Generate POJOs.groovy

简介: Generate POJOs.groovy
import com.intellij.database.model.DasTable
import com.intellij.database.util.Case
import com.intellij.database.util.DasUtil
packageName = ""
typeMapping = [
        (~/(?i)tinyint|smallint|mediumint/)      : "BigDecimal",
        (~/(?i)bool|bit/)                        : "BigDecimal",
        (~/(?i)int/)                             : "BigDecimal",
        (~/(?i)float|double|decimal|real|number/): "BigDecimal",
        (~/(?i)datetime|timestamp/)              : "Date",
        (~/(?i)date/)                            : "Date",
        (~/(?i)time/)                            : "Date",
        (~/(?i)/)                                : "String",
        (~/(?i)blob|binary|bfile|clob|raw|image/): "InputStream"
FILES.chooseDirectoryAndSave("Choose directory", "Choose where to store generated files") { dir ->
    SELECTION.filter { it instanceof DasTable }.each { generate(it, dir) }
def generate(table, dir) {
    def className = javaName(table.getName(), true)
    def fields = calcFields(table)
    packageName = getPackageName(dir)
    new File(dir, className + ".java").withPrintWriter("utf-8") { out -> generate(out, className, table, fields) }
def generate(out, className, table, fields) {
    Set<String> types = new HashSet<String>()
    fields.each() {
    out.println "package $packageName"
    out.println ""
    out.println "import org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator;"
    out.println "import lombok.Data;"
    out.println "import javax.persistence.*;"
    out.println ""
    if (types.contains("Date") || types.contains("timestamp")) {
        out.println "import java.util.Date;"
        out.println "import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat;"
    if (types.contains("InputStream")) {
        out.println "import;"
    if (types.contains("BigDecimal")) {
        out.println "import java.math.BigDecimal;"
    out.println ""
    out.println "/**\n" +
            " * @Author hanshuhao \n" +
            " * @description $className \n" +
            " **/"
    out.println "@Data"
    out.println "@Entity"
    out.println "@Table(name = \"" + table.getName() + "\")"
    out.println "public class $className {"
    out.println "    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1734425407533156215L;"
    fields.each() {
        out.println ""
        if (isNotEmpty(it.comment)) {
            out.println "\t/**"
            out.println "\t * ${it.comment.toString()}"
            out.println "\t */"
        if ("ID")) {
            out.println "    @Id"
            out.println "    @GeneratedValue(generator = \"uuidGenerator\")"
            out.println "    @GenericGenerator(name = \"uuidGenerator\", strategy = \"uuid\")"
        out.println "    @Column(name = \"${it.column}\")"
        if (it.type.toLowerCase().contains("date") || it.type.toLowerCase().contains("timestamp")) {
            out.println "    @JsonFormat(pattern = \"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss\", timezone = \"GMT+8\")"
        if (it.annos != "") out.println "  ${it.annos}"
//    if (it.comment != "")  out.println "  /*** ${it.comment} */"
        out.println "    private ${it.type} ${};"
    out.println "}"
def getPackageName(dir) {
    return dir.toString().replaceAll("\\\\", ".").replaceAll("^.*src(\\.main\\.java\\.)?", "") + ";"
def calcFields(table) {
    DasUtil.getColumns(table).reduce([]) { fields, col ->
        def spec = Case.LOWER.apply(col.getDataType().getSpecification())
        def typeStr = typeMapping.find { p, t -> p.matcher(spec).find() }.value
        fields += [[
                           column : col.getName(),
                           comment: col.getComment(),
                           name   : javaName(col.getName(), false),
                           type   : typeStr,
                           annos  : ""]]
def javaName(str, capitalize) {
    def s = com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.NameUtil.splitNameIntoWords(str)
            .collect { Case.LOWER.apply(it).capitalize() }
            .replaceAll(/[^\p{javaJavaIdentifierPart}[_]]/, "_")
    capitalize || s.length() == 1 ? s : Case.LOWER.apply(s[0]) + s[1..-1]
def isNotEmpty(content) {
    return content != null && content.toString().trim().length() > 0
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【错误记录】IntelliJ IDEA 编译 Groovy 报错 ( GroovyRuntimeException: This script or class could not be run. )
【错误记录】IntelliJ IDEA 编译 Groovy 报错 ( GroovyRuntimeException: This script or class could not be run. )
383 0
【错误记录】IntelliJ IDEA 编译 Groovy 报错 ( GroovyRuntimeException: This script or class could not be run. )
【错误记录】IntelliJ IDEA 编译 Groovy 项目报错 ( Groovy SDK is not configured for module )
【错误记录】IntelliJ IDEA 编译 Groovy 项目报错 ( Groovy SDK is not configured for module )
819 0
【错误记录】IntelliJ IDEA 编译 Groovy 项目报错 ( Groovy SDK is not configured for module )