
简介: 这些网站程序员都应该知道


Some useful websites for programmers.

When learning CS there are some useful sites you must know to get always informed in order to do your technologies eve and learn new things. Here is a non exhaustive list of some sites you should visit, this list will get updated                                 as soon as I can get another link, but you can also contribute by adding those you know                                 😉                            


When                                 you get stuck

  • Stack Overflow : subscribe to their weekly newsletter and any other topic which you find interesting
  • Quora : A place to share knowledge and better understand the world
  • Learn Anything : Community curated knowledge graph of best paths for learning anything
  • devRant : Community where you can rant and release your stress


Coding                                 practice for beginners

  • freeCodeCamp : Learn to code and build projects for nonprofits. Build your full stack web development portfolio today
  • Reddit.com/r/dailyprog… : interesting programming challenges where you can learn from looking at other's code , even if you are not able to solve code you can                                     look at how others solved.
  • Programming by Doing : very good site for those who want to start with absolute basics
  • CodeAbbey - a place where everyone can master programming : Best place to begin with problems that start at the easiest and gradually increase difficulty with each problem.
  • Exercism.io : download and solve practice problems in over 30 different languages, and share your solution with others.
  • Programming Tasks : large collection of small programs
  • karan/Projects-Solutions Solutions to most of the problems in the link above
  • Lod - Cloud : The Linking Open Data cloud diagram
  • Cave of programming : Learn to program, Upgrade your skills.
  • Codeacademy : Learn to code interactively, for free.

For                                 those who want to start a small project but can't find the ideas

General                                 Coding advice

Coding                                 Style

General                                 Tools

  • regex101 : Online regex tester and debugger: PHP, PCRE, Python, Golang and JavaScript

Interview                                 Preparation


  • Machine that Changed the World - a very good documentary about history of computers                                    

MOOCs                                 for learning something new

Sites                                 related to your preferred programming language (For me Java)

Learn                                 AI

Seminar                                 , research writing , talks etc

Everything                                 in one place

YouTube                                 Channels

Good                                 Articles


Building                                 a Simple Compiler/interpreter


Watch                                 others code

  • LiveEdu.tv : screencast of people building application, websites, games, ect.

What                                 should a programmer know

Competitive                                 programming

Computer                                 Books

Video                                 Tutorials

Online                                 Compiler and Sharing Code snippets

  • CodePad : Code editor to try, test and run 25+ languages
  • JSFiddle : Test your JavaScript, CSS, HTML or CoffeeScript with online code editor
  • Ideone.com
  • Pastebin.com
  • Godbolt.org: Excellent tool for exploring the assembly output of different compilers with and without optimization.

Blogs                                 of Developers

For                                 improving your English

When                                 you get bored from CS related stuff

  • r/ProgrammerHumor : Subreddit dedicated to exactly what it sounds like
  • Vsauce : The best youtube channel
  • TED : Great talks about technology, entertainment, and design
  • CrashCourse : small courses on various subjects
  • National Geographic : High volume of high quality content from all over the world
  • Barcroft TV : Daily short documentaries about the incredible variety of people that make up the world
  • ColdFusion : Past, present, and future of technology
  • SmarterEveryDay : Lots of amazing scientific information about the world around us, usually captured with a high-speed camera
  • SciShow : Answers to interesting questions that you've always wondered about
  • Big Think : Expert driven, actionable, educational content, featuring experts ranging from Bill Clinton to Bill Nye
  • Every Frame a Painting : High quality analysis of films and filmmaking
  • TestTube News : Interesting information about news from around the world
  • Reddit the front page of the internet : Where free time goes to die
    Maintained with ❤️ by sdmg15 & al

小程序 前端开发 程序员
阿里坚持每年都举办集体婚礼,还得从“阿里日”开始说起。 2003年“非典”期间,因一位员工被确诊“疑似”,全体阿里员工必须搬着电脑回家隔离办公。为纪念那段艰苦岁月中的坚韧坚持,感恩家人的温暖支撑,2005年起,阿里决定将每年的5月10日设立为“阿里日”,并从2006年起,每年举办员工集体婚礼。 当阿里集体婚越来越受到阿里人追捧时, “公益”成为集体婚礼另一个重要的关键词。每年累计公益时长最高的两对夫妻,可以免于抽签,直接参加集体婚礼。 为了给妻子王若芸一个别致却更有意义的婚礼,这一年,阿里云程序员驿桥积累了599个公益时,这是他和妻子的爱情故事。
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程序猿们看过来!这可能是史上最全程序员爱逛网站分享 赶紧收藏
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成功程序员的 14 个优秀习惯,良心推荐!
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Java 程序员 应用服务中间件
大家可能有感受到,最近新闻特别多,都是事关自身利益的大事,比如加税、减税、比如养老金增加、房产税草案等,都是直接涉及到个人腰包的大事。 而且最近很多朋友的公司、企业业绩相当的差,很多本来正常的公司融资断了,有的直接宣布破产,工资都发不下来的也有一大坨。
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1、改变角色,摒弃学生身份。 职场与教室是完全不同的两个环境,直白来说,教室内彼此的竞争仅仅是面子问题。争强好胜而已。职场的竞争无论何时何地都存在,只是表面是否和谐而已。所以说,不要傻傻分不清。简单来说,就拿问问题来说,如果是学生问老师,刨根问底,紧追不舍,都无可厚非。
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