今天跟大家分享的文章是 Python中面向对象编程的类与对象。
,希望能帮助到大家!本篇文章收录于 初心 的 Python从入门到精通 专栏。
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💕 长大后就忘了吗?曾经拥有的梦想。』—— 藤子不二雄「哆啦A梦」
Python 是一种面向对象的编程语言。
Python 中的几乎所有东西都是对象,拥有属性和方法。
如需创建类,请使用 class 关键字:(例如)
class MyClass: x = 5
- init() 函数
要理解类的含义,我们必须先了解内置的 init() 函数。
所有类都有一个名为 init() 的函数,它始终在启动类时执行。
类定义不能为空,但是如果您处于某种原因写了无内容的类定义语句,请使用 pass 语句来避免错误。
class Car: ''' >>> deneros_car = Car('Tesla', 'Model S') >>> deneros_car.model 'Model S' >>> deneros_car.gas 30 >>> deneros_car.gas -= 20 # The car is leaking gas >>> deneros_car.gas 10 >>> deneros_car.drive() 'Tesla Model S goes vroom!' >>> deneros_car.drive() 'Cannot drive!' >>> deneros_car.fill_gas() 'Gas level: 20' >>> deneros_car.gas 20 >>> Car.gas 30 >>> Car.gas = 50 # Car manufacturer upgrades their cars to start with more gas >>> ashleys_car = Car('Honda', 'HR-V') >>> ashleys_car.gas 50 >>> ashleys_car.pop_tire() >>> ashleys_car.wheels 3 >>> ashleys_car.drive() 'Cannot drive!' >>> brandons_car = Car('Audi', 'A5') >>> brandons_car.wheels = 2 >>> brandons_car.wheels 2 >>> Car.num_wheels 4 >>> brandons_car.drive() # Type Error if an error occurs and Nothing if nothing is displayed 'Cannot drive!' >>> Car.drive(brandons_car) # Type Error if an error occurs and Nothing if nothing is displayed 'Cannot drive!' >>> brandons_car.color 'No color yet. You need to paint me.' >>> brandons_car.paint('yellow') 'Audi A5 is now yellow' ''' def __init__(self, make, model): def paint(self, color): def drive(self): def pop_tire(self): def fill_gas(self): # Edit Your Code Here import doctest doctest.testmod()
# 定义类变量 gas 初始值为30 gas = 30 # 定义车轮初始数为4 wheels = 4 num_wheels = 4 # 初始化车品牌和车型 def __init__(self, make, model): self.make = make self.model = model self.color = 'No color yet. You need to paint me.' def paint(self, color): self.color = color return self.make+' '+self.model+' is now %s'%self.color def drive(self): if (self.gas > 0 and self.wheels == self.num_wheels): # 每次开车耗油10 self.gas -= 10 return 'Tesla Model S goes vroom!' else: # 如果油量不足或者车轮数不足都不能开车 return 'Cannot drive!' def pop_tire(self): # 将轮胎数减少1 self.wheels -= 1 def fill_gas(self): # 加油一次加20,返回剩余油量 self.gas += 20 return 'Gas level: %d' % self.gas
class MyDate: """ >>> MyDate(2023, 5, 4) == MyDate(2023, 5, 4) True >>> MyDate(2023, 5, 7) - MyDate(2023, 1, 4) 123 >>> MyDate(2024, 2, 29) + 365 MyDate(2025, 2, 28) >>> MyDate(2025, 2, 28) - MyDate(2024, 2, 29) 365 >>> MyDate(2024, 12, 31) + 2 MyDate(2025, 1, 2) """ # Edit Your Code Here def __init__(self, year, month, day): def __add__(self, numofdays): def __sub__(self, other): def __eq__(self, other): def __repr__(self): import doctest doctest.testmod()
# 日期转换工具 from dateutil import parser # 日期时间库 from datetime import timedelta, datetime class MyDate: def __init__(self, year, month, day): # 判断月、日是否小于10,如果小于10就加上'0' if (month < 10): month = '0' + str(month) else: month = str(month) if (day < 10): day = '0' + str(day) else: day = str(day) year = str(year) # 将日期格式确定为'xxxx-xx-xx' self.date = year + '-' + month + '-' + day def __add__(self, numofdays): # 将字符串格式的日期转换为 datetime 类型 date_obj = datetime.strptime(self.date, '%Y-%m-%d').date() # 加上 days 得到 新的 datetime 对象 date = date_obj + timedelta(days=numofdays) # 返回新的 MyDate 对象 return MyDate(date.year, date.month, date.day) def __sub__(self, other): # 得到相差的天数 days = (parser.parse(self.date) - parser.parse(other.date)).days return days def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, MyDate): if self.date == other.date: return True else: return False def __repr__(self): # 返回字符串 date_obj = datetime.strptime(self.date, '%Y-%m-%d').date() return "MyDate(%d, %d, %d)"%(date_obj.year,date_obj.month,date_obj.day)
✨ 这就是今天要分享给大家的全部内容了,我们下期再见!😊
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