💥1 概述
Abstract—Accurate estimation of power system dynamics is very important for the enhancement of power system relia-bility, resilience, security, and stability of power system. With the increasing integration of inverter-based distributed energy resources, the knowledge of power system dynamics has become more necessary and critical than ever before for proper control and operation of the power system. Although recent advancement of measurement devices and the transmission technologies have reduced the measurement and transmission error significantly, these measurements are still not completely free from the mea- surement noises. Therefore, the noisy measurements need to be filtered to obtain the accurate power system operating dynamics. In this work, the power system dynamic states are estimated using extended Kalman filter (EKF) and unscented Kalman filter (UKF). We have performed case studies on Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC)’s 3-machine 9-bus system and New England 10-machine 39-bus. The results show that the UKF and EKF can accurately estimate the power system dynamics. The comparative performance of EKF and UKF for the tested case is also provided. Other Kalman filtering techniques along
with the machine learning based estimator will be updated in this report soon. All the sources code including Newton Raphson power flow, admittance matrix calculation, EKF calculation, and
UKF calculation are publicly available in Github on Power System Dynamic State Estimation.
Index Terms—Extended Kalman filter (EKF), power system dynamic state estimation, and unscented Kalman filter (UKF).
📚2 运行结果
2.1 UKF
2.2 EKF
% Covariance Matrix sig=1e-2; P=sig^2*eye(ns); % Error covariance matrix Q=sig^2*eye(ns); % system noise covariance matrix R=sig^2*eye(nm); % measurment noise covariance matrix X_hat=X_0; X_est=[]; X_mes=[]; % Initial statel % constant values RMSE=[]; %Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) ALgorithm for k=0:deltt:t_max % Ybus and reconstruction matrix accodring to the requirement if k<t_SW ps=1; elseif (t_SW<k)&&(k<=t_FC) ps=2; else ps=3; end Ybusm = YBUS(:,:,ps); RVm=RV(:, :, ps); [~, X] = ode45(@(t,x) dynamic_system(t,x,M,D,Ybusm,E_abs,PM,n),[k k+deltt],X_0); X_0=transpose(X(end, :)); X_mes=[X_mes X_0]; %determine the measurements E1=E_abs.*exp(1j*X_0(1:n)); I1=Ybusm*E1; PG=real(E1.*conj(I1)); QG=imag(E1.*conj(I1)); Vmag=abs(RVm*E1); Vangle=angle(RVm*E1); z=[PG; QG; Vmag; Vangle]; % determine Phi=df/fx Phi=RK4partial(E_abs, X_hat, Ybusm, M, deltt, D, n); %prediction % [~, X1]= ode45(@(t,x) dynamic_system(t,x,M,D,Ybusm,E_abs,PM,n),[k k+deltt],X_hat); % X_hat=transpose(X1(end, :)); X_hat=RK4(n, deltt, E_abs, ns, X_hat, PM, M, D, Ybusm); P=Phi*P*transpose(Phi)+Q; % correction [H, zhat]=RK4H(E_abs, X_hat, Ybusm, s,n, RVm) ; % Measurement update of state estimate and estimation error covariance K=P*transpose(H)*(H*P*transpose(H)+R); X_hat=X_hat+K*(z-zhat); P=(eye(ns)-K*H)*P; X_est=[X_est, X_hat]; RMSE=[RMSE, sqrt(trace(P))]; end save('39_RMSE_EKF.mat', 'RMSE') %% Plots t= (0:deltt:t_max); for i=1:1:n figure(i) subplot(2,1,1) plot(t,X_mes(i, :), 'linewidth', 1.5) hold on plot(t, X_est(i, :), 'linestyle', '--', 'color', 'r', 'linewidth', 2); grid on ylabel(sprintf('Angle_{%d}', i), 'fontsize', 12) xlabel('time(s)', 'fontsize', 15); title('Actual Vs Estimated \delta', 'fontsize', 12) legend(sprintf('Angle_{%d, Actual} ',i), sprintf('Angle_{%d, EKF}', i)); subplot(2,1,2) plot(t,X_mes(i+n, :), 'linewidth', 1.5) hold on plot(t, X_est(i+n, :), 'linestyle', '--', 'color', 'r', 'linewidth', 2); grid on ylabel(sprintf('Speed_{%d}', i), 'fontsize', 12) xlabel('time(s)', 'fontsize', 15); title('Actual Vs Estimated \omega', 'fontsize', 12) legend(sprintf('Speed_{%d, Actual} ',i), sprintf('Speed_{%d, EKF}', i)); % subplot(2,2,3) % plot(t,X_mes(i+1, :), 'linewidth', 1.5) % hold on % plot(t, X_est(i+1, :), 'linestyle', '--', 'color', 'r', 'linewidth', 2); % grid on % ylabel(sprintf('Angle_{%d}', i+1), 'fontsize', 12) % xlabel('time(s)', 'fontsize', 15); % title('Measured Vs Eistimated \delta', 'fontsize', 12)
🎉3 参考文献