Java Review - Java进程内部的消息中间件_Event Bus设计模式
监控文件的实时变化 , 就这一句话???
程序首次启动时获取该文件的最后修改时间并且做文件的首次解析,然后每隔一段指定的时间检查一次文件最后被修改的时间,如果与记录的时间相等则等待下次的采集(Balking Pattern),否则进行新一轮的采集并且更新时间。
这。。。。有问题啊 , 比如在采集时间间隔内,文件发生了N次变化,只能获取到最后一次,其根本原因是文件的变化不会通知到应用程序, 我只能傻傻的轮询~
JDK自1.7版本后提供了WatchService类,该类可以基于事件通知的方式监控文件或者目录的任何变化,文件的改变相当于每一个事件(Event)的发生,针对不同的时间执行不同的动作,结合NIO2.0中提供的WatchService和Event Bus实现文件目录的监控的功能。
Event Bus案例实战
import com.artisan.bfzm.eventbus.EventBus; import java.nio.file.*; /** * @author 小工匠 * @version 1.0 * @description: TODO * @date 2021/12/2 16:37 * @mark: show me the code , change the world */ public class DirectoryTargetMonitor { private WatchService watchService; private final EventBus eventBus; private final Path path; private volatile boolean start = false; public DirectoryTargetMonitor(final EventBus eventBus, final String targetPath) { this(eventBus, targetPath, ""); } /** * * 构造Monitor的时候需要传入EventBus以及需要监控的目录 * @param eventBus * @param targetPath * @param morePaths */ public DirectoryTargetMonitor(final EventBus eventBus, final String targetPath, final String... morePaths) { this.eventBus = eventBus; this.path = Paths.get(targetPath, morePaths); } public void startMonitor() throws Exception { this.watchService = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService(); //为路径注册感兴趣的事件 this.path.register(watchService, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_DELETE, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE); System.out.printf("The directory [%s] is monitoring... \n", path); this.start = true; while (start) { WatchKey watchKey = null; try { //当有事件发生时会返回对应的WatchKey watchKey = watchService.take(); watchKey.pollEvents().forEach(event -> { WatchEvent.Kind<?> kind = event.kind(); Path path = (Path) event.context(); Path child = DirectoryTargetMonitor.this.path.resolve(path); //提交FileChangeEvent到EventBus FileChangeEvent(child, kind)); }); } catch (Exception e) { this.start = false; } finally { if (watchKey != null) { watchKey.reset(); } } } } public void stopMonitor() throws Exception { System.out.printf("The directory [%s] monitor will be stop...\n", path); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); this.start = false; this.watchService.close(); System.out.printf("The directory [%s] monitor will be stop done.\n", path); } }
在创建WatchService之后将文件的修改、删除、创建等注册给了WatchService,在指定目录下发生诸如此类的事件之后便会收到通知,我们将事件类型和发生变化的文件Path封装成FileChangeEvent提交给Event Bus.
import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.WatchEvent; /** * @author 小工匠 * @version 1.0 * @description: TODO * @date 2021/12/2 16:48 * @mark: show me the code , change the world */ public class FileChangeEvent { private final Path path; private final WatchEvent.Kind<?> kind; public FileChangeEvent(Path path, WatchEvent.Kind<?> kind) { this.path = path; this.kind = kind; } public Path getPath() { return path; } public WatchEvent.Kind<?> getKind() { return kind; } }
import com.artisan.bfzm.eventbus.Subscribe; /** * @author 小工匠 * @version 1.0 * @description: TODO * @date 2021/12/2 17:06 * @mark: show me the code , change the world */ public class FileChangeListener { @Subscribe public void onChange(FileChangeEvent event) { System.out.printf("%s-%s-%s\n", Thread.currentThread().getName(),event.getPath(), event.getKind()); } }
onChange方法由@Subscribe标记,但没有指定topic,当有事件发送到了默认的topic上之后,该方法将被调用执行,接下来我们将FileChangeListener的实例注册给Event Bus并且启动Monitor程序
import com.artisan.bfzm.eventbus.AsyncEventBus; import com.artisan.bfzm.eventbus.EventBus; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; /** * @author 小工匠 * @version 1.0 * @description: TODO * @date 2021/12/2 17:15 * @mark: show me the code , change the world */ public class FileDirTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ThreadPoolExecutor executor = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2); final EventBus eventBus = new AsyncEventBus(executor); //注册 eventBus.register(new FileChangeListener()); DirectoryTargetMonitor monitor = new DirectoryTargetMonitor(eventBus, "C:\\Users\\artisan\\Desktop\\aaa"); monitor.startMonitor(); } }