UE Http Server Plug -in description

简介: UE Http Server Plug -in description

HTTP server supports monitoring Get, Post, Put, Patch, Delete, only supports UF8 string transmission, and returns Body's Content-Type as Application/JSON.

1. Create Http Server

Create an HTTP server.

Port : The scope of the monitoring port, the range is 1-65535, to ensure the unique system, otherwise the monitoring failure will fail.

2. Bind

Bind webpage routing callback.

Target :httpserver object

Http Path: binding path, such as "/index"

Http Verbs: Methods that need to be binded, support Get, Post, Put, Patch, Delete

Http Response : Access interface function of the callback callback

Rejuvenation interface function description

IP : Access user's IP (UE >= 5.2)

Relative Path : The relative path of the user access address

Headers :User access head information

Query Params : Parameter information for users access to carry

Body : user access to the body information

Return Value :Body information returned to the user

3.  Break Http Server Headers

Data from head data structures to map <string, string>

4. Find Http Server Header

Find a certain data from the data structure

5. Break Http Server Params

Parameter data structures converted to map <string, string> data

6. Find Http Server Param

Find a certain data from the parameter data structure

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想要了解到 `Http Server` 的全貌,其实只要把那张整体的实现图看懂就足以了。但是,如果想要有足够的深度,那么就还需要深入 `Swoole` 的源代码中,就着源码自行分析一遍。同时,也希望这一次的分析,能够给大家带来对 `Swoole` 更多的一些了解。并不要求要深刻的掌握,因为,很多的事情都不可能一蹴而就。从自己的实力出发,勿忘初心。
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