🔥 内容介绍
为了克服传统LSTM模型的局限性,研究者们提出了一种改进的海洋捕食算法(Improved Marine Predation Algorithm,iMPA)来优化LSTM模型。iMPA算法是一种基于自然界中生物捕食行为的优化算法,通过模拟生物捕食行为来寻找最优解。通过将iMPA算法与LSTM模型相结合,可以提高LSTM模型的预测性能。
为了进一步提高功率和风速预测的准确性,本文提出了一种基于ICEEMDAN结合改进海洋捕食算法优化双向长短记忆神经网络的方法。首先,利用改进的海洋捕食算法(iMPA)来优化BiLSTM模型的参数。然后,引入了ICEEMDAN(Improved Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise)方法,对输入数据进行预处理,以提取出数据中的主要特征。最后,将预处理后的数据输入到优化后的BiLSTM模型中进行预测。
📣 部分代码
function [ fitness ] = fitnessFunction(tour,ACOtotalpathloss,ACOtotalenergy,ACOtotalpheromone)% function [ fitness ] = fitnessFunction(ACOedgesenergymatrix,ACOdesirebilitymatrix,tour)fitness = 0;for i = 1 : length(tour) ACOcurrentroute = tour(i); %ACOnextnode = tour(i+1); % fitness = fitness + ACOedgesenergymatrix(1, ACOcurrentNode); fitness = fitness + ACOtotalpheromone(ACOcurrentroute, 1);% + (1/ACOtotalenergy(ACOcurrentroute, 1)); % + ACOtotalpathloss(ACOcurrentroute, 1);% fitness = fitness + ACOdesirebilitymatrix(ACOnextnode, 1); %fitness = fitness + Gaco.Edges(ACOcurrentNode, ACOnextnode); end
% Import necessary toolboxesimport phased.*import comm.*% Constant DefinitionsnNodes = 10; % Number of wireless sensor nodescenterFrequency = 5e9; % Operating frequency (5 GHz - suitable for sub-6 GHz 5G)binaryDataSize = 1024; % Size of binary data to be transmitted by each node% Network and Antenna Setupnodes = cell(1,nNodes); % Create a wireless sensor network with antennasfor k = 1:nNodes % Create an isotropic antenna element for each node, with a specified frequency range of 2 GHz to 8 GHz nodes{k} = phased.IsotropicAntennaElement('FrequencyRange', [2e9 8e9]);end% Spatial Setup% Random 3D positions for the nodes; Z-coordinates are all 0nodePos = [100*rand(2,nNodes); zeros(1,nNodes)];% Base station is located at the origin in 3DbasePos = [0;0;0];% Define the propagation model with the same operating frequency% Assumes two-way propagation (to and from the base station)propModel = phased.FreeSpace('OperatingFrequency', centerFrequency, 'TwoWayPropagation', true);% Plot Node Positions and Antenna Directionsfigure;hold on;plot(basePos(1), basePos(2), 'ro', 'DisplayName', 'Base Station');for k = 1:nNodes plot(nodePos(1,k), nodePos(2,k), 'bo', 'DisplayName', sprintf('Node %d', k)); quiver(nodePos(1,k), nodePos(2,k), basePos(1)-nodePos(1,k), basePos(2)-nodePos(2,k), 0.1, 'b');endxlabel('X Coordinate');ylabel('Y Coordinate');title('Node Positions and Antenna Directions');legend('Location','best');hold off;% Preallocate bit errorsbitErrors = zeros(1,nNodes);% Data Transmission and Reception% Iterate over each node, transmit data, and receive it at the base stationfor k = 1:nNodes % Generate random binary data at each node data = randi([0 1], binaryDataSize, 1); % Apply BPSK modulation to the data modData = pskmod(data, 2); % Define the carrier signal and modulate the data onto the carrier signal t = (0:length(modData)-1)'; carrier = cos(2*pi*centerFrequency*t); txSig = modData .* carrier; % Compute the angle to the base station from the node pos_diff = basePos - nodePos(:,k); azimuth = atan2d(pos_diff(2), pos_diff(1)); % Propagate the signal through the medium sig = propModel(txSig, nodePos(:,k), basePos, [azimuth;0;0], [0;0;0]); % Amplify the received signal (simple gain model for the receiving antenna) receivedSig = sig; % Demodulate the received signal to recover the original data recvData = pskdemod(receivedSig, 2); % Compare the transmitted and received data to check for transmission errors nErrors = biterr(data, recvData); % Output the number of errors for each node fprintf('Node %d: %d errors\n', k, nErrors); % Store bit errors for each node bitErrors(k) = nErrors;end% Plot the bit errors for each nodefigure;bar(1:nNodes, bitErrors);xlabel('Node');ylabel('Bit Errors');title('Bit Errors for Each Node');
⛳️ 运行结果
🔗 参考文献
[1] 赵雨洁,颜上取,贺京琳,等.基于ICEEMDAN结合MMSVC和WT的HIFU回波信号联合去噪算法[J].测试科学与仪器:英文版, 2023, 14(1):35-44.
[2] 杨洋,郭兴明,郑伊能,等.基于ICEEMDAN-MSE的左室舒张功能障碍心音信号的识别研究[J].仪器仪表学报, 2022(001):043.