Time Complexity -mycodeschool

简介: Time Complexity - why should we care?How to analyze Time Complexity?Time Complexity analysis - asymptotic notations.Time Complexity analysis -some general rules.

Time Complexity - why should we care?

n is a prime?



for 2 to n-1 if i divides n n is not prime

for 2 to sqrt(n) if i divides n n is not prime

this takes (n-2) times

this takes (sqrt(n)-1) times

with the increasing of the number n,B is faster than A.

How to analyze Time Complexity?

Input -rate of growth of time

we suggest a model machine:

single processor


sequential execution

1 unit time for arithmetical and logical operations

1 unit for assignment and return

O is an Asymptotic notation(渐进符号)

Tsum = k O(1)

Tsumoflist = Cn + C| O(n)

Tsumofmatrix = Cn2 +C|n +C|| O(n2)

Time Complexity analysis - asymptotic notations

O -"big -on" notation -> upper bound

O(g(n))={f(n):there exist constants C and n0 ,f(n)<=Cg(n),for n>=n0}


f(n) = 5n2 +2n + 1

g(n) = n2 C=5+2+1=8 n0 = 1

f(n)<=8n2 , n>=1


Ω - Omega notation->lower bound

Ω(g(n)) = {f(n):there exist constants C and n0 Cg(n)<=f(n),for n>=n0}


f(n) = 5n2 +2n + 1

g(n) = n2 C=5 n0 = 0

5n2<=f(n) , n>=0


θ - Theta notation -Tight bound

θ(g(n)) = {f(n):there exist constants C1 ,C2 and n0 ,C1g(n)<=f(n)<=C2g(n),for n>=n0}

f(n) = 5n2 +2n +1

g(n) = n2

C1 =5 C2 =8 n0 =1

5n2 <= f(n) <=8n2,n>=1


Time Complexity analysis -some general rules

We analyze time complexity for:

Very large input-size

Worst case scenari0


drop lower order terms

drop constant multiplier


T(n) = 17n4 + 3n3 + 4n +8-> T(n) = n4 ->O(n4)

Rule:Running Time = the sum of running time of all garments

in a program:

simple statements fragment1 O(1)

signal loop fragment2 O(n)

nested loop fragment3 O(n2)

it takes O(n2)

if we use if fragment2 O(n) else fragment3 O(n2) ,it also takes O(n2)

we always try to analyze it in the worst case

Rule: conditional statements, Pick complexity of condition which is worst case


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