Blueprint Subsystem Plug-in description

简介: Blueprint Subsystem Plug-in description

There are subsystems in Unreal that can be instantiated automatically.

However, the subsystem can only be inherited and implemented in C++. The purpose of this plugin is to create and use the subsystem directly in the blueprint.

Official subsystem description reference:

Programming Subsystems in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

Plug-in operation instructions:

Right-click to directly create the corresponding blueprint.

When using, directly get the blueprint name_C node to get the corresponding instance object.

For example, the blueprint name is BP_DTGameInstanceSubsystem

The way to obtain it is as follows:

It is recommended to restart the editor after the window instantiates the blueprint, otherwise there may be multiple repeated Get options.

Detailed description:


After the blueprint is created, the plug-in will automatically generate some callback nodes, which are helpful for logic processing. The following is the description of the nodes:

Common Node Description:

On Initialize:initialization of instances of the system

On Deinitialize:deinitialization of instances of the system

On Tick: Event called every frame, if ticking is enabled

World Subsystem Exclusive Node Description:

On Post Initialize:Called once all UWorldSubsystems have been initialized

On World Begin Play:Called when world is ready to start gameplay before the game mode transitions to the correct state and call BeginPlay on all actors

On World Components Updated:Called after world components (e.g. line batcher and all level components) have been updated

On Update Streaming State:Updates sub-system required streaming levels (called by world's UpdateStreamingState function)

Blueprint Subsystem in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace

Subsystems That Blueprints Can Use [ Game Instance / Local Player / World ]

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