项目地址:用【文心一言】DIY自己的中秋明信片 aistudio.baidu.com/projectdeta…
- sd生成中秋图片
- 文心一言生成中秋祝福
- 合并中秋图、祝福语
- ppdiffusers
- aistudio
- gradio
- langchain
- llama-index
- omegaconf
- nltk
%%capture !pip install -r requirements.txt
from tools import translate_prompt, magic_prompt translated = translate_prompt("广州的高楼大厦,夜晚,中秋节,月饼, 月亮,孤独的一个人") translated
'"Guangzhou\'s tall buildings at night, Mid-Autumn Festival, Mooncake, Moon, lonely person"'
import sd # 中秋,4k,光线追踪 prompt = translated+ ", 4K, ray tracing" image = sd.imagine(prompt) image
100%|██████████| 25/25 [00:06<00:00, 3.62it/s]
# 保存处理后的图片 image.save('background.jpg')
(1200, 800)
import aistudio send_messages = [{ "role": "user", "content": "我的家乡在陕西,中秋节特别思念家乡的亲人,请帮我生成中秋节日祝福五言绝句" }] chat = aistudio.chat.create( messages=send_messages ) bot_message = chat.result bot_message
# 过滤标点 import re # 使用正则表达式删除句号和逗号 bot_message = re.sub(r',|\。', '', bot_message) print(bot_message)
月明故乡思 乡愁在心间 亲人在眼前 祝福寄千里
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont def combine_text_with_image(text, image_path, output_path,font_size, x, y): # Load the image image = Image.open(image_path) # Create a draw object draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) # Load the font font = ImageFont.truetype("叶根友毛笔行书.ttf", font_size) # You can change the font to any other font you have # Calculate the text size _, _, text_width, text_height = draw.textbbox((0, 0), text=text, font=font) # Set the position of the texts x = x y = y # Add the text to the image draw.text((x, y), text, font=font, fill="white") # Save the combined image image.save(output_path)
combine_text_with_image(bot_message, "background.jpg", "combined_image.jpg", font_size=60,x=10, y=10) combine_text_with_image('海上生明月,天涯共此时\n我在星河社区祝福大家中秋快乐!', "combined_image.jpg", "combined_image2.jpg",font_size=40, x=600, y=700)
五、gradio 部署
#该应用创建工具共包含三个区域,顶部工具栏,左侧代码区,右侧交互效果区,其中右侧交互效果是通过左侧代码生成的,存在对照关系。 #顶部工具栏:运行、保存、新开浏览器打开、实时预览开关,针对运行和在浏览器打开选项进行重要说明: #[运行]:交互效果并非实时更新,代码变更后,需点击运行按钮获得最新交互效果。 #[在浏览器打开]:新建页面查看交互效果。 #以下为应用创建工具的示例代码 import gradio as gr def quickstart(name): return "欢迎使用BML CodeLab应用创建工具Gradio, " + name + "!!!" demo = gr.Interface(fn=quickstart, inputs="text", outputs="text") demo.launch()
# 1.安装依赖 import os os.system("python -m pip install -r requirements.txt -i https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/") import gradio as gr import sd from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont from tools import translate_prompt, magic_prompt import sd import aistudio # 过滤标点 import re # 2.图片生成 def generate_pic(prompt): # prompt翻译 translated = translate_prompt(prompt) # 4k,光线追踪 prompt = translated+ ", 4K, ray tracing" image = sd.imagine(prompt) # 保存处理后的图片 image.save('background.jpg') return 'background.jpg' # 3.祝福语生成 def generate_5jueju(prompt): send_messages = [{ "role": "user", "content": "我的家乡在陕西,中秋节特别思念家乡的亲人,请帮我生成中秋节日祝福五言绝句" }] chat = aistudio.chat.create( messages=send_messages ) bot_message = chat.result return bot_message # 4.合并图片及文字 def combine_text_with_image(text, image_path, output_path,font_size, x, y): # Load the image image = Image.open(image_path) # Create a draw object draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) # Load the font font = ImageFont.truetype("叶根友毛笔行书.ttf", font_size) # You can change the font to any other font you have # Calculate the text size _, _, text_width, text_height = draw.textbbox((0, 0), text=text, font=font) # Set the position of the texts x = x y = y # Add the text to the image draw.text((x, y), text, font=font, fill="white") # Save the combined image image.save(output_path) # 5.合并文字和图片 def generate(prompt1, prompt2): pic=generate_pic(prompt1) jueju5=generate_5jueju(prompt2) # 使用正则表达式删除句号和逗号 jueju5 = re.sub(r',|\。', '', jueju5) combine_text_with_image(jueju5, "background.jpg", "combined_image.jpg", font_size=60,x=10, y=10) combine_text_with_image('海上生明月,天涯共此时\n我在星河社区祝福大家中秋快乐!', "combined_image.jpg", "combined_image2.jpg",font_size=40, x=600, y=700) return "combined_image2.jpg" examples = [ ["北京的写字间,打工人在加班,桌上阅兵,窗外明亮的月亮","我的家乡在陕西,中秋节特别思念家乡的亲人,请帮我生成中秋节日祝福五言绝句"], ["广州的高楼大厦,夜晚,中秋节,月饼, 月亮,孤独的一个人","我的家乡在陕西,中秋节特别思念家乡的亲人,请帮我生成中秋节日祝福五言绝句"], ["关中平原,一望无际的玉米地,农家小院丰盛的晚餐,阅兵,月亮","我的家乡在陕西,中秋节特别思念家乡的亲人,请帮我生成中秋节日祝福五言绝句"] ] # 6.gradio部署 demo=gr.Interface( fn=generate, inputs=[gr.inputs.Textbox(lines=5, label="场景描述输入"), gr.inputs.Textbox(lines=5, label="诗词描述输入"),], outputs=gr.Image(label="明信片输出"), examples=examples ) # 7.启动项目 demo.launch()
用【文心一言】DIY自己的中秋明信片 aistudio.baidu.com/projectdeta…