⛄ 内容介绍
为了克服这些问题,近年来出现了一种新的神经网络算法,即极限学习机(Extreme Learning Machine,简称ElM)。ElM是一种单层前馈神经网络,其隐藏层的权重和偏差是随机初始化的,而输出层的权重则通过最小二乘法进行计算。相比传统的神经网络,ElM具有更快的训练速度和更好的泛化能力。
- 数据准备:首先,我们需要准备用于训练和测试的数据集。数据集应该包含已标记的样本,并且应该经过预处理以消除噪声和不必要的特征。
- ElM模型构建:接下来,我们需要构建ElM神经网络模型。ElM包括输入层、隐藏层和输出层。隐藏层的神经元数量可以根据问题的复杂性进行调整。
- 遗传算法优化:然后,我们使用遗传算法对ElM进行优化。遗传算法的参数设置和操作选择将对优化结果产生重要影响。我们可以通过交叉验证等技术来选择最佳参数和操作。
- 训练和测试:接下来,我们使用优化后的ElM模型对训练数据进行训练,并使用测试数据进行评估。通过比较预测结果和实际标签,我们可以计算分类准确性和其他评估指标。
⛄ 部分代码
% BS2RV.m - Binary string to real vector%% This function decodes binary chromosomes into vectors of reals. The% chromosomes are seen as the concatenation of binary strings of given% length, and decoded into real numbers in a specified interval using% either standard binary or Gray decoding.%% Syntax: Phen = bs2rv(Chrom,FieldD)%% Input parameters:%% Chrom - Matrix containing the chromosomes of the current% population. Each line corresponds to one% individual's concatenated binary string% representation. Leftmost bits are MSb and% rightmost are LSb.%% FieldD - Matrix describing the length and how to decode% each substring in the chromosome. It has the% following structure:%% [len; (num)% lb; (num)% ub; (num)% code; (0=binary | 1=gray)% scale; (0=arithmetic | 1=logarithmic)% lbin; (0=excluded | 1=included)% ubin]; (0=excluded | 1=included)%% where% len - row vector containing the length of% each substring in Chrom. sum(len)% should equal the individual length.% lb,% ub - Lower and upper bounds for each% variable. % code - binary row vector indicating how each% substring is to be decoded.% scale - binary row vector indicating where to% use arithmetic and/or logarithmic% scaling.% lbin,% ubin - binary row vectors indicating whether% or not to include each bound in the% representation range%% Output parameter:%% Phen - Real matrix containing the population phenotypes.%% Author: Carlos Fonseca, Updated: Andrew Chipperfield% Date: 08/06/93, Date: 26-Jan-94function Phen = bs2rv(Chrom,FieldD)% Identify the population size (Nind)% and the chromosome length (Lind)[Nind,Lind] = size(Chrom);% Identify the number of decision variables (Nvar)[seven,Nvar] = size(FieldD);if seven ~= 7 error('FieldD must have 7 rows.');end% Get substring propertieslen = FieldD(1,:);lb = FieldD(2,:);ub = FieldD(3,:);code = ~(~FieldD(4,:));scale = ~(~FieldD(5,:));lin = ~(~FieldD(6,:));uin = ~(~FieldD(7,:));% Check substring properties for consistencyif sum(len) ~= Lind, error('Data in FieldD must agree with chromosome length');endif ~all(lb(scale).*ub(scale)>0) error('Log-scaled variables must not include 0 in their range');end% Decode chromosomesPhen = zeros(Nind,Nvar);lf = cumsum(len);li = cumsum([1 len]);Prec = .5 .^ len;logsgn = sign(lb(scale));lb(scale) = log( abs(lb(scale)) );ub(scale) = log( abs(ub(scale)) );delta = ub - lb;Prec = .5 .^ len;num = (~lin) .* Prec;den = (lin + uin - 1) .* Prec;for i = 1:Nvar, idx = li(i):lf(i); if code(i) % Gray decoding Chrom(:,idx)=rem(cumsum(Chrom(:,idx)')',2); end Phen(:,i) = Chrom(:,idx) * [ (.5).^(1:len(i))' ]; Phen(:,i) = lb(i) + delta(i) * (Phen(:,i) + num(i)) ./ (1 - den(i));endexpand = ones(Nind,1);if any(scale) Phen(:,scale) = logsgn(expand,:) .* exp(Phen(:,scale));end
⛄ 运行结果
⛄ 参考文献
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