool_coupon_order_inc partition(dt='2020-06-15') select data.id, data.coupon_id, data.user_id, data.order_id, date_format(data.using_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, data.using_time from ods_coupon_use_inc where dt='2020-06-15' and type='update' and array_contains(map_keys(old),'using_time');
1.10 工具域优惠券使用(支付)事务事实表
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dwd_tool_coupon_pay_inc; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dwd_tool_coupon_pay_inc ( `id` STRING COMMENT '编号', `coupon_id` STRING COMMENT '优惠券ID', `user_id` STRING COMMENT 'user_id', `order_id` STRING COMMENT 'order_id', `date_id` STRING COMMENT '日期ID', `payment_time` STRING COMMENT '使用下单时间' ) COMMENT '优惠券使用支付事务事实表' PARTITIONED BY (`dt` STRING) STORED AS ORC LOCATION '/warehouse/gmall/dwd/dwd_tool_coupon_pay_inc/' TBLPROPERTIES ("orc.compress" = "snappy");
insert overwrite table dwd_tool_coupon_pay_inc partition(dt) select data.id, data.coupon_id, data.user_id, data.order_id, date_format(data.used_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, data.used_time, date_format(data.used_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') from ods_coupon_use_inc where dt='2020-06-14' and type='bootstrap-insert' and data.used_time is not null;
insert overwrite table dwd_tool_coupon_pay_inc partition(dt='2020-06-15') select data.id, data.coupon_id, data.user_id, data.order_id, date_format(data.used_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, data.used_time from ods_coupon_use_inc where dt='2020-06-15' and type='update' and array_contains(map_keys(old),'used_time');
1.11 互动域收藏商品事务事实表
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dwd_interaction_favor_add_inc; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dwd_interaction_favor_add_inc ( `id` STRING COMMENT '编号', `user_id` STRING COMMENT '用户id', `sku_id` STRING COMMENT 'sku_id', `date_id` STRING COMMENT '日期id', `create_time` STRING COMMENT '收藏时间' ) COMMENT '收藏事实表' PARTITIONED BY (`dt` STRING) STORED AS ORC LOCATION '/warehouse/gmall/dwd/dwd_interaction_favor_add_inc/' TBLPROPERTIES ("orc.compress" = "snappy");
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict; insert overwrite table dwd_interaction_favor_add_inc partition(dt) select data.id, data.user_id, data.sku_id, date_format(data.create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, data.create_time, date_format(data.create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') from ods_favor_info_inc where dt='2020-06-14' and type = 'bootstrap-insert';
insert overwrite table dwd_interaction_favor_add_inc partition(dt='2020-06-15') select data.id, data.user_id, data.sku_id, date_format(data.create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, data.create_time from ods_favor_info_inc where dt='2020-06-15' and type = 'insert';
1.12 互动域评价事务事实表
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dwd_interaction_comment_inc; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dwd_interaction_comment_inc ( `id` STRING COMMENT '编号', `user_id` STRING COMMENT '用户ID', `sku_id` STRING COMMENT 'sku_id', `order_id` STRING COMMENT '订单ID', `date_id` STRING COMMENT '日期ID', `create_time` STRING COMMENT '评价时间', `appraise_code` STRING COMMENT '评价编码', `appraise_name` STRING COMMENT '评价名称' ) COMMENT '评价事务事实表' PARTITIONED BY (`dt` STRING) STORED AS ORC LOCATION '/warehouse/gmall/dwd/dwd_interaction_comment_inc/' TBLPROPERTIES ("orc.compress" = "snappy");
insert overwrite table dwd_interaction_comment_inc partition(dt) select id, user_id, sku_id, order_id, date_format(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, create_time, appraise, dic_name, date_format(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') from ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.sku_id, data.order_id, data.create_time, data.appraise from ods_comment_info_inc where dt='2020-06-14' and type='bootstrap-insert' )ci left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ods_base_dic_full where dt='2020-06-14' and parent_code='12' )dic on ci.appraise=dic.dic_code;
insert overwrite table dwd_interaction_comment_inc partition(dt='2020-06-15') select id, user_id, sku_id, order_id, date_format(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, create_time, appraise, dic_name from ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.sku_id, data.order_id, data.create_time, data.appraise from ods_comment_info_inc where dt='2020-06-15' and type='insert' )ci left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ods_base_dic_full where dt='2020-06-15' and parent_code='12' )dic on ci.appraise=dic.dic_code;
1.13 流量域页面浏览事务事实表
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dwd_traffic_page_view_inc; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dwd_traffic_page_view_inc ( `province_id` STRING COMMENT '省份id', `brand` STRING COMMENT '手机品牌', `channel` STRING COMMENT '渠道', `is_new` STRING COMMENT '是否首次启动', `model` STRING COMMENT '手机型号', `mid_id` STRING COMMENT '设备id', `operate_system` STRING COMMENT '操作系统', `user_id` STRING COMMENT '会员id', `version_code` STRING COMMENT 'app版本号', `page_item` STRING COMMENT '目标id ', `page_item_type` STRING COMMENT '目标类型', `last_page_id` STRING COMMENT '上页类型', `page_id` STRING COMMENT '页面ID ', `source_type` STRING COMMENT '来源类型', `date_id` STRING COMMENT '日期id', `view_time` STRING COMMENT '跳入时间', `session_id` STRING COMMENT '所属会话id', `during_time` BIGINT COMMENT '持续时间毫秒' ) COMMENT '页面日志表' PARTITIONED BY (`dt` STRING) STORED AS ORC LOCATION '/warehouse/gmall/dwd/dwd_traffic_page_view_inc' TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress' = 'snappy');
set hive.cbo.enable=false; insert overwrite table dwd_traffic_page_view_inc partition (dt='2020-06-14') select province_id, brand, channel, is_new, model, mid_id, operate_system, user_id, version_code, page_item, page_item_type, last_page_id, page_id, source_type, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') view_time, concat(mid_id,'-',last_value(session_start_point,true) over (partition by mid_id order by ts)) session_id, during_time from ( select common.ar area_code, common.ba brand, common.ch channel, common.is_new is_new, common.md model, common.mid mid_id, common.os operate_system, common.uid user_id, common.vc version_code, page.during_time, page.item page_item, page.item_type page_item_type, page.last_page_id, page.page_id, page.source_type, ts, if(page.last_page_id is null,ts,null) session_start_point from ods_log_inc where dt='2020-06-14' and page is not null )log left join ( select id province_id, area_code from ods_base_province_full where dt='2020-06-14' )bp on log.area_code=bp.area_code;
1.14 流量域启动事务事实表
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dwd_traffic_start_inc; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dwd_traffic_start_inc ( `province_id` STRING COMMENT '省份id', `brand` STRING COMMENT '手机品牌', `channel` STRING COMMENT '渠道', `is_new` STRING COMMENT '是否首次启动', `model` STRING COMMENT '手机型号', `mid_id` STRING COMMENT '设备id', `operate_system` STRING COMMENT '操作系统', `user_id` STRING COMMENT '会员id', `version_code` STRING COMMENT 'app版本号', `entry` STRING COMMENT 'icon手机图标 notice 通知', `open_ad_id` STRING COMMENT '广告页ID ', `date_id` STRING COMMENT '日期id', `start_time` STRING COMMENT '启动时间', `loading_time_ms` BIGINT COMMENT '启动加载时间', `open_ad_ms` BIGINT COMMENT '广告总共播放时间', `open_ad_skip_ms` BIGINT COMMENT '用户跳过广告时点' ) COMMENT '启动日志表' PARTITIONED BY (`dt` STRING) STORED AS ORC LOCATION '/warehouse/gmall/dwd/dwd_traffic_start_inc' TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress' = 'snappy');
set hive.cbo.enable=false; insert overwrite table dwd_traffic_start_inc partition(dt='2020-06-14') select province_id, brand, channel, is_new, model, mid_id, operate_system, user_id, version_code, entry, open_ad_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') action_time, loading_time, open_ad_ms, open_ad_skip_ms from ( select common.ar area_code, common.ba brand, common.ch channel, common.is_new, common.md model, common.mid mid_id, common.os operate_system, common.uid user_id, common.vc version_code, `start`.entry, `start`.loading_time, `start`.open_ad_id, `start`.open_ad_ms, `start`.open_ad_skip_ms, ts from ods_log_inc where dt='2020-06-14' and `start` is not null )log left join ( select id province_id, area_code from ods_base_province_full where dt='2020-06-14' )bp on log.area_code=bp.area_code;
1.15 流量域动作事务事实表
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dwd_traffic_action_inc; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dwd_traffic_action_inc ( `province_id` STRING COMMENT '省份id', `brand` STRING COMMENT '手机品牌', `channel` STRING COMMENT '渠道', `is_new` STRING COMMENT '是否首次启动', `model` STRING COMMENT '手机型号', `mid_id` STRING COMMENT '设备id', `operate_system` STRING COMMENT '操作系统', `user_id` STRING COMMENT '会员id', `version_code` STRING COMMENT 'app版本号', `during_time` BIGINT COMMENT '持续时间毫秒', `page_item` STRING COMMENT '目标id ', `page_item_type` STRING COMMENT '目标类型', `last_page_id` STRING COMMENT '上页类型', `page_id` STRING COMMENT '页面id ', `source_type` STRING COMMENT '来源类型', `action_id` STRING COMMENT '动作id', `action_item` STRING COMMENT '目标id ', `action_item_type` STRING COMMENT '目标类型', `date_id` STRING COMMENT '日期id', `action_time` STRING COMMENT '动作发生时间' ) COMMENT '动作日志表' PARTITIONED BY (`dt` STRING) STORED AS ORC LOCATION '/warehouse/gmall/dwd/dwd_traffic_action_inc' TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress' = 'snappy');
set hive.cbo.enable=false; insert overwrite table dwd_traffic_action_inc partition(dt='2020-06-14') select province_id, brand, channel, is_new, model, mid_id, operate_system, user_id, version_code, during_time, page_item, page_item_type, last_page_id, page_id, source_type, action_id, action_item, action_item_type, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') action_time from ( select common.ar area_code, common.ba brand, common.ch channel, common.is_new, common.md model, common.mid mid_id, common.os operate_system, common.uid user_id, common.vc version_code, page.during_time, page.item page_item, page.item_type page_item_type, page.last_page_id, page.page_id, page.source_type, action.action_id, action.item action_item, action.item_type action_item_type, action.ts from ods_log_inc lateral view explode(actions) tmp as action where dt='2020-06-14' and actions is not null )log left join ( select id province_id, area_code from ods_base_province_full where dt='2020-06-14' )bp on log.area_code=bp.area_code;
1.16 流量域曝光事务事实表
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dwd_traffic_display_inc; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dwd_traffic_display_inc ( `province_id` STRING COMMENT '省份id', `brand` STRING COMMENT '手机品牌', `channel` STRING COMMENT '渠道', `is_new` STRING COMMENT '是否首次启动', `model` STRING COMMENT '手机型号', `mid_id` STRING COMMENT '设备id', `operate_system` STRING COMMENT '操作系统', `user_id` STRING COMMENT '会员id', `version_code` STRING COMMENT 'app版本号', `during_time` BIGINT COMMENT 'app版本号', `page_item` STRING COMMENT '目标id ', `page_item_type` STRING COMMENT '目标类型', `last_page_id` STRING COMMENT '上页类型', `page_id` STRING COMMENT '页面ID ', `source_type` STRING COMMENT '来源类型', `date_id` STRING COMMENT '日期id', `display_time` STRING COMMENT '曝光时间', `display_type` STRING COMMENT '曝光类型', `display_item` STRING COMMENT '曝光对象id ', `display_item_type` STRING COMMENT 'app版本号', `display_order` BIGINT COMMENT '曝光顺序', `display_pos_id` BIGINT COMMENT '曝光位置' ) COMMENT '曝光日志表' PARTITIONED BY (`dt` STRING) STORED AS ORC LOCATION '/warehouse/gmall/dwd/dwd_traffic_display_inc' TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress' = 'snappy');
set hive.cbo.enable=false; insert overwrite table dwd_traffic_display_inc partition(dt='2020-06-14') select province_id, brand, channel, is_new, model, mid_id, operate_system, user_id, version_code, during_time, page_item, page_item_type, last_page_id, page_id, source_type, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') display_time, display_type, display_item, display_item_type, display_order, display_pos_id from ( select common.ar area_code, common.ba brand, common.ch channel, common.is_new, common.md model, common.mid mid_id, common.os operate_system, common.uid user_id, common.vc version_code, page.during_time, page.item page_item, page.item_type page_item_type, page.last_page_id, page.page_id, page.source_type, display.display_type, display.item display_item, display.item_type display_item_type, display.`order` display_order, display.pos_id display_pos_id, ts from ods_log_inc lateral view explode(displays) tmp as display where dt='2020-06-14' and displays is not null )log left join ( select id province_id, area_code from ods_base_province_full where dt='2020-06-14' )bp on log.area_code=bp.area_code;
1.17 流量域错误事务事实表
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dwd_traffic_error_inc; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dwd_traffic_error_inc ( `province_id` STRING COMMENT '地区编码', `brand` STRING COMMENT '手机品牌', `channel` STRING COMMENT '渠道', `is_new` STRING COMMENT '是否首次启动', `model` STRING COMMENT '手机型号', `mid_id` STRING COMMENT '设备id', `operate_system` STRING COMMENT '操作系统', `user_id` STRING COMMENT '会员id', `version_code` STRING COMMENT 'app版本号', `page_item` STRING COMMENT '目标id ', `page_item_type` STRING COMMENT '目标类型', `last_page_id` STRING COMMENT '上页类型', `page_id` STRING COMMENT '页面ID ', `source_type` STRING COMMENT '来源类型', `entry` STRING COMMENT 'icon手机图标 notice 通知', `loading_time` STRING COMMENT '启动加载时间', `open_ad_id` STRING COMMENT '广告页ID ', `open_ad_ms` STRING COMMENT '广告总共播放时间', `open_ad_skip_ms` STRING COMMENT '用户跳过广告时点', `actions` ARRAY<STRUCT<action_id:STRING,item:STRING,item_type:STRING,ts:BIGINT>> COMMENT '动作信息', `displays` ARRAY<STRUCT<display_type :STRING,item :STRING,item_type :STRING,`order` :STRING,pos_id :STRING>> COMMENT '曝光信息', `date_id` STRING COMMENT '日期id', `error_time` STRING COMMENT '错误时间', `error_code` STRING COMMENT '错误码', `error_msg` STRING COMMENT '错误信息' ) COMMENT '错误日志表' PARTITIONED BY (`dt` STRING) STORED AS ORC LOCATION '/warehouse/gmall/dwd/dwd_traffic_error_inc' TBLPROPERTIES ('orc.compress' = 'snappy');
set hive.cbo.enable=false; set hive.execution.engine=mr; insert overwrite table dwd_traffic_error_inc partition(dt='2020-06-14') select province_id, brand, channel, is_new, model, mid_id, operate_system, user_id, version_code, page_item, page_item_type, last_page_id, page_id, source_type, entry, loading_time, open_ad_id, open_ad_ms, open_ad_skip_ms, actions, displays, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') error_time, error_code, error_msg from ( select common.ar area_code, common.ba brand, common.ch channel, common.is_new, common.md model, common.mid mid_id, common.os operate_system, common.uid user_id, common.vc version_code, page.during_time, page.item page_item, page.item_type page_item_type, page.last_page_id, page.page_id, page.source_type, `start`.entry, `start`.loading_time, `start`.open_ad_id, `start`.open_ad_ms, `start`.open_ad_skip_ms, actions, displays, err.error_code, err.msg error_msg, ts from ods_log_inc where dt='2020-06-14' and err is not null )log join ( select id province_id, area_code from ods_base_province_full where dt='2020-06-14' )bp on log.area_code=bp.area_code;
1.18 用户域用户注册事务事实表
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dwd_user_register_inc; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dwd_user_register_inc ( `user_id` STRING COMMENT '用户ID', `date_id` STRING COMMENT '日期ID', `create_time` STRING COMMENT '注册时间', `channel` STRING COMMENT '应用下载渠道', `province_id` STRING COMMENT '省份id', `version_code` STRING COMMENT '应用版本', `mid_id` STRING COMMENT '设备id', `brand` STRING COMMENT '设备品牌', `model` STRING COMMENT '设备型号', `operate_system` STRING COMMENT '设备操作系统' ) COMMENT '用户域用户注册事务事实表' PARTITIONED BY (`dt` STRING) STORED AS ORC LOCATION '/warehouse/gmall/dwd/dwd_user_register_inc/' TBLPROPERTIES ("orc.compress" = "snappy");
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict; insert overwrite table dwd_user_register_inc partition(dt) select ui.user_id, date_format(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, create_time, channel, province_id, version_code, mid_id, brand, model, operate_system, date_format(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') from ( select data.id user_id, data.create_time from ods_user_info_inc where dt='2020-06-14' and type='bootstrap-insert' )ui left join ( select common.ar area_code, common.ba brand, common.ch channel, common.md model, common.mid mid_id, common.os operate_system, common.uid user_id, common.vc version_code from ods_log_inc where dt='2020-06-14' and page.page_id='register' and common.uid is not null )log on ui.user_id=log.user_id left join ( select id province_id, area_code from ods_base_province_full where dt='2020-06-14' )bp on log.area_code=bp.area_code;
insert overwrite table dwd_user_register_inc partition(dt='2020-06-15') select ui.user_id, date_format(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, create_time, channel, province_id, version_code, mid_id, brand, model, operate_system from ( select data.id user_id, data.create_time from ods_user_info_inc where dt='2020-06-15' and type='insert' )ui left join ( select common.ar area_code, common.ba brand, common.ch channel, common.md model, common.mid mid_id, common.os operate_system, common.uid user_id, common.vc version_code from ods_log_inc where dt='2020-06-15' and page.page_id='register' and common.uid is not null )log on ui.user_id=log.user_id left join ( select id province_id, area_code from ods_base_province_full where dt='2020-06-15' )bp on log.area_code=bp.area_code;
1.19 用户域用户登录事务事实表
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dwd_user_login_inc; CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE dwd_user_login_inc ( `user_id` STRING COMMENT '用户ID', `date_id` STRING COMMENT '日期ID', `login_time` STRING COMMENT '登录时间', `channel` STRING COMMENT '应用下载渠道', `province_id` STRING COMMENT '省份id', `version_code` STRING COMMENT '应用版本', `mid_id` STRING COMMENT '设备id', `brand` STRING COMMENT '设备品牌', `model` STRING COMMENT '设备型号', `operate_system` STRING COMMENT '设备操作系统' ) COMMENT '用户域用户登录事务事实表' PARTITIONED BY (`dt` STRING) STORED AS ORC LOCATION '/warehouse/gmall/dwd/dwd_user_login_inc/' TBLPROPERTIES ("orc.compress" = "snappy");
insert overwrite table dwd_user_login_inc partition(dt='2020-06-14') select user_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') login_time, channel, province_id, version_code, mid_id, brand, model, operate_system from ( select user_id, channel, area_code, version_code, mid_id, brand, model, operate_system, ts from ( select user_id, channel, area_code, version_code, mid_id, brand, model, operate_system, ts, row_number() over (partition by session_id order by ts) rn from ( select user_id, channel, area_code, version_code, mid_id, brand, model, operate_system, ts, concat(mid_id,'-',last_value(session_start_point,true) over(partition by mid_id order by ts)) session_id from ( select common.uid user_id, common.ch channel, common.ar area_code, common.vc version_code, common.mid mid_id, common.ba brand, common.md model, common.os operate_system, ts, if(page.last_page_id is null,ts,null) session_start_point from ods_log_inc where dt='2020-06-14' and page is not null )t1 )t2 where user_id is not null )t3 where rn=1 )t4 left join ( select id province_id, area_code from ods_base_province_full where dt='2020-06-14' )bp on t4.area_code=bp.area_code;
1.20 数据装载脚本
1.20.1 首日装载脚本
vim ods_to_dwd_init.sh • 1
#!/bin/bash APP=gmall if [ -n "$2" ] ;then do_date=$2 else echo "请传入日期参数" exit fi dwd_interaction_comment_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_interaction_comment_inc partition(dt) select id, user_id, sku_id, order_id, date_format(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, create_time, appraise, dic_name, date_format(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') from ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.sku_id, data.order_id, data.create_time, data.appraise from ${APP}.ods_comment_info_inc where dt='$do_date' and type='bootstrap-insert' )ci left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ${APP}.ods_base_dic_full where dt='$do_date' and parent_code='12' )dic on ci.appraise=dic.dic_code; " dwd_interaction_favor_add_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_interaction_favor_add_inc partition(dt) select data.id, data.user_id, data.sku_id, date_format(data.create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, data.create_time, date_format(data.create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') from ${APP}.ods_favor_info_inc where dt='$do_date' and type = 'bootstrap-insert'; " dwd_tool_coupon_get_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_tool_coupon_get_inc partition(dt) select data.id, data.coupon_id, data.user_id, date_format(data.get_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, data.get_time, date_format(data.get_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') from ${APP}.ods_coupon_use_inc where dt='$do_date' and type='bootstrap-insert'; " dwd_tool_coupon_order_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_tool_coupon_order_inc partition(dt) select data.id, data.coupon_id, data.user_id, data.order_id, date_format(data.using_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, data.using_time, date_format(data.using_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') from ${APP}.ods_coupon_use_inc where dt='$do_date' and type='bootstrap-insert' and data.using_time is not null; " dwd_tool_coupon_pay_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_tool_coupon_pay_inc partition(dt) select data.id, data.coupon_id, data.user_id, data.order_id, date_format(data.used_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, data.used_time, date_format(data.used_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') from ${APP}.ods_coupon_use_inc where dt='$do_date' and type='bootstrap-insert' and data.used_time is not null; " dwd_trade_cancel_detail_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_trade_cancel_detail_inc partition (dt) select od.id, order_id, user_id, sku_id, province_id, activity_id, activity_rule_id, coupon_id, date_format(canel_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, canel_time, source_id, source_type, dic_name, sku_num, split_original_amount, split_activity_amount, split_coupon_amount, split_total_amount, date_format(canel_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') from ( select data.id, data.order_id, data.sku_id, data.source_id, data.source_type, data.sku_num, data.sku_num * data.order_price split_original_amount, data.split_total_amount, data.split_activity_amount, data.split_coupon_amount from ${APP}.ods_order_detail_inc where dt = '$do_date' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' ) od join ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.province_id, data.operate_time canel_time from ${APP}.ods_order_info_inc where dt = '$do_date' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' and data.order_status='1003' ) oi on od.order_id = oi.id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.activity_id, data.activity_rule_id from ${APP}.ods_order_detail_activity_inc where dt = '$do_date' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' ) act on od.id = act.order_detail_id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.coupon_id from ${APP}.ods_order_detail_coupon_inc where dt = '$do_date' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' ) cou on od.id = cou.order_detail_id left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ${APP}.ods_base_dic_full where dt='$do_date' and parent_code='24' )dic on od.source_type=dic.dic_code; " dwd_trade_cart_add_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_trade_cart_add_inc partition (dt) select id, user_id, sku_id, date_format(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, create_time, source_id, source_type, dic.dic_name, sku_num, date_format(create_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd') from ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.sku_id, data.create_time, data.source_id, data.source_type, data.sku_num from ${APP}.ods_cart_info_inc where dt = '$do_date' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' )ci left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ${APP}.ods_base_dic_full where dt='$do_date' and parent_code='24' )dic on ci.source_type=dic.dic_code; " dwd_trade_cart_full=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_trade_cart_full partition(dt='$do_date') select id, user_id, sku_id, sku_name, sku_num from ${APP}.ods_cart_info_full where dt='$do_date' and is_ordered='0'; " dwd_trade_order_detail_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_trade_order_detail_inc partition (dt) select od.id, order_id, user_id, sku_id, province_id, activity_id, activity_rule_id, coupon_id, date_format(create_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, create_time, source_id, source_type, dic_name, sku_num, split_original_amount, split_activity_amount, split_coupon_amount, split_total_amount, date_format(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') from ( select data.id, data.order_id, data.sku_id, data.create_time, data.source_id, data.source_type, data.sku_num, data.sku_num * data.order_price split_original_amount, data.split_total_amount, data.split_activity_amount, data.split_coupon_amount from ${APP}.ods_order_detail_inc where dt = '$do_date' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' ) od left join ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.province_id from ${APP}.ods_order_info_inc where dt = '$do_date' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' ) oi on od.order_id = oi.id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.activity_id, data.activity_rule_id from ${APP}.ods_order_detail_activity_inc where dt = '$do_date' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' ) act on od.id = act.order_detail_id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.coupon_id from ${APP}.ods_order_detail_coupon_inc where dt = '$do_date' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' ) cou on od.id = cou.order_detail_id left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ${APP}.ods_base_dic_full where dt='$do_date' and parent_code='24' )dic on od.source_type=dic.dic_code; " dwd_trade_order_refund_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_trade_order_refund_inc partition(dt) select ri.id, user_id, order_id, sku_id, province_id, date_format(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, create_time, refund_type, type_dic.dic_name, refund_reason_type, reason_dic.dic_name, refund_reason_txt, refund_num, refund_amount, date_format(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') from ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.order_id, data.sku_id, data.refund_type, data.refund_num, data.refund_amount, data.refund_reason_type, data.refund_reason_txt, data.create_time from ${APP}.ods_order_refund_info_inc where dt='$do_date' and type='bootstrap-insert' )ri left join ( select data.id, data.province_id from ${APP}.ods_order_info_inc where dt='$do_date' and type='bootstrap-insert' )oi on ri.order_id=oi.id left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ${APP}.ods_base_dic_full where dt='$do_date' and parent_code = '15' )type_dic on ri.refund_type=type_dic.dic_code left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ${APP}.ods_base_dic_full where dt='$do_date' and parent_code = '13' )reason_dic on ri.refund_reason_type=reason_dic.dic_code; " dwd_trade_pay_detail_suc_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_trade_pay_detail_suc_inc partition (dt) select od.id, od.order_id, user_id, sku_id, province_id, activity_id, activity_rule_id, coupon_id, payment_type, pay_dic.dic_name, date_format(callback_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, callback_time, source_id, source_type, src_dic.dic_name, sku_num, split_original_amount, split_activity_amount, split_coupon_amount, split_total_amount, date_format(callback_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') from ( select data.id, data.order_id, data.sku_id, data.source_id, data.source_type, data.sku_num, data.sku_num * data.order_price split_original_amount, data.split_total_amount, data.split_activity_amount, data.split_coupon_amount from ${APP}.ods_order_detail_inc where dt = '$do_date' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' ) od join ( select data.user_id, data.order_id, data.payment_type, data.callback_time from ${APP}.ods_payment_info_inc where dt='$do_date' and type='bootstrap-insert' and data.payment_status='1602' ) pi on od.order_id=pi.order_id left join ( select data.id, data.province_id from ${APP}.ods_order_info_inc where dt = '$do_date' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' ) oi on od.order_id = oi.id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.activity_id, data.activity_rule_id from ${APP}.ods_order_detail_activity_inc where dt = '$do_date' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' ) act on od.id = act.order_detail_id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.coupon_id from ${APP}.ods_order_detail_coupon_inc where dt = '$do_date' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' ) cou on od.id = cou.order_detail_id left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ${APP}.ods_base_dic_full where dt='$do_date' and parent_code='11' ) pay_dic on pi.payment_type=pay_dic.dic_code left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ${APP}.ods_base_dic_full where dt='$do_date' and parent_code='24' )src_dic on od.source_type=src_dic.dic_code; " dwd_trade_refund_pay_suc_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_trade_refund_pay_suc_inc partition(dt) select rp.id, user_id, rp.order_id, rp.sku_id, province_id, payment_type, dic_name, date_format(callback_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, callback_time, refund_num, total_amount, date_format(callback_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') from ( select data.id, data.order_id, data.sku_id, data.payment_type, data.callback_time, data.total_amount from ${APP}.ods_refund_payment_inc where dt='$do_date' and type = 'bootstrap-insert' and data.refund_status='1602' )rp left join ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.province_id from ${APP}.ods_order_info_inc where dt='$do_date' and type='bootstrap-insert' )oi on rp.order_id=oi.id left join ( select data.order_id, data.sku_id, data.refund_num from ${APP}.ods_order_refund_info_inc where dt='$do_date' and type='bootstrap-insert' )ri on rp.order_id=ri.order_id and rp.sku_id=ri.sku_id left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ${APP}.ods_base_dic_full where dt='$do_date' and parent_code='11' )dic on rp.payment_type=dic.dic_code; " dwd_traffic_action_inc=" set hive.cbo.enable=false; insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_traffic_action_inc partition(dt='$do_date') select province_id, brand, channel, is_new, model, mid_id, operate_system, user_id, version_code, during_time, page_item, page_item_type, last_page_id, page_id, source_type, action_id, action_item, action_item_type, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') action_time from ( select common.ar area_code, common.ba brand, common.ch channel, common.is_new, common.md model, common.mid mid_id, common.os operate_system, common.uid user_id, common.vc version_code, page.during_time, page.item page_item, page.item_type page_item_type, page.last_page_id, page.page_id, page.source_type, action.action_id, action.item action_item, action.item_type action_item_type, action.ts from ${APP}.ods_log_inc lateral view explode(actions) tmp as action where dt='$do_date' and actions is not null )log left join ( select id province_id, area_code from ${APP}.ods_base_province_full where dt='$do_date' )bp on log.area_code=bp.area_code; " dwd_traffic_display_inc=" set hive.cbo.enable=false; insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_traffic_display_inc partition(dt='$do_date') select province_id, brand, channel, is_new, model, mid_id, operate_system, user_id, version_code, during_time, page_item, page_item_type, last_page_id, page_id, source_type, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') display_time, display_type, display_item, display_item_type, display_order, display_pos_id from ( select common.ar area_code, common.ba brand, common.ch channel, common.is_new, common.md model, common.mid mid_id, common.os operate_system, common.uid user_id, common.vc version_code, page.during_time, page.item page_item, page.item_type page_item_type, page.last_page_id, page.page_id, page.source_type, display.display_type, display.item display_item, display.item_type display_item_type, display.\`order\` display_order, display.pos_id display_pos_id, ts from ${APP}.ods_log_inc lateral view explode(displays) tmp as display where dt='$do_date' and displays is not null )log left join ( select id province_id, area_code from ${APP}.ods_base_province_full where dt='$do_date' )bp on log.area_code=bp.area_code; " dwd_traffic_error_inc=" set hive.cbo.enable=false; set hive.execution.engine=mr; insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_traffic_error_inc partition(dt='$do_date') select province_id, brand, channel, is_new, model, mid_id, operate_system, user_id, version_code, page_item, page_item_type, last_page_id, page_id, source_type, entry, loading_time, open_ad_id, open_ad_ms, open_ad_skip_ms, actions, displays, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') error_time, error_code, error_msg from ( select common.ar area_code, common.ba brand, common.ch channel, common.is_new, common.md model, common.mid mid_id, common.os operate_system, common.uid user_id, common.vc version_code, page.during_time, page.item page_item, page.item_type page_item_type, page.last_page_id, page.page_id, page.source_type, \`start\`.entry, \`start\`.loading_time, \`start\`.open_ad_id, \`start\`.open_ad_ms, \`start\`.open_ad_skip_ms, actions, displays, err.error_code, err.msg error_msg, ts from ${APP}.ods_log_inc where dt='$do_date' and err is not null )log left join ( select id province_id, area_code from ${APP}.ods_base_province_full where dt='$do_date' )bp on log.area_code=bp.area_code; set hive.execution.engine=spark; " dwd_traffic_page_view_inc=" set hive.cbo.enable=false; insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_traffic_page_view_inc partition (dt='$do_date') select province_id, brand, channel, is_new, model, mid_id, operate_system, user_id, version_code, page_item, page_item_type, last_page_id, page_id, source_type, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') view_time, concat(mid_id,'-',last_value(session_start_point,true) over (partition by mid_id order by ts)) session_id, during_time from ( select common.ar area_code, common.ba brand, common.ch channel, common.is_new is_new, common.md model, common.mid mid_id, common.os operate_system, common.uid user_id, common.vc version_code, page.during_time, page.item page_item, page.item_type page_item_type, page.last_page_id, page.page_id, page.source_type, ts, if(page.last_page_id is null,ts,null) session_start_point from ${APP}.ods_log_inc where dt='$do_date' and page is not null )log left join ( select id province_id, area_code from ${APP}.ods_base_province_full where dt='$do_date' )bp on log.area_code=bp.area_code; " dwd_traffic_start_inc=" set hive.cbo.enable=false; insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_traffic_start_inc partition(dt='$do_date') select province_id, brand, channel, is_new, model, mid_id, operate_system, user_id, version_code, entry, open_ad_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') action_time, loading_time, open_ad_ms, open_ad_skip_ms from ( select common.ar area_code, common.ba brand, common.ch channel, common.is_new, common.md model, common.mid mid_id, common.os operate_system, common.uid user_id, common.vc version_code, \`start\`.entry, \`start\`.loading_time, \`start\`.open_ad_id, \`start\`.open_ad_ms, \`start\`.open_ad_skip_ms, ts from ${APP}.ods_log_inc where dt='$do_date' and \`start\` is not null )log left join ( select id province_id, area_code from ${APP}.ods_base_province_full where dt='$do_date' )bp on log.area_code=bp.area_code; " dwd_user_login_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_user_login_inc partition(dt='$do_date') select user_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') login_time, channel, province_id, version_code, mid_id, brand, model, operate_system from ( select user_id, channel, area_code, version_code, mid_id, brand, model, operate_system, ts from ( select user_id, channel, area_code, version_code, mid_id, brand, model, operate_system, ts, row_number() over (partition by session_id order by ts) rn from ( select user_id, channel, area_code, version_code, mid_id, brand, model, operate_system, ts, concat(mid_id,'-',last_value(session_start_point,true) over(partition by mid_id order by ts)) session_id from ( select common.uid user_id, common.ch channel, common.ar area_code, common.vc version_code, common.mid mid_id, common.ba brand, common.md model, common.os operate_system, ts, if(page.last_page_id is null,ts,null) session_start_point from ${APP}.ods_log_inc where dt='$do_date' and page is not null )t1 )t2 where user_id is not null )t3 where rn=1 )t4 left join ( select id province_id, area_code from ${APP}.ods_base_province_full where dt='$do_date' )bp on t4.area_code=bp.area_code; " dwd_user_register_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_user_register_inc partition(dt) select ui.user_id, date_format(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, create_time, channel, province_id, version_code, mid_id, brand, model, operate_system, date_format(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') from ( select data.id user_id, data.create_time from ${APP}.ods_user_info_inc where dt='$do_date' and type='bootstrap-insert' )ui left join ( select common.ar area_code, common.ba brand, common.ch channel, common.md model, common.mid mid_id, common.os operate_system, common.uid user_id, common.vc version_code from ${APP}.ods_log_inc where dt='$do_date' and page.page_id='register' and common.uid is not null )log on ui.user_id=log.user_id left join ( select id province_id, area_code from ${APP}.ods_base_province_full where dt='$do_date' )bp on log.area_code=bp.area_code; " case $1 in "dwd_interaction_comment_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_interaction_comment_inc" ;; "dwd_interaction_favor_add_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_interaction_favor_add_inc" ;; "dwd_tool_coupon_get_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_tool_coupon_get_inc" ;; "dwd_tool_coupon_order_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_tool_coupon_order_inc" ;; "dwd_tool_coupon_pay_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_tool_coupon_pay_inc" ;; "dwd_trade_cancel_detail_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_trade_cancel_detail_inc" ;; "dwd_trade_cart_add_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_trade_cart_add_inc" ;; "dwd_trade_cart_full" ) hive -e "$dwd_trade_cart_full" ;; "dwd_trade_order_detail_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_trade_order_detail_inc" ;; "dwd_trade_order_refund_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_trade_order_refund_inc" ;; "dwd_trade_pay_detail_suc_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_trade_pay_detail_suc_inc" ;; "dwd_trade_refund_pay_suc_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_trade_refund_pay_suc_inc" ;; "dwd_traffic_action_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_traffic_action_inc" ;; "dwd_traffic_display_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_traffic_display_inc" ;; "dwd_traffic_error_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_traffic_error_inc" ;; "dwd_traffic_page_view_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_traffic_page_view_inc" ;; "dwd_traffic_start_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_traffic_start_inc" ;; "dwd_user_login_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_user_login_inc" ;; "dwd_user_register_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_user_register_inc" ;; "all" ) hive -e "$dwd_interaction_comment_inc$dwd_interaction_favor_add_inc$dwd_tool_coupon_get_inc$dwd_tool_coupon_order_inc$dwd_tool_coupon_pay_inc$dwd_trade_cancel_detail_inc$dwd_trade_cart_add_inc$dwd_trade_cart_full$dwd_trade_order_detail_inc$dwd_trade_order_refund_inc$dwd_trade_pay_detail_suc_inc$dwd_trade_refund_pay_suc_inc$dwd_traffic_action_inc$dwd_traffic_display_inc$dwd_traffic_error_inc$dwd_traffic_page_view_inc$dwd_traffic_start_inc$dwd_user_login_inc$dwd_user_register_inc" esac
chmod +x ods_to_dwd_init.sh • 1
ods_to_dwd_init.sh all 2020-06-14 • 1
1.20.2 每日装载脚本
#!/bin/bash APP=gmall # 如果是输入的日期按照取输入日期;如果没输入日期取当前时间的前一天 if [ -n "$2" ] ;then do_date=$2 else do_date=`date -d "-1 day" +%F` fi dwd_interaction_comment_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_interaction_comment_inc partition(dt='$do_date') select id, user_id, sku_id, order_id, date_format(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, create_time, appraise, dic_name from ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.sku_id, data.order_id, data.create_time, data.appraise from ${APP}.ods_comment_info_inc where dt='$do_date' and type='insert' )ci left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ${APP}.ods_base_dic_full where dt='$do_date' and parent_code='12' )dic on ci.appraise=dic.dic_code; " dwd_interaction_favor_add_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_interaction_favor_add_inc partition(dt='$do_date') select data.id, data.user_id, data.sku_id, date_format(data.create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, data.create_time from ${APP}.ods_favor_info_inc where dt='$do_date' and type = 'insert'; " dwd_tool_coupon_get_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_tool_coupon_get_inc partition (dt='$do_date') select data.id, data.coupon_id, data.user_id, date_format(data.get_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, data.get_time from ${APP}.ods_coupon_use_inc where dt='$do_date' and type='insert'; " dwd_tool_coupon_order_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_tool_coupon_order_inc partition(dt='$do_date') select data.id, data.coupon_id, data.user_id, data.order_id, date_format(data.using_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, data.using_time from ${APP}.ods_coupon_use_inc where dt='$do_date' and type='update' and array_contains(map_keys(old),'using_time'); " dwd_tool_coupon_pay_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_tool_coupon_pay_inc partition(dt='$do_date') select data.id, data.coupon_id, data.user_id, data.order_id, date_format(data.used_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, data.used_time from ${APP}.ods_coupon_use_inc where dt='$do_date' and type='update' and array_contains(map_keys(old),'used_time'); " dwd_trade_cancel_detail_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_trade_cancel_detail_inc partition (dt='$do_date') select od.id, order_id, user_id, sku_id, province_id, activity_id, activity_rule_id, coupon_id, date_format(canel_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, canel_time, source_id, source_type, dic_name, sku_num, split_original_amount, split_activity_amount, split_coupon_amount, split_total_amount from ( select data.id, data.order_id, data.sku_id, data.source_id, data.source_type, data.sku_num, data.sku_num * data.order_price split_original_amount, data.split_total_amount, data.split_activity_amount, data.split_coupon_amount from ${APP}.ods_order_detail_inc where (dt='$do_date' or dt=date_add('$do_date',-1)) and (type = 'insert' or type= 'bootstrap-insert') ) od join ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.province_id, data.operate_time canel_time from ${APP}.ods_order_info_inc where dt = '$do_date' and type = 'update' and data.order_status='1003' and array_contains(map_keys(old),'order_status') ) oi on order_id = oi.id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.activity_id, data.activity_rule_id from ${APP}.ods_order_detail_activity_inc where (dt='$do_date' or dt=date_add('$do_date',-1)) and (type = 'insert' or type= 'bootstrap-insert') ) act on od.id = act.order_detail_id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.coupon_id from ${APP}.ods_order_detail_coupon_inc where (dt='$do_date' or dt=date_add('$do_date',-1)) and (type = 'insert' or type= 'bootstrap-insert') ) cou on od.id = cou.order_detail_id left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ${APP}.ods_base_dic_full where dt='$do_date' and parent_code='24' )dic on od.source_type=dic.dic_code; " dwd_trade_cart_add_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_trade_cart_add_inc partition(dt='$do_date') select id, user_id, sku_id, date_id, create_time, source_id, source_type_code, source_type_name, sku_num from ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.sku_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts*1000,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts*1000,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') create_time, data.source_id, data.source_type source_type_code, if(type='insert',data.sku_num,data.sku_num-old['sku_num']) sku_num from ${APP}.ods_cart_info_inc where dt='$do_date' and (type='insert' or(type='update' and old['sku_num'] is not null and data.sku_num>cast(old['sku_num'] as int))) )cart left join ( select dic_code, dic_name source_type_name from ${APP}.ods_base_dic_full where dt='$do_date' and parent_code='24' )dic on cart.source_type_code=dic.dic_code; " dwd_trade_cart_full=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_trade_cart_full partition(dt='$do_date') select id, user_id, sku_id, sku_name, sku_num from ${APP}.ods_cart_info_full where dt='$do_date' and is_ordered='0'; " dwd_trade_order_detail_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_trade_order_detail_inc partition (dt='$do_date') select od.id, order_id, user_id, sku_id, province_id, activity_id, activity_rule_id, coupon_id, date_id, create_time, source_id, source_type, dic_name, sku_num, split_original_amount, split_activity_amount, split_coupon_amount, split_total_amount from ( select data.id, data.order_id, data.sku_id, date_format(data.create_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, data.create_time, data.source_id, data.source_type, data.sku_num, data.sku_num * data.order_price split_original_amount, data.split_total_amount, data.split_activity_amount, data.split_coupon_amount from ${APP}.ods_order_detail_inc where dt = '$do_date' and type = 'insert' ) od left join ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.province_id from ${APP}.ods_order_info_inc where dt = '$do_date' and type = 'insert' ) oi on od.order_id = oi.id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.activity_id, data.activity_rule_id from ${APP}.ods_order_detail_activity_inc where dt = '$do_date' and type = 'insert' ) act on od.id = act.order_detail_id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.coupon_id from ${APP}.ods_order_detail_coupon_inc where dt = '$do_date' and type = 'insert' ) cou on od.id = cou.order_detail_id left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ${APP}.ods_base_dic_full where dt='$do_date' and parent_code='24' )dic on od.source_type=dic.dic_code; " dwd_trade_order_refund_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_trade_order_refund_inc partition(dt='$do_date') select ri.id, user_id, order_id, sku_id, province_id, date_format(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, create_time, refund_type, type_dic.dic_name, refund_reason_type, reason_dic.dic_name, refund_reason_txt, refund_num, refund_amount from ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.order_id, data.sku_id, data.refund_type, data.refund_num, data.refund_amount, data.refund_reason_type, data.refund_reason_txt, data.create_time from ${APP}.ods_order_refund_info_inc where dt='$do_date' and type='insert' )ri left join ( select data.id, data.province_id from ${APP}.ods_order_info_inc where dt='$do_date' and type='update' and data.order_status='1005' and array_contains(map_keys(old),'order_status') )oi on ri.order_id=oi.id left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ${APP}.ods_base_dic_full where dt='$do_date' and parent_code = '15' )type_dic on ri.refund_type=type_dic.dic_code left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ${APP}.ods_base_dic_full where dt='$do_date' and parent_code = '13' )reason_dic on ri.refund_reason_type=reason_dic.dic_code; " dwd_trade_pay_detail_suc_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_trade_pay_detail_suc_inc partition (dt='$do_date') select od.id, od.order_id, user_id, sku_id, province_id, activity_id, activity_rule_id, coupon_id, payment_type, pay_dic.dic_name, date_format(callback_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, callback_time, source_id, source_type, src_dic.dic_name, sku_num, split_original_amount, split_activity_amount, split_coupon_amount, split_total_amount from ( select data.id, data.order_id, data.sku_id, data.source_id, data.source_type, data.sku_num, data.sku_num * data.order_price split_original_amount, data.split_total_amount, data.split_activity_amount, data.split_coupon_amount from ${APP}.ods_order_detail_inc where (dt = '$do_date' or dt = date_add('$do_date',-1)) and (type = 'insert' or type = 'bootstrap-insert') ) od join ( select data.user_id, data.order_id, data.payment_type, data.callback_time from ${APP}.ods_payment_info_inc where dt='$do_date' and type='update' and array_contains(map_keys(old),'payment_status') and data.payment_status='1602' ) pi on od.order_id=pi.order_id left join ( select data.id, data.province_id from ${APP}.ods_order_info_inc where (dt = '$do_date' or dt = date_add('$do_date',-1)) and (type = 'insert' or type = 'bootstrap-insert') ) oi on od.order_id = oi.id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.activity_id, data.activity_rule_id from ${APP}.ods_order_detail_activity_inc where (dt = '$do_date' or dt = date_add('$do_date',-1)) and (type = 'insert' or type = 'bootstrap-insert') ) act on od.id = act.order_detail_id left join ( select data.order_detail_id, data.coupon_id from ${APP}.ods_order_detail_coupon_inc where (dt = '$do_date' or dt = date_add('$do_date',-1)) and (type = 'insert' or type = 'bootstrap-insert') ) cou on od.id = cou.order_detail_id left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ${APP}.ods_base_dic_full where dt='$do_date' and parent_code='11' ) pay_dic on pi.payment_type=pay_dic.dic_code left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ${APP}.ods_base_dic_full where dt='$do_date' and parent_code='24' )src_dic on od.source_type=src_dic.dic_code; " dwd_trade_refund_pay_suc_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_trade_refund_pay_suc_inc partition(dt='$do_date') select rp.id, user_id, rp.order_id, rp.sku_id, province_id, payment_type, dic_name, date_format(callback_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, callback_time, refund_num, total_amount from ( select data.id, data.order_id, data.sku_id, data.payment_type, data.callback_time, data.total_amount from ${APP}.ods_refund_payment_inc where dt='$do_date' and type = 'update' and array_contains(map_keys(old),'refund_status') and data.refund_status='1602' )rp left join ( select data.id, data.user_id, data.province_id from ${APP}.ods_order_info_inc where dt='$do_date' and type='update' and data.order_status='1006' and array_contains(map_keys(old),'order_status') )oi on rp.order_id=oi.id left join ( select data.order_id, data.sku_id, data.refund_num from ${APP}.ods_order_refund_info_inc where dt='$do_date' and type='update' and data.refund_status='0705' and array_contains(map_keys(old),'refund_status') )ri on rp.order_id=ri.order_id and rp.sku_id=ri.sku_id left join ( select dic_code, dic_name from ${APP}.ods_base_dic_full where dt='$do_date' and parent_code='11' )dic on rp.payment_type=dic.dic_code; " dwd_traffic_action_inc=" set hive.cbo.enable=false; insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_traffic_action_inc partition(dt='$do_date') select province_id, brand, channel, is_new, model, mid_id, operate_system, user_id, version_code, during_time, page_item, page_item_type, last_page_id, page_id, source_type, action_id, action_item, action_item_type, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') action_time from ( select common.ar area_code, common.ba brand, common.ch channel, common.is_new, common.md model, common.mid mid_id, common.os operate_system, common.uid user_id, common.vc version_code, page.during_time, page.item page_item, page.item_type page_item_type, page.last_page_id, page.page_id, page.source_type, action.action_id, action.item action_item, action.item_type action_item_type, action.ts from ${APP}.ods_log_inc lateral view explode(actions) tmp as action where dt='$do_date' and actions is not null )log left join ( select id province_id, area_code from ${APP}.ods_base_province_full where dt='$do_date' )bp on log.area_code=bp.area_code; " dwd_traffic_display_inc=" set hive.cbo.enable=false; insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_traffic_display_inc partition(dt='$do_date') select province_id, brand, channel, is_new, model, mid_id, operate_system, user_id, version_code, during_time, page_item, page_item_type, last_page_id, page_id, source_type, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') display_time, display_type, display_item, display_item_type, display_order, display_pos_id from ( select common.ar area_code, common.ba brand, common.ch channel, common.is_new, common.md model, common.mid mid_id, common.os operate_system, common.uid user_id, common.vc version_code, page.during_time, page.item page_item, page.item_type page_item_type, page.last_page_id, page.page_id, page.source_type, display.display_type, display.item display_item, display.item_type display_item_type, display.\`order\` display_order, display.pos_id display_pos_id, ts from ${APP}.ods_log_inc lateral view explode(displays) tmp as display where dt='$do_date' and displays is not null )log left join ( select id province_id, area_code from ${APP}.ods_base_province_full where dt='$do_date' )bp on log.area_code=bp.area_code; " dwd_traffic_error_inc=" set hive.cbo.enable=false; set hive.execution.engine=mr; insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_traffic_error_inc partition(dt='$do_date') select province_id, brand, channel, is_new, model, mid_id, operate_system, user_id, version_code, page_item, page_item_type, last_page_id, page_id, source_type, entry, loading_time, open_ad_id, open_ad_ms, open_ad_skip_ms, actions, displays, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') error_time, error_code, error_msg from ( select common.ar area_code, common.ba brand, common.ch channel, common.is_new, common.md model, common.mid mid_id, common.os operate_system, common.uid user_id, common.vc version_code, page.during_time, page.item page_item, page.item_type page_item_type, page.last_page_id, page.page_id, page.source_type, \`start\`.entry, \`start\`.loading_time, \`start\`.open_ad_id, \`start\`.open_ad_ms, \`start\`.open_ad_skip_ms, actions, displays, err.error_code, err.msg error_msg, ts from ${APP}.ods_log_inc where dt='$do_date' and err is not null )log left join ( select id province_id, area_code from ${APP}.ods_base_province_full where dt='$do_date' )bp on log.area_code=bp.area_code; set hive.execution.engine=spark; " dwd_traffic_page_view_inc=" set hive.cbo.enable=false; insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_traffic_page_view_inc partition (dt='$do_date') select province_id, brand, channel, is_new, model, mid_id, operate_system, user_id, version_code, page_item, page_item_type, last_page_id, page_id, source_type, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') view_time, concat(mid_id,'-',last_value(session_start_point,true) over (partition by mid_id order by ts)) session_id, during_time from ( select common.ar area_code, common.ba brand, common.ch channel, common.is_new is_new, common.md model, common.mid mid_id, common.os operate_system, common.uid user_id, common.vc version_code, page.during_time, page.item page_item, page.item_type page_item_type, page.last_page_id, page.page_id, page.source_type, ts, if(page.last_page_id is null,ts,null) session_start_point from ${APP}.ods_log_inc where dt='$do_date' and page is not null )log left join ( select id province_id, area_code from ${APP}.ods_base_province_full where dt='$do_date' )bp on log.area_code=bp.area_code; " dwd_traffic_start_inc=" set hive.cbo.enable=false; insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_traffic_start_inc partition(dt='$do_date') select province_id, brand, channel, is_new, model, mid_id, operate_system, user_id, version_code, entry, open_ad_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') action_time, loading_time, open_ad_ms, open_ad_skip_ms from ( select common.ar area_code, common.ba brand, common.ch channel, common.is_new, common.md model, common.mid mid_id, common.os operate_system, common.uid user_id, common.vc version_code, \`start\`.entry, \`start\`.loading_time, \`start\`.open_ad_id, \`start\`.open_ad_ms, \`start\`.open_ad_skip_ms, ts from ${APP}.ods_log_inc where dt='$do_date' and \`start\` is not null )log left join ( select id province_id, area_code from ${APP}.ods_base_province_full where dt='$do_date' )bp on log.area_code=bp.area_code; " dwd_user_login_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_user_login_inc partition(dt='$do_date') select user_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, date_format(from_utc_timestamp(ts,'GMT+8'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') login_time, channel, province_id, version_code, mid_id, brand, model, operate_system from ( select user_id, channel, area_code, version_code, mid_id, brand, model, operate_system, ts from ( select user_id, channel, area_code, version_code, mid_id, brand, model, operate_system, ts, row_number() over (partition by session_id order by ts) rn from ( select user_id, channel, area_code, version_code, mid_id, brand, model, operate_system, ts, concat(mid_id,'-',last_value(session_start_point,true) over(partition by mid_id order by ts)) session_id from ( select common.uid user_id, common.ch channel, common.ar area_code, common.vc version_code, common.mid mid_id, common.ba brand, common.md model, common.os operate_system, ts, if(page.last_page_id is null,ts,null) session_start_point from ${APP}.ods_log_inc where dt='$do_date' and page is not null )t1 )t2 where user_id is not null )t3 where rn=1 )t4 left join ( select id province_id, area_code from ${APP}.ods_base_province_full where dt='$do_date' )bp on t4.area_code=bp.area_code; " dwd_user_register_inc=" insert overwrite table ${APP}.dwd_user_register_inc partition(dt='$do_date') select ui.user_id, date_format(create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') date_id, create_time, channel, province_id, version_code, mid_id, brand, model, operate_system from ( select data.id user_id, data.create_time from ${APP}.ods_user_info_inc where dt='$do_date' and type='insert' )ui left join ( select common.ar area_code, common.ba brand, common.ch channel, common.md model, common.mid mid_id, common.os operate_system, common.uid user_id, common.vc version_code from ${APP}.ods_log_inc where dt='$do_date' and page.page_id='register' and common.uid is not null )log on ui.user_id=log.user_id left join ( select id province_id, area_code from ${APP}.ods_base_province_full where dt='$do_date' )bp on log.area_code=bp.area_code; " case $1 in "dwd_interaction_comment_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_interaction_comment_inc" ;; "dwd_interaction_favor_add_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_interaction_favor_add_inc" ;; "dwd_tool_coupon_get_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_tool_coupon_get_inc" ;; "dwd_tool_coupon_order_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_tool_coupon_order_inc" ;; "dwd_tool_coupon_pay_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_tool_coupon_pay_inc" ;; "dwd_trade_cancel_detail_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_trade_cancel_detail_inc" ;; "dwd_trade_cart_add_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_trade_cart_add_inc" ;; "dwd_trade_cart_full" ) hive -e "$dwd_trade_cart_full" ;; "dwd_trade_order_detail_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_trade_order_detail_inc" ;; "dwd_trade_order_refund_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_trade_order_refund_inc" ;; "dwd_trade_pay_detail_suc_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_trade_pay_detail_suc_inc" ;; "dwd_trade_refund_pay_suc_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_trade_refund_pay_suc_inc" ;; "dwd_traffic_action_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_traffic_action_inc" ;; "dwd_traffic_display_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_traffic_display_inc" ;; "dwd_traffic_error_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_traffic_error_inc" ;; "dwd_traffic_page_view_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_traffic_page_view_inc" ;; "dwd_traffic_start_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_traffic_start_inc" ;; "dwd_user_login_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_user_login_inc" ;; "dwd_user_register_inc" ) hive -e "$dwd_user_register_inc" ;; "all" ) hive -e "$dwd_interaction_comment_inc$dwd_interaction_favor_add_inc$dwd_tool_coupon_get_inc$dwd_tool_coupon_order_inc$dwd_tool_coupon_pay_inc$dwd_trade_cancel_detail_inc$dwd_trade_cart_add_inc$dwd_trade_cart_full$dwd_trade_order_detail_inc$dwd_trade_order_refund_inc$dwd_trade_pay_detail_suc_inc$dwd_trade_refund_pay_suc_inc$dwd_traffic_action_inc$dwd_traffic_display_inc$dwd_traffic_error_inc$dwd_traffic_page_view_inc$dwd_traffic_start_inc$dwd_user_login_inc$dwd_user_register_inc" esac
ods_to_dwd.sh all 2020-06-14