使用人工智能将结构检测带入 21 世纪!
- 图像被分成多个 patches,每个 patch 被分配一个 crack 或 non-crack 标签
- 在任何检测到的裂纹周围绘制一个矩形
- 每个图像都标有裂纹或非裂纹
使用图像块分类(左)、边界框回归(中)和像素分割(右)进行裂缝检测(Dais 等人,2021 年)
有裂缝和无裂缝的结构图像(Dais 等人,2021 年)
可以在结构立面上找到的物体(Dais 等人,2021 年)
关于裂纹检测,本文检查了使用不同CNN将砖石表面图像分类为裂纹和非裂纹的基于 ImageNet 预训练模型效果。考虑的网络是:VGG16、MobileNet、MobileNetV2、InceptionV3、DenseNet121、DenseNet169、ResNet34 和 ResNet50。最好的结果是使用 MobileNet 的预训练模型,MobileNet 是一种轻量级网络,注定要在计算有限的平台上运行。特别注意的是,经过预训练的 MobileNet 获得了 95.3% 的准确率,而当不使用预训练模型时,准确率下降到 89.0%。
使用 MobileNet 获得的混淆矩阵(Dais 等人,2021 年)
对于裂缝分割 U-net 和特征金字塔网络(FPN),一种通用的金字塔表示,并将其与不同的 CNN 相结合,一起作为训练的主干网络。
U-net-MobileNet(U-Net as base-model with MobileNet as backbone)和 FPN-InceptionV3(FPN as base-model with InceptionV3 as backbone)获得了最高的 F1 分数,即 79.6%。未加载预训练的 U-net 和 U-net-MobileNet 的获得了相似的 F1 分数,分别为 75.7% 和 75.4%。因此,使用预训练网络作为主干网络可将 F1 分数提高约 4%。同样,迁移学习似乎可以解决我们很大问题!
原始图像、ground truth 和使用 U-net-MobileNet 的预测(Dais 等人,2021)
import os folder = {} # Use this to easily run the code in different directories/devices folder['initial'] = 'C:/Users/jimar/Dimitris/python/' # The path where the repository is stored folder['main'] = folder['initial'] + 'crack_detection_CNN_masonry/' # if folder['main'] == '', then the current working directory will be used if folder['main'] == '': folder['main'] = os.getcwd() import sys sys.path.append(folder['main']) from config_class import Config cnf = Config(folder['main']) args = cnf.set_repository() # Set some parameters IMAGE_DIMS = cnf.IMAGE_DIMS BS = cnf.BS epochs = cnf.epochs INIT_LR = cnf.INIT_LR N_FILTERS = cnf.N_FILTERS info = cnf.info mode = cnf.mode # When using DeepCrack, eager execution needs to be enabled if args["model"] == 'DeepCrack': import tensorflow as tf tf.enable_eager_execution() from subroutines.HDF5 import HDF5DatasetGeneratorMask #%% if mode == 'train': from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint from keras.callbacks import CSVLogger from subroutines.callbacks import EpochCheckpoint from subroutines.callbacks import TrainingMonitor from subroutines.visualize_model import visualize_model #%% # Prepare model for training # # Define metrics from metrics_class import Metrics metrics = Metrics(args).define_Metrics() # Define loss from loss_class import Loss loss = Loss(args).define_Loss() # Define optimizer from optimizer_class import Optimizer opt = Optimizer(args, INIT_LR).define_Optimizer() # Define Network and compile model from network_class import Network model = Network(args, IMAGE_DIMS, N_FILTERS, BS, INIT_LR, opt, loss, metrics).define_Network() # Visualize model try: visualize_model(model, args['architecture'], args['summary']) except: from subroutines.visualize_model import visualize_model_tf visualize_model_tf(model, args['architecture'], args['summary']) #%% # Data augmentation for training and validation sets if args['aug'] == True: aug = ImageDataGenerator(rotation_range=20, zoom_range=0.15, width_shift_range=0.2, height_shift_range=0.2, shear_range=0.15, horizontal_flip=True, fill_mode='nearest') else: aug = None # Load data generators trainGen = HDF5DatasetGeneratorMask(args['TRAIN_HDF5'], BS, aug=aug, shuffle=False, binarize=args['binarize']) valGen = HDF5DatasetGeneratorMask(args['VAL_HDF5'], BS, aug=aug, shuffle=False, binarize=args['binarize']) #%% # Callback that streams epoch results to a CSV file # https://keras.io/api/callbacks/csv_logger/ csv_logger = CSVLogger(args['CSV_PATH'], append=True, separator=';') # serialize model to JSON try: model_json = model.to_json() with open(args['model_json'], 'w') as json_file: json_file.write(model_json) except: pass # Define whether the whole model or the weights only will be saved from the ModelCheckpoint # Refer to the documentation of ModelCheckpoint for extra details # https://keras.io/api/callbacks/model_checkpoint/ temp = '{}_{}'.format(info, args['counter']) + "_epoch_{epoch}_" + \ args['metric_to_plot'] + "_{val_" + args['metric_to_plot'] +":.3f}.h5" if args['save_model_weights'] == 'model': ModelCheckpoint_file = args["checkpoints"] + temp save_weights_only = False elif args['save_model_weights'] == 'weights': ModelCheckpoint_file = args['weights'] + temp save_weights_only = True epoch_checkpoint = EpochCheckpoint(args['checkpoints'], args['weights'], args['save_model_weights'], every=args['every'], startAt=args['start_epoch'], info=info, counter=args['counter']) training_monitor = TrainingMonitor(args['FIG_PATH'], jsonPath=args['JSON_PATH'], startAt=args['start_epoch'], metric=args['metric_to_plot']) model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(ModelCheckpoint_file, monitor='val_{}'.format(args['metric_to_plot']), verbose=1, save_best_only=True, mode='max', save_weights_only=save_weights_only) # Construct the set of callbacks callbacks = [csv_logger, epoch_checkpoint, training_monitor, model_checkpoint] #%% # Train the network # H = model.fit_generator( trainGen.generator(), steps_per_epoch=trainGen.numImages // BS, validation_data=valGen.generator(), validation_steps=valGen.numImages // BS, epochs=epochs, max_queue_size=BS * 2, callbacks=callbacks, verbose=1) #%% elif mode == 'evaluate': # load pretrained model/weights from evaluate_class import LoadModel model = LoadModel(args, IMAGE_DIMS, BS).load_pretrained_model() # Do not use data augmentation when evaluating model: aug=None evalGen = HDF5DatasetGeneratorMask(args['EVAL_HDF5'], BS, aug=None, shuffle=False, binarize=args['binarize']) # Use the pretrained model to fenerate predictions for the input samples from a data generator predictions = model.predict_generator(evalGen.generator(), steps=evalGen.numImages // BS+1, max_queue_size=BS * 2, verbose=1) # Define folder where predictions will be stored predictions_folder = '{}{}/'.format(args['predictions'], args['pretrained_filename']) # Create folder where predictions will be stored cnf.check_folder_exists(predictions_folder) # Visualize predictions # Create a plot with original image, ground truth and prediction # Show the metrics for the prediction # Output will be stored in a subfolder of the predictions folder (args['predictions_subfolder']) from subroutines.visualize_predictions import Visualize_Predictions Visualize_Predictions(args, predictions)
使用 3D 场景重建进行裂缝检测