欢迎数据库应用开发者参与贡献场景, 在此issue回复即可, 共同建设《沉浸式数据库学习教学素材库》, 帮助开发者用好数据库, 提升开发者职业竞争力, 同时为企业降本提效.
- 系列课程的核心目标是教大家怎么用好数据库, 而不是怎么运维管理数据库、怎么开发数据库内核. 所以面向的对象是数据库的用户、应用开发者、应用架构师、数据库厂商的产品经理、售前售后专家等角色.
x86_64机器使用以下docker image:
ARM机器使用以下docker image:
2.业务场景1 介绍: 共享单车、徒步、旅游、网约车轨迹查询
租用共享单车, 从开始租用到还车, 这段用户骑行的过程就是一段轨迹, 例如每5秒记录一个点(x,y,z).
专业的驴友, 通常都有非常专业的带GPS的手表也会记录徒步的轨迹.
网约车就更不用说了, 行业要求必须记录每一单的行驶信息, 其中也包含了轨迹数据.
当用户量大了之后, 查询轨迹、分析轨迹可能是一个比较高频的操作.
这个实验的目的是帮助你了解如何设计轨迹表, 如何高性能的写入、查询、分析轨迹数据.
- 1、平台上使用软件的人很多
- 2、可能很多人在同时产生运动轨迹中的点(例如高峰期很多人同时在使用共享单车、网约车. 同一个时刻可能很多人在打点).
基于这两个特点, 如果每生成1条轨迹就往数据库中写入一条记录, 会导致一个轨迹若干个点的物理存储是非常离散的.
即使一次写入一个轨迹的多条记录, 也可能出现一个轨迹若干个点的物理存储是非常离散的情况.
2.1.1传统方法 设计和实验
轨迹中的每个点存储一条记录, 最终拼成一条轨迹.
1、存储每个轨迹的唯一轨迹 ID
drop table if exists tbl_path_id; create table tbl_path_id ( id int primary key, -- 轨迹ID uid int, -- 这段轨迹对应的用户 ts_begin timestamp, -- 轨迹开始时间 ts_end timestamp, -- 轨迹结束时间 pos_begin point, -- 为了简化例子, 使用PG|PolarDB内置的平面点. 真实场景通常是用PostGIS插件的geometry类型, 包括经纬度和海平面高度. pos_end point -- 轨迹结束位置 );
drop table if exists tbl_path_detail; create unlogged table tbl_path_detail ( -- 方便测试, 使用unlogged table. pid int, -- 轨迹ID pos point, -- 位置 ts timestamp -- 时间 );
3、创建轨迹索引, 按轨迹ID查询, 按时间顺序返回轨迹的所有点.
create index on tbl_path_detail (pid,ts);
4、为了方便生成测试数据, 先模拟写入1000条轨迹, 平均每条轨迹1万个点, 形成1000万条轨迹点, 再统计到轨迹唯一标识表.
vi t1.sql \set pid random(1,1000) insert into tbl_path_detail values (:pid, point(random(), random()), now());
pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./t1.sql -c 10 -j 10 -t 1000000 transaction type: ./t1.sql scaling factor: 1 query mode: prepared number of clients: 10 number of threads: 10 number of transactions per client: 1000000 number of transactions actually processed: 10000000/10000000 latency average = 0.053 ms latency stddev = 0.102 ms initial connection time = 23.060 ms tps = 189004.207706 (without initial connection time) statement latencies in milliseconds: 0.000 \set pid random(1,1000) 0.052 insert into tbl_path_detail values (:pid, point(random(), random()), now());
postgres=# select * from tbl_path_detail limit 10; pid | pos | ts -----+------------------------------------------+---------------------------- 160 | (0.5000283130032592,0.15678314824874917) | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.442562 43 | (0.7333981781385361,0.6660386524481545) | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.442563 602 | (0.5665795071743318,0.7419887321824241) | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.44323 738 | (0.4883731035056087,0.5410191566444489) | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.444977 925 | (0.47646978937058293,0.3324764895717003) | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.445011 934 | (0.8969771676532297,0.11898616861406452) | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.445049 748 | (0.0461507467234199,0.3288353473172556) | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.445128 330 | (0.05559804559846171,0.7381967670381471) | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.445196 978 | (0.21187515313173577,0.6163791267053291) | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.445191 626 | (0.7069111074590744,0.4406223155616047) | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.445312 (10 rows)
insert into tbl_path_id (id,uid,ts_begin,ts_end,pos_begin,pos_end) select pid, random()*100, ts_begin, ts_end, pos_begin, pos_end from (select pid, row_number() over w as rn, first_value(ts) over w as ts_begin, last_value(ts) over w as ts_end, first_value(pos) over w as pos_begin, last_value(pos) over w as pos_end from tbl_path_detail window w as (partition by pid order by ts RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING and UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) ) t where rn=1;
postgres=# select * from tbl_path_id limit 10; id | uid | ts_begin | ts_end | pos_begin | pos_end ----+-----+----------------------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------- 1 | 2 | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.458977 | 2023-09-08 02:06:08.348456 | (0.9431799157631602,0.41223770583725994) | (0.43968362954398543,0.8294152062281377) 2 | 15 | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.455308 | 2023-09-08 02:06:08.348047 | (0.20157767943472393,0.7583908472256411) | (0.8633428320677936,0.020082269279203757) 3 | 60 | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.450998 | 2023-09-08 02:06:08.273702 | (0.8676802874185334,0.9332642681167798) | (0.7358999901381367,0.8543637573444975) 4 | 28 | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.455818 | 2023-09-08 02:06:08.329148 | (0.5804204502817427,0.31601818657295055) | (0.0174753704646875,0.18107497337433998) 5 | 97 | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.458717 | 2023-09-08 02:06:08.3295 | (0.24820536688948636,0.802131631221048) | (0.8229560445619342,0.5435402893223191) 6 | 33 | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.450005 | 2023-09-08 02:06:08.312634 | (0.527644965371401,0.12866950317216563) | (0.697993640371152,0.6356491117241596) 7 | 3 | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.462201 | 2023-09-08 02:06:08.345394 | (0.23643719560948284,0.6980441144259366) | (0.7981387104508499,0.4564650368837313) 8 | 38 | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.457057 | 2023-09-08 02:06:08.275626 | (0.17698975732867694,0.33573573990590333) | (0.6194784648490028,0.8182679927624612) 9 | 18 | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.454722 | 2023-09-08 02:06:08.350231 | (0.4388676699772063,0.7529218330600749) | (0.2080260827608882,0.04568571675149613) 10 | 40 | 2023-09-08 02:05:15.452294 | 2023-09-08 02:06:08.326824 | (0.6334737638364523,0.07649313466173169) | (0.8915125815199474,0.8221032349776571) (10 rows)
6、压测查询轨迹, 按轨迹ID查询, 按时间顺序返回轨迹的所有点.
vi t2.sql \set pid random(1,1000) select * from tbl_path_detail where pid=:pid order by ts;
pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./t2.sql -c 10 -j 10 -T 120 transaction type: ./t2.sql scaling factor: 1 query mode: prepared number of clients: 10 number of threads: 10 duration: 120 s number of transactions actually processed: 15979 latency average = 75.097 ms latency stddev = 9.750 ms initial connection time = 20.363 ms tps = 133.126750 (without initial connection time) statement latencies in milliseconds: 0.001 \set pid random(1,1000) 75.097 select * from tbl_path_detail where pid=:pid order by ts;
2.1.2PolarDB|PG新方法1 设计和实验
在传统方法中, 平均一个轨迹有1万个点, 由于不同的轨迹点是并行写入的, 所以这1万个点非常可能分散在1万个数据块中, 导致查询1条轨迹要访问很多的数据块. 使得性能瓶颈在IO层面(如下这条轨迹消耗9538个IO).
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,buffers,costs,settings,wal) select * from tbl_path_detail where pid=1 order by ts; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Scan using tbl_path_detail_pid_ts_idx on public.tbl_path_detail (cost=0.43..10473.93 rows=9955 width=28) (actual time=0.060..24.022 rows=9937 loops=1) Output: pid, pos, ts Index Cond: (tbl_path_detail.pid = 1) Buffers: shared hit=9538 Settings: enable_seqscan = 'off', max_parallel_workers_per_gather = '0', random_page_cost = '1.1' Planning Time: 0.183 ms Execution Time: 25.039 ms (7 rows)
PG|PolarDB支持include index, 为了解决这个问题, 可以将要查询的字段放入索引的叶子结点内, 避免回表导致的IO.
1、创建include index, 把pos放入索引叶子结点:
create index on tbl_path_detail (pid,ts) INCLUDE (pos); vacuum analyze tbl_path_detail;
2、此时使用新的index查询, 不需要回表, IO大幅度降低, 如下这条轨迹消耗66个IO:
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,buffers,costs,settings,wal) select * from tbl_path_detail where pid=1 order by ts; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Only Scan using tbl_path_detail_pid_ts_pos_idx on public.tbl_path_detail (cost=0.56..241.93 rows=9958 width=28) (actual time=0.082..4.217 rows=9937 loops=1) Output: pid, pos, ts Index Cond: (tbl_path_detail.pid = 1) Heap Fetches: 0 Buffers: shared hit=66 Settings: enable_seqscan = 'off', max_parallel_workers_per_gather = '0', random_page_cost = '1.1' Planning Time: 0.536 ms Execution Time: 5.598 ms (8 rows)
3、压测查询轨迹, 按轨迹ID查询, 按时间顺序返回轨迹的所有点.
vi t2.sql \set pid random(1,1000) select * from tbl_path_detail where pid=:pid order by ts;
pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./t2.sql -c 10 -j 10 -T 120 transaction type: ./t2.sql scaling factor: 1 query mode: prepared number of clients: 10 number of threads: 10 duration: 120 s number of transactions actually processed: 113515 latency average = 10.570 ms latency stddev = 2.942 ms initial connection time = 18.558 ms tps = 945.998467 (without initial connection time) statement latencies in milliseconds: 0.000 \set pid random(1,1000) 10.570 select * from tbl_path_detail where pid=:pid order by ts;
2.1.3PolarDB|PG新方法2 设计和实验
虽然使用了include index, 但是索引里面就要放所有要查的字段内容, 导致索引占用空间会变大一点.
为了更好的优化这个能力, 可以使用聚集字段来存储一条轨迹的内容, 例如array.
1、创建一张轨迹表, 使用array存储轨迹中每个点的时间、位置.
drop table if exists tbl_path_detail1; create unlogged table tbl_path_detail1 ( -- 方便测试, 使用unlogged table. pid int, -- 轨迹ID pos point[], -- 位置数组 ts timestamp[] -- 时间数组 ); create index on tbl_path_detail1 (pid);
insert into tbl_path_detail1 select pid, array_agg(pos order by ts), array_agg(ts order by ts) from tbl_path_detail group by pid;
postgres=# select pid, pos[1:10], ts[1:10] from tbl_path_detail1 where pid=1; -[ RECORD 1 ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pid | 1 pos | {"(0.9431799157631602,0.41223770583725994)","(0.029285214711183727,0.13121257852994006)","(0.47231141497136164,0.40519912875600994)","(0.18841309050989707,0.9120792659923715)","(0.1669935448355666,0.788043626909726)","(0.7680464170226315,0.02176761079732259)","(0.1806378616460016,0.17626971610524578)","(0.6905476714298793,0.21249186817883725)","(0.20480152830909404,0.36856166073248176)","(0.37764392812544045,0.5214349561346836)"} ts | {"2023-09-08 02:05:15.458977","2023-09-08 02:05:15.460392","2023-09-08 02:05:15.46647","2023-09-08 02:05:15.466755","2023-09-08 02:05:15.46993","2023-09-08 02:05:15.470127","2023-09-08 02:05:15.473513","2023-09-08 02:05:15.474446","2023-09-08 02:05:15.480445","2023-09-08 02:05:15.484117"}
应用层面, 未来在写入轨迹时也可以使用这个方法, 等轨迹完成一次性上传并写入新的轨迹表, 老的轨迹表就不需要了.
3、压测查询轨迹, 按轨迹ID查询, 按时间顺序返回轨迹的所有点.
vi t3.sql \set pid random(1,1000) select * from tbl_path_detail1 where pid=:pid;
pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./t3.sql -c 10 -j 10 -T 120 transaction type: ./t3.sql scaling factor: 1 query mode: prepared number of clients: 10 number of threads: 10 duration: 120 s number of transactions actually processed: 65173 latency average = 18.410 ms latency stddev = 5.716 ms initial connection time = 23.213 ms tps = 543.135449 (without initial connection time) statement latencies in milliseconds: 0.000 \set pid random(1,1000) 18.410 select * from tbl_path_detail1 where pid=:pid;
4、创建一张轨迹表, 使用array存储轨迹中每个点的时间、位置.
drop table if exists tbl_path_detail2; create unlogged table tbl_path_detail2 ( -- 方便测试, 使用unlogged table. pid int, -- 轨迹ID pos text, -- 位置字符串 ts text -- 时间字符串 ); create index on tbl_path_detail2 (pid);
insert into tbl_path_detail2 select pid, string_agg(pos::text, ',' order by ts), string_agg(ts::text, ',' order by ts) from tbl_path_detail group by pid;
应用层面, 未来在写入轨迹时也可以使用这个方法, 等轨迹完成一次性上传并写入新的轨迹表, 老的轨迹表就不需要了.
6、压测查询轨迹, 按轨迹ID查询, 按时间顺序返回轨迹的所有点.
vi t4.sql \set pid random(1,1000) select * from tbl_path_detail2 where pid=:pid;
pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./t4.sql -c 10 -j 10 -T 120 transaction type: ./t4.sql scaling factor: 1 query mode: prepared number of clients: 10 number of threads: 10 duration: 120 s number of transactions actually processed: 246670 latency average = 4.864 ms latency stddev = 1.974 ms initial connection time = 21.508 ms tps = 2055.793315 (without initial connection time) statement latencies in milliseconds: 0.000 \set pid random(1,1000) 4.864 select * from tbl_path_detail2 where pid=:pid;
postgres=# \dt+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Persistence | Access method | Size | Description --------+------------------+-------+----------+-------------+---------------+---------+------------- public | tbl_path_detail | table | postgres | unlogged | heap | 575 MB | public | tbl_path_detail1 | table | postgres | unlogged | heap | 202 MB | public | tbl_path_detail2 | table | postgres | unlogged | heap | 346 MB | postgres=# \di+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Table | Persistence | Access method | Size | Description --------+--------------------------------+-------+----------+------------------+-------------+---------------+---------+------------- public | tbl_path_detail1_pid_idx | index | postgres | tbl_path_detail1 | unlogged | btree | 48 kB | public | tbl_path_detail2_pid_idx | index | postgres | tbl_path_detail2 | unlogged | btree | 48 kB | public | tbl_path_detail_pid_ts_idx | index | postgres | tbl_path_detail | unlogged | btree | 301 MB | public | tbl_path_detail_pid_ts_pos_idx | index | postgres | tbl_path_detail | unlogged | btree | 473 MB |
聚集类型既能节省轨迹存储、索引空间, 又能提升轨迹查询的性能.
思考: 如果要按时间范围、空间范围搜索用户过去的轨迹, 然后再查询对应的轨迹点, 应该如何设计表结构? 如何使用索引?
轨迹存储方式 | 轨迹占用空间 | 轨迹索引占用空间 |
传统存储(每个点一条记录,索引不包含位置) | 575 MB | 301 MB |
传统存储(每个点一条记录,索引包含位置) | 575 MB | 473 MB |
数组存储轨迹 | 202 MB | 48 kB |
字符串存储轨迹 | 346 MB | 48 kB |
轨迹存储方式 | 轨迹查询QPS |
传统存储(每个点一条记录,索引不包含位置) | 133 |
传统存储(每个点一条记录,索引包含位置) | 946 |
数组存储轨迹 | 543 |
字符串存储轨迹 | 2056 |
include index
window function
轨迹分析应用: 轨迹碰撞, 例如刑侦场景
如果按用户的时间范围查询轨迹, 使用什么数据类型、索引性能更好? range type + gist index ?
如何按用户的空间范围查询轨迹, 使用什么数据类型、索引性能更好? range type + gist index ?
如果一次不想取出所有的点, 如何从字符串存储的轨迹点中获取某个时间对应的点, 或者某一段点?
- 《重新发现PostgreSQL之美 - 8 轨迹业务IO杀手克星index include(覆盖索引)》
- 《PostgreSQL 14 preview - SP-GiST 索引新增 index 叶子结点 include column value 功能 支持》
- 《PostgreSQL 索引算子下推扩展 - 索引内offset - 索引内过滤 - include index - 随机偏移》
- 《PostgreSQL index include - 类聚簇表与应用(append only, IoT时空轨迹, 离散多行扫描与返回)》
- 《PostgreSQL 12 preview - GiST 索引支持INCLUDE columns - 覆盖索引 - 类聚簇索引》
- 《PostgreSQL IoT,车联网 - 实时轨迹、行程实践 2 - (含index only scan类聚簇表效果)》
- 《PostgreSQL IoT,车联网 - 实时轨迹、行程实践 1》
- 《车联网案例,轨迹清洗 - 阿里云RDS PostgreSQL最佳实践 - 窗口函数》
- 《PolarDB 开源版 轨迹应用实践 - 出行、配送、快递等业务的调度; 传染溯源; 刑侦》
- 《使用 PolarDB 开源版 部署 PostGIS 支撑时空轨迹|地理信息|路由等业务》
- 《重新发现PostgreSQL之美 - 11 时空轨迹系统 新冠&刑侦&预测》
- 《重新发现PostgreSQL之美 - 8 轨迹业务IO杀手克星index include(覆盖索引)》
- 《PostgreSQL 应用开发解决方案最佳实践系列课程 - 6. 时空、时态、时序、日志等轨迹系统》
- 《使用Postgres,MobilityDB和Citus大规模(百亿级)实时分析GPS轨迹》
- 《PostgreSQL index include - 类聚簇表与应用(append only, IoT时空轨迹, 离散多行扫描与返回)》
- 《PostgreSQL IoT,车联网 - 实时轨迹、行程实践 2 - (含index only scan类聚簇表效果)》
- 《PostgreSQL IoT,车联网 - 实时轨迹、行程实践 1》
- 《PostgreSQL pipelinedb 流计算插件 - IoT应用 - 实时轨迹聚合》
- 《Greenplum 轨迹相似(伴随分析)》
- 《PostgreSQL 实时位置跟踪+轨迹分析系统实践 - 单机顶千亿轨迹/天》
- 《GIS术语 - POI、AOI、LOI、路径、轨迹》
- 《菜鸟末端轨迹 - 电子围栏(解密支撑每天251亿个包裹的数据库) - 阿里云RDS PostgreSQL最佳实践》
- 《车联网案例,轨迹清洗 - 阿里云RDS PostgreSQL最佳实践 - 窗口函数》
- 《PostgreSQL 物流轨迹系统数据库需求分析与设计 - 包裹侠实时跟踪与召回》
- 《PostgreSQL 聚集存储 与 BRIN索引 - 高并发行为、轨迹类大吞吐数据查询场景解说》
- 《PostgreSQL 如何轻松搞定行驶、运动轨迹合并和切分》